
Sorte vet Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 23rd. December 1944 WWW CHRISTMAS 1944 SEASON GREETINGS 2018 to as 92 RELATIVES AND FRIENDS LAST From Benjamin Stanley and Family CUSTOM Stand by us lest we fall. support us with your uniter strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLI Dixon little place West of the city Market. WA 50 THE RIVERSIDE ORCHESTRA a the Holy Tell us your requirements. Ready for all engagements: MUSIC WITH ALL ITS MELODY Here is thanking everyone who patronized us during the year that is closing, and at the same time expressing our heart felt wishes for a: inizlede, at CHRISTMAS FULL WITH LIFE PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Ernesto Barley and Associate Musicians su 1640 EIGHT DAYS MC Again we approach the Festi us to Christ, if we will. They val of God Peace on Earth and have presented abundant oppor.
OF INCESSANT RAP Goodwill toward men; and for a tunity for loving service to our sixth year the world is rent by fellowman in various ways, and The watery vapours aga war. And yet, a plain Evil, such they have provided a ghasty har gave way, unceasingly,. fr as war, has its contribution to vest of that inhuman cruelty to Sunday night the 10th. un make to that which a believer ard the helpless, which baffled the early morning of Sund in the Prince of Peace should wrath and baffled lust will althe 17th. instant, whe become. Have you considered the ways produce.
sun appeared, but soo gnificance of the three atten. If you will think on all this, determined rain resum dant Feasts of the Christmas Fes you will see immediately with mastery until Monday tival? On the day after Christ. what gladness we ought to weling, the 18th. This day mas, we commemorate St; Stecome that Day of Commemora ught a ray of joy to our her phen. His martyrdom reminds ustion which is pledge to us that as it aforded a resumption that men can be made perfect He who, is able to make a aerial transportation betwe through suffering. and thus things new in this imperfect our city and the Capital, find a clear vision of Jesus workel, was born at Bethlehem of the receipt of newspapers Christ. The commemoration of a human Mother. Wartime and a limited amount of gene St. John on the next day treac. its attributes do rob us of much correspondence.
hes that the love of Christ of the social activity which we These later rains having is constraining power love for his fellowman. Then the rightly connect with Christmas creased the difficultice Day, but they light up more brithe railroad service, no Feast of Innocents great ruth for shows how powerful a magnelliantly the or passengers could be, which Chrsitmas stands.
to draw us to Our Lord s, the this time of writing, and will fill a man with a greaten you all. very Blessed Christmas to ved further west than suffering of the children of the five miles. Some days guiltletss. The last five years ha JAMES EVANS were no service movemen USA ve brought us all in one from or Rural Dean Costa Rica either the Estrella or Mr another suffering which can draw Panama.
mes. The hill, locate chains before reaching Pascual River, is said to En su ayuda al comercio, ruégole no olvidar la CAFETERIA caused the interuptions LA MAGNOLIA 60 varas Norte del Correo.
Monte Verde could be ABIERTO TODA LA NOCHE. VISITENOS ed. The Guapiles Line ffered a ninterruption for veral days.
The big problem at 48 Sparkie the Thought of our well Baked les is not yet solved. Ho ARRA: READ, BUN, ver, as ill. winds al blow some god for some CAKE AND OTHER DAINTIES: we learn, the spot is ser as a gold mine fr sever This medium is adopted to thank our many man carriers of baggage friends, customors and sympathizers for other loads for the tra their support during the year and desire to who risk transferring fro wish them a side of the damaged RIGHT BRILLIANT CHRISTMAS the other It is noted that the AND NEW YEAR CROWNE WITH ming public are being HAPPINES deeper and deeper into Sarah Ricketts. Children, Gran Children profiteering jaws of се and Great Grand traders in connection with purchasing of articles of fit necessity; thus, Sug head (dulce) from 25 50 each. Sugar, at th THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE weight of 13 ounces for or colon. Yam, 40 the pruni ESTABLISHMENT Casava 20; Coking sa to 20 per pound; che Our Furniture brightens every home and office Words are choes 35 and 40 cts. eu not sufficient, but are only at our command to express the plantains, 15 cts. each; to gratefulness we owe our esteemed patrons and friends for fingers of green bananas the grand support given to us during the year that is nearly five cents. etc.
ended EVEN DULL APPETITES BEST BREAD AT THE PEOPLE BAKERY Sura THANKS ARE IN ORDER We are glad of this opportunity to say thanks for the support obtained from our frends and customers, as well as the ge.
neral public, during 1944 and assure them of our best efforts to deserve their patronage during 1945.
MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR enota Phillip Booth and Family 22 ou Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city Market. MUL. EN. OL FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash and Dentrifice.
HERE IS WISHING THEM MERRY CHRISTMAS 1944 HAPPY NEW YEAR 1945 MOSCU, 22, Dos fue as rusas que están convergie lo sobr la ciudad de Losien irontera eslovaca se encuentra a 32 kilómetros de un enlac Este movimiento de pinzas sou tico amenaza con envolver último ejército alemán en el oeste de Hungría.
Beresford Duncan OSAKA FUE TAMBION ATACADA SEASON GREETINGS 0:53 MA. TARAL ALKALINE TABLETS good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS SAN JOSE TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
SAN FRANCISCO, 22. UP La radio Tokio inforina que las zuperfortalezas enfocaron su ata.
que esta mañana soura Nagoya, centro de fábricas de aviones ja.
onés. Agrega traevisión eto le Osaka fué también asaltada así como otras dos zonas de po ducción bélica a lo largo de la sta oriental de Honsu.
members not liudna analogia RELATIVES AND FRIENDS Rupert Henry and Family From Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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