p. 16


Cal pre 1968 26 Página 16 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 23rd. December 1944.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are Every scrap of Little ships helped in the Jungle fighters More deadly than BUILDING (THE NEW BRITAIN mica fights Aegean TO run their show rockets With the end of German Chindits Troops of the 3rd Reconstruction has been a In a world of newly in sea power in the Aegean is Indian Division who follow. Silly rumours about subject much in evidence in vented substitutes, no satis is possible to discuss one of ed the late Maj. Gen. Win were rife before it was Parliament recently and the factory substitute has been the most successful chapters gate into the Jap held jun. ble to tell the country closing days of the Session found for the mineral mica. of sea warfare in the Medigles of North Burma made truth about rocketbombs saw two more teasures for Air supremacy and sue. terranean Theatre, their own entertainment for cording to one story, ex dealing with the problem pla. cess in modern battle rely This campaign has been they were often hundreds of ter made by a rocket wise ced on the Statute Book.
on engime and radio effici. sustained with incroasing sumiles from the nearest point warhend is known to caite The first of these deals ency Engine and radio effi. ccess ever since the enemy. where an ENSA party or ev. in only one ton of explosive with Town and country Plan ciency depend on mica. Mica established himself in the en a mobile cinema could vi was made angle enough ing. The main object of the is essential because it com. Aegean.
sit them.
to accommodate the entire Act is to provide for the replan bines qualities which There was plenty of talent Houses of Parliament.
nig of town areas hchich neer not found together in any Night Patrols among these veteran pungle to be lair out afrest as a whole, other known material. No god is served by, rs fighters, and their Road peating unfounded rumours.
because of extensive war da. splits to sheets a thousan. Motor Launches and Mo. Show became famous not mage or because of bad lay ath of an inch thick; it is tor Torpedo Boats, operat. only among the Chindits the passing on unconfirmed fe.
The habit of accepting and out and obsolete revelopment, flexible; it won melt; iting from their advance ba mselves but all over India areas described respectively as won dissolve; it won per. ses at Casteloriso in the ene and Assam and over the bor ports. how often do they blitzed and blighted.
prove to be entirely with ai ish; it is a nearly perfect in my held Dodeganes night der in Burma, Foundation! is equally can sulator, and it holds electric ly patrolled the maze of is.
gerous in war and peace. The UNSIG THEIR POWERS power without leakage. lands between the Turkish Closed Down Now war it can create alarm and Under its terms local au. poup ATTU coast and the Greek main.
Now Road Show has anxiety for dear ones; in pe.
thorities will be enabled to Long Journey land. To increase their ra, closed down. Sickness and ace it may do irreparable buy land more expeditiously dius of action, these small repatriaton have so thinned damage to one fellow. ren.
than ever before, and they Mica is mined chiefly in ships would frequently the ranks of the cast that it will be able to use their powers India, Africa and Brazil. Af spend considerable periods is impossible to carry on.
Whatever the public purpose ter it is taken from the mi away from their base. By Justifying its name the forwhich the land is neced not nes it is roughly dressed re. day, they would lie up in party. giveng songs, sketches Drops very successfu only for house but for roads, ady for shipping, but in the the enemy. Tucked away in and a variety of clever turns.
schools, and so on, and also rought dressing fourffiths of some secluded bay and shre toured more than 30, 000 miles. One of the war most For the sake of found plan the total mined has to be wdly camouflaged, they wo and gave more than 250 markable feats of supply hing. It helps tosolve the pro discarded because the pie. uld defy detection by Ger. shows during the two years ping from the air, and at blem of the planning authority ces are too small or because man reconnaissance planes of its existence. The show same time one of the heari, when faced with a tangle of it is not of sufficiently good and enemy look outs, then has been broadcast five blows to the Germans ret separate ownerships. The way quality. This fact, and the stealthily slip out at dusk to times and has made three ting in the Balkans, has is thus cleared for dealing long journey from overseas, continue hunting and harry completete recordings. been achieved by the Ro with town redevelopment on adds to its scarcity, and being the enemy.
Air Force.
on ordered and comprehen cause there is no satisfactory Fought at Imphal The supplies were for)
sive programme, substitute. British factory Allied with regular coastal Shows were given as farshal Tito, army in Yugo. The second Acst deals with workers are taking care no forces have been our schoo. south as Milestone 83 on the via the greatest quar the setting up of a Ministry to wsate any. Sparking plags ners and caiques. These Tiddin Road with fighting ever dropped in the Met lof National Insurance This need mica screen small ships, indigenous to going on nearby. When Imnean zone in a 48 hour per Ministry will be concerned u be fourengined the Aegean, have been taphal was threatened Road 660 tons delivered by 506 with the extensive and varied bomber, with eighteen cylin ken into war service in lar Show was there and the craft Heavy and medium. Tegislations which will have to der engines, two plugs to a ge numbers both by the Ger cast was organised as a figh bers on an RAF group, plr be introduced to give effect cylinder, uses 144 plugs with mans and ouselves in the ting platoon. In the latex ced at the Idiscsa, of to the Governments proposa is their mica screens, case of the enemy by coer stages of the Imphal Plain Balkan Air Force, contributeo on all aspects of social insu.
cion, in ours by eager coope batiles they were flown out. nearly 400 sorties to their to.
ranse. These indude family Essential to Radio ration. Besides the base cai Every member of the cast tal, allowances, industrial injury!
ques and schooners, who su came from the same divi. The most important aspect insurance, ad sickness, unen! Raid communication by pply the wants of the coastal sion, the Sed Indian whose of the operation was its ployment and old age benen, wireless makes possibje com forces, many have been em record is as proud as any tical timeliness. For it rein, Vits bined attack by sea, air and ployed in offensive roles. operating on the Burmaced those Partisans who ar land. Efficiency of radio val Two schooner flotillas have front. The breaking up of in the path of the Germans. Britain already has an incom ves and condensers would be been operating regularly, ca the party will be sad news trapped, or almonst trapp d, parable insurance scheme. The impossible without mica, lled the first and second An for the Chindits and for the in Yugoslavia and anxious, Governments proposals re.
So because it is scarce, co glo Hellenic Schooner Floti tens of thousands of troops above all else, to keep their cognise that the time is now mes a long way, and has no llas, which were manned by in India who enjoyed their line of retreat open.
ripe for another great advan.
substitute, war workers are men of the Royal Navy and shows, ce. Large savings in adminis helping by not wasting pre Royal Hellenic Navy.
tration will be effected once cious mica.
the whole process of insuran.
ce has become unified, com Buccaneering Spirit pulsory and notional. Here is a would be bad for his morale real opportunity for what Mr. if he were told. The Luftwaf.
The Volunteer Churchill once called Brin fe pilot knows little more, des Officers from which and Hostilities Only sea.
ging the magic of averagespite the altitude fr to the rescue of millions.
he can battle, men who almost entirely go far form their crews have deveenough afield to find out. loped a fine buccaneering The Allied soldier and pilots spirit and contempt for har Linking the work of sol on the other hand, are given dships. It has ben with the as comprehensive and as fre help of these caiques and diers and airmen quent a survey of the fighting schooners, in addition to the Una patrulla de los Estados Unidos avanza a través de at everywhere as possible, by regular coastal forces, that bosque en el frente occidental y deja atrás los restos de The German soldier knows means of news sheets, lectures raids on the enemy islands vehículos alemanes, inutilizados en la ofensiva invernal, dittle of what is happening and facilities to listen to broad have continued without pau. que se desarrolla con creciente intensidad hacia el corazóa de Alemania.
In any sector but his own It casts.
can survey the se.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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