
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 23rd. December 1944.
MADE CHRISTMAS MESSAGE THE CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANA COMPANY, LIMITED THE BANANA PRODUCERS FRIEND Extends to The Banana Producers of the Atlantic Zone, Especially to the members of the Atlantic Banana Growers.
ASSOCIATION 54 as well as to the people of Costa Rica in general.
Its heartest good wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS MARLANE NELSON AND TOKEO HAPPY NEW YEAR was why Christ was bomina BY MAJOR. THOS. LYNCH talje. Luke makes mo effort to dramatize, yet what draaa To wish my dear friends a is not the abundance of luxuries is contained in this terse stat MIORRY CHRISTMAS this year which we have around us tha ment of fact! Back of it is the is the privilege was denied of we hive within us that will story of the two travellers arriva last year, and so Suy a MOR make the season, but THE ing at Bathlehem at night; foot RY CHRISTMAS to YOU ALL AMOUNT OF JOY and GRATI worn; chilled and fant. Every with DCUBEN MEANING AND TUDE TO GOD that we huse house fuli, nowhere to adinit STRENGTH within us that will make the them. Then, for common hunari You may feel that it is not po SEASON REAL. May we there ty of the deed, shelter was or sible to have a Merry Christfore seek to be possessors ured them in the stable behind mas during this season, in real INWARD JOY.
the inn. There it was thay Mary view of the conditions which St. Luke 2:7, tells us, There brought forth her first born. Sen encincle us, but may say, was no room in the inn, Thai THE SON OF GOD and wrap ped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, IN MEMORIAM No doubt, there were many notables in Bethlehem on that In fond and loving memory to my belowed wife.
occasion, but none are remem.
bered save this group. Jesus and Hs parents. We know the fe was an nn keeper, but we who departed this life on the 15th of December 1942.
do not know his name. Altoge The labourer task is ended ther no one was to blame yet Now the battle day is completed we feel that this man was SO She upon the Father throne is landed voyager has reached the golden strand pre oveupied with the prastical My memory for thee shall never be malted mundane affairs of this life But Jesus loved thee best.
that he missed something sa Edward Mathias Nelson ored and precious. While he continued to look after the worshipped. If the Christmas season is to have any rea!
meaning, It must be thatThe attention of the Atlanue accommodations they now oeur hearts of men every where. Christ is born anew in the Voice has been called to the fact py.
is easy to crowd Christ out of tha several of the collectors of Such augmetation on the pre our hearts, yet we hear One house rents have notified the sent rentals is, we believe, stric: writer say tenals that, effective the 1st. Jally forbidden by a law wihich was mury 1945, they will be required recelly promugated. We advise Thurgh Christ a thousand ti to pay a higher rental for the the tenants concerned to maice mes, in Betahlehem was born, Until He born in me, My the necessary enquiry.
heart is alt forlorni If we will only study to be quiet it may be that to us will come corn angel song and sweet wonder of Christ dwe We are told that, ir keeping of this city on Christmas Morn. lling in our hearts by faith with the traditional fraternal The Reverend Holmes, And now for a Happy New custom, the members of the New the Minister of the Circuit, will Year mae sure there is Hope Lodge of the Ancient Or. conduct the service. The church ROOM IN YOUR HEART der of Shepherds, Ashton Unity, is said to have extended a spe. FOR JESUS. The Lord Siess are due to attend divine wor. cial invitation to general public ship at the Methodist Church to attend the worship.
you now and ever.
The greater the production of Banana, thu more will be our purchasing strength.
CHANDLER EHRMAN, General Manager OF MUCH IMPORTANCE LA PROVEEDORA Offers: Correct Weight. Lower Prices Fresh Merchandise Desires to express through this medum its mest profound gratitude for the year patronage obtained from its esteemed customers, friends and the public in general and wishes them.
ALL THE BRIGHTNESS OF CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR RIPENED WITH PROSPERITY LA PROVEEDORA NEW HOPE LODGE TO ATTEND SPECIAL SERVICE MERRY CHRISTMAS. 1944 HAPPY NEW YEAR 1945 WELCOMED ARRIVAL When you are in the meat section of the Limon Market, Remember to visit YOUR STALL, attended by: INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES BOX 186 SAN JOSE Exclusive Distributors, in Costa Rica, for the well known NUGGET products Convey to all their good clients and the public in general best wishes for a MERRY XMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR THE ATLANTIC VOICE ex.
tends a hearty weloome to Miss Paulina Lewis, daughter of our highly esteemed Mr Ernest Cecil Lewis, proprietor of Hotel His.
pano America in this city. We desire to assure the very plea cant young lady that she will, without doubt, enjoy the charac.
teristic hospitality of Limonen ses; and we are hoping she will soon adjust herself to our cli matic and other conditions.
ECELS CRAWFORD who attends to your wishes with human sunbeam always on his countenance and with pleasing satisfaction The friend of every one and enemy to none GRANERO LA FLOR He desires the best that life has in store for his customers and friends, not only at Yuletide, but at all times.
This is a special medium to express our most sincere thanks to our patrons and friends and to extend them our greetings for a EXTENDS THE SEASON HEARTY GOOD WISHES FOR a Among the passengers who arrived ly air transportation, on Sunday the 17th, instart, was Miss Josera Jackson of Radia na. She has been abroad for a considerable length of time and has come to visit ber parents and other relatives. We wish her a happy rennion with her fami.
ly and a picasant vacation in general.
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MERRY CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR LADEN WITH PROSPERITY Leonard and Mrs. Corbett, Proprietors Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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