
ATLANTIC VOICE The Thought for the Weer Editor: JOS THOMAS Fred Madaly by afdiction is the heart of pan parlflei PO BOX 199 ble thoughta directed to a better state. Prosperit, In tozicates the imagination ad causes those affluence and honour to forget the hand by wul No 450 ware bestowed Je Red Sending only YEAR I IMON JANUARY 13 th, 1946 Ex President don Ricardo Jiménez Penshurst Tram Line System in of Effective Supervision Passes to the life Beyond of dire på.
the the DTS.
in More than huif a million vôtes ale ulAccording to the informition whipiente ter a rather short attack of 11 months. The son of is in urgent need of effective supervisiontal reached us the Pensburst Fran Line Ware illness, the oustadiogly femer noted President of order to safeguard the users agt til of illustrious son of the Repu th pol don Ricardo blic, Attorney Ricardo Ji rot only for wed in the foot gers which now face then.
menez Oremuto, passed political ps hw y of his fa The farmers located in that in into he Great Beyond du ther, bot mede hierry ly agricultural region claim the materiai ring the earlier hors flast having occupied the exalled the replacement if he lines is tuo Thoreday night, his resipresidential poritior dor carry the weight of the affic, which 10 dence in the capital. The re. three distinct terbos en passes (ver them he work man bip ligions ceremony and inter popular wi of his full went of the remains ware pationals. He deatbis mor said to be of an inferior character. The ffected durire ferenoor Ded throughout belegtb mury fish plates have not been use hours of the fk wing day. and breadth fthe entry are tod, at the joining of the rails, wn In cbedience to the expre and the Atlantic ist. ties being placed so distant apart, the ssed desire cf. deceased, kes this opporturiy to ten a ways dangerous surging of oars and te here was an absence of der its biocare correcto derailments with the likely loss of bath military and civil br.
the bereped Dr W, dangb lives. in addition to the animals in ter and other neinbers of aud the destruction of valuable propere Bro in base a p th fin.
Prescat day conditions demana tha ta. Th b. By Exertire ere, effective assistance should be accurd. day ff broer 1859, ou the Rep bie The Grand Old Man of Ricardo hd ter hed the ring for a period three agricu turists, regardless of the lines in Costa Rica» is no more Af dyaced gf 85 years and day.
they are engaged. This is all the mororative if we are to secure the much about improved food production We nok it would be weil if or you of griculture and Public Secu.
polled in recent el ctions in Jamaica thorough suspection of the ent and threafter recommenued the mea Though we are one bua the party in power can do was everywhere evinced by ways for remedying the defects and the dred per cent interested in will ever satisfy the clala, the muse, and results of biishing of a proper and effective managpo. boor, franky admit of the oppositionists, the potes polled show the Shoula the Centrai Geberament to we do not believe in party The elections held last House of the Representa desirous of essigo og sucb a manana poinics, as experieace has month in the Island of Ja tives» es composed of larwe believe the tier could be turn sta.
proved that betw. en theo malce, ander the provisione ge majority for bar to our Municipal Cuuncil who, are sure ore litica Hammer and Forge of the ow Constitution, wc who secured wwty three fui operati We appeal to those in a tuke the matter in hand and see toits ks the spread of de tructive re effected under the auspi. of the thirty. scais. Foar of spark is inevitab. e. ALC WAI ces of the different political of the remaining Disc wc e to come to th early aid of che our sty.
farmers as well as the travel iog pabied le every effort may be huncs. partie, wac had wiibin re.
carned by hc People Na tly made to fu. fil pre elec. oent years sprangintobeing. tional Party, who are also region.
sori tion promises, no og that As usual amount of interest on the side of Laboat, though on a more improved status. Independens casLa Cooperativa 300 An Lxplanation didates carried the otac fidel Cacao Mixta, Due to the unfortunate trouble which our Printers had been exb riencing with their workmen since the It is glacerely hoped Avisa a todos sus miembros que elclosing days of the past year, we wire unable to procure thai all the parties, particu.
an earlier release of this our first issue for the year 1945.
larly those of Capital and mingo que el domingo 31 de enero 1945 teabrá verificativo la Asa We sincerely regret the delay and the inconvenience Labour, will find posui it may have occasioned our esteemed readers and collabo.
ble to colaborate on terms General en el Salon San Marc valors howeviy rily on their continued sympathy of geoclue aca? undere a las pm and hope for an ear y resumption of normal conditions. baadleg lur ih gumoa gud of ali, su that at the (Después la veneraclón de la Igles close of th. Vc. ear period for which to buve been Ali Members of the CACAO BROWNE ABRAHAMS clcclcd, the Laplica Colu.
OPERATIVA MIXTA, are Agentes gial Online be satisfied reby summoned to attend the Ger Frente Unidad Sanitaria Meeting to be held in the Hallo quis. ch selves in Sci Wy Marks Parish in ths city on Ciudad de Limón.
cominn Justify day toe ziet cau. Pauce p. after ibe Church Servic ru cal sci SUVILAR VENTA DE MERCADERIAS Se a puse Raul Velaza General Mang a in Lu Saked on.
009 300 Ary ve.
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they have Su lutur Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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