
turday, 23rd. December 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Página 15 were FOR SALE ex Dev and in REGARDING OPERATIONS ON THE VARIOUS WAR FRONTS At this time of wo. ting, we Japan by the super forts of General Mac Arthur, after XMAS NEW YEAR are in receipt of the following the North American air force. gerong trhough with the con information regarding act. Much damage of a serioous quest of the Island Leyte, is vities. nthe battie fronts in caharacters is reportod to have reported to be preparing an GREETING CARDS Europe and the Far Eastern been produced nthe Island assault against the of the Is.
of Honshu lond Leyte, is reported to be HOLIDAY SEASON The trmendous offensive Soviet forces are concentra preparing an assauit against initiated a week ago by the ting on the city of Losot, in the Island of Luzon. Flights Germans against the first the vicinoty of the nortewes have been made over the Is.
Dress Goods, Shirts, Ties, etc.
North American Army is re. rern frontier of Hungary and land by units of the air force ported to have penetrated threaten tre encirclement of based in Mindoro, inly two Belgian territory to a repth of the last German army in that hundred and thrity three ki.
Noveities at prices to please you ingur fofty eight kilometers. The la country.
lometers from Manila.
test dispatches, however, in at SS3 dicate that thecricans are hol CARRYING ON THE TORECH ding firmly in both extermi.
ties of the battle fron and are On the 12th of the cum, splendidly for the Philharmo JACK ORANE SUCS.
rrent month, the cycle 3991 strongly positioned in Mal.
of nic Choir. The Loyal Bethse 2001 smedy and St. Vith. While it years presented the tenth an Ida Lodge of the Independent Limon is admitted in military circles niversary of the life of the Order of Odd Fellows, Marithat the Nazi advance may Port Llimon Branch of the Ja chester Unity, had its greet not be stopped for a week or maica Burial Scheme Society ings tendered by Mr. Bra so more, the General Head Towever, the rainy vapour, dg. Llocutionary items BOGOVOGOLESISEC DOSEG219092eseene. 00 quarrels of the Lst. Army sta. noh being in syrapathy with added by Mrs Williams and FOR SALE wel!
te their positions has greatly she desire to observe the event Mr. Walter Bamelt, a improved.
on that night, was washed, known Star. As members of GOOD BREED HAND FED PIGS the area west of Stavetoi, out. It was, in consequence, the Society, Mesdames Eva also the Americane are said to have accided to do homage on the Spence and Plunkett, trapped the greater part of proverbial thirteenth. And pressed their pleasure. Mr.
RICE DAWN one force in the best Nazi did very commendable did the so Ben Escoe and the Misses Lu visions.
ciety members, their guests cille Johnson and Joy Mur.
Wingfield Farm 12 Miles (Swamp Mouth)
Unifs of the Allied air force and many artistes brave the dock presided, alternately, at DAVID STEWART. Proprietor in the Mediterranean are con chilly night and assemble in the organ end piano Mr.
BWOO809000000000000000099808ee00eQOSODOMORF tinuing their disastrous ai.
the Hall of the St. Mark Pa Gray was head on his iolim.
tacks over important enemy rish. Soon an abundance of High grade refreshments PERFECT CHRISTMAS positions in Austria, Czecho.
warmth was generated by the were served with marked go.
solvakia and Germany, penetrating power of. the voi nerosity. For carrying on the present, we all could have and ness beyond restorațion and set What a scene this world would break the crust of hun selfisl.
Albanian gurrillo warrios ces of the artistes and the ap Torch, we sincerely congratu enjoy one perfect Christmas many springs of kindness have crossed the frontier of peal of the musical instru lote Mr. Harold Smith, who one day in which the Christmas goodwill flowing.
Greece, with wath intention, ments.
represents the Jamaica Supre spirit should manifest itsell Though such a Christmas ma Os not yet released.
Mr. Brotherton, the mia Council; Mr. Muir, Past Additional aerial attacks chairman of the Branch, effec Chairman; Mr. Britherton, every human heart in all its liap, exist only in the realm of dream piest, truest, largest meaning. it is within our power to mak have been effected against ted the prelude and introdu immediate presiding hairman; what a foretaste of the mille each recurring Christmas measua the metropolitan Zone of ced Mr. Leslie Angus to pre Miss Mae Grswine, Vice Cha nium such a day would be! What bly like, by translating into deed!
side over the spicy program irman; Mr. McFarlane and sorrows would be mitigated and the wishes we express, by using COSTA RICA me. With glowing expressi. Miss Gaynor, Secretaryies; SODA WATER ons and sincere pleasure, Mr. Mr. Bartley, Treasuren, jealousles and bitterness buried, tunites tọ make life a little borigl.
mi series assuaged! What enmițies the best of our means and oppor Angus fook up the responsiMessrs. Gouldbourne and FACTORY never to be reneved.
ter, a 11ttle sweeter, for thos ble assignment, Miss Daphney Sinclair Weckes, as well as Such a Christmas, even for bit more like the Fábrica de Hielo Murdock delivered the re. the general membership. May single day, would be a source of life we so freely wish for ow Refrescos marks of Welcome. The pre they continue to carry the Agencia Cervecería sentation of a summary Fanfasurable blessing for the fellow men, of Torch and brighter the way of universo. It could not fall Traube the ten year stewardship was the distressed, the sick, the by Mr. Peter Muir.
widow and the orphan, thro No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place toz LIMON Duets and solos were contri ugh many more years, yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Marle FLORIDA ICE AND buted by the Misses and Johnson, and Blake, FARM CO. Isaac, Gaynor, Mesdames Heron, Gayle, Mur.
LA FLORIDA dock, Gray and Thomas, Ma deras In line with the guest spea Fábrica de Hielo kers, Miss Dawkins spoke CACAO HAPPY LANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT THEATRE ARRASTY The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao The Season of Cheer and Good will is RAICILLA. IPECACUANA with us SAY IT WITH LOVING WORDS RUBBER WRITTEN ON BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS We are Agents for Happy Landing offers a specially prepared variety at reasonable prices THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVE BUY TODAY. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATF, DONT DELAY.
a around us. a bit to Caribbean Packing Co.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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