
non, 1, urday, 13 th. 2017 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Pagina A. Yolanda Mascarella crowned Queen of Festival.
In Unfading Memory of our Beloved ellous success achieved by the Four United Tomorrow, Suaday 14tb. iostant, regisSeiflends, while large number of our citizenry de ters the first sad anniver ary of the death iniciad enjoyed new enchantment on the soil of the Republic of Panama, of quince our loving Daughter and Mother no veci con asist distist onr estemeed gers were Messrs. Royal Thomas were the offletal Beñores en Solano, of the Range, Fred. Cooper scrutinizers of the votes Amy Walker sidio, staff of the Gene and Elmo Harlstine, Cap which produced the followiog ballo Ouardia School, talns, respectively, of the results. Miss Yolanda Mos(January 14, 1944)
sento lently gives mloute slips which are transporting carella Queen of the Realm ARI to the doceasing oor bepanas to Miami and with the Misses Clarice Ru way in the distant land she bowed to the will of death leyó y sin which pre. Tampa, Florida, as albo ddock Carmen Soto, Marjo Many are the tears we have shed for her, but in vain que Dance on thenight the Misses Cleo McFarlane tle Hyling and Enllina el, they have helped to lighten burden of our hearts de da ultimo; and on the and Carmen Lyons of Pina Hilarion, a Princesses of Whatever had been her affliction she bore it alone go land of his miod the ms Charm and Fancy. The coAnd in her agony we know she missed our care and love para los placed, whihls his The midolght surprice rouation ceremony sgra ord grant her precions soul a place with the Sainta la coral artistic fingers promised by the young procefully pe formed by don eep her secure beneath The loving care mante into prominence in moters, Messrs. Frack Jack. Eluardo Cadet, and the pro veg to abide in Tbe gracions keeping and to propietl of the St. Mark son, Johole Himpreys, Al. clamation of Her Majesty est forever in the Paradise of the Lord.
eipales that which, aided by fonso Taylor and Noul Lord los regarfal reflection from came into view th a lively was read by don Ea ardo Albertina Smith (Mother) Grindmother Heroep the pivot of attrac of the Realm Messrs. racter created si de spitting Horoghting sytm, voting contest for a green cadet and it humoroes chaSon and other relatives, lan spell bound admi Eduardo Cadet and Joseph laughter.
traordit. addition, the lns logrned with spar.
To the memory of 15 despestries and a tri coalon zhting effect, eeted WEEKLY SAILINGS pon el from its position in Ex President Ricardo Jiménez elacienthand corner against From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARlel em tform BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA The Bitor.
Muy aterihatment reached We ways aman, despite Abel Rights when the bev ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Please fv urm his colour. He ever defet.
wih Ljecutiunine guests in rich For particulars, see or communicate with the necessary space in your dd the weak against the Fuero, gowns, dimpled lobeverend rosy lips, acomBRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents valued groal to pay ho strong. In union with the xcusa: jy the smart y attimage to them mory of a pcople thoughout the couo.
ai volu tlemen, came into the Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of true friend of the colourd try, mour rhe lose of Pension Carlbe in front of Park Vargas, COMFORTABLE sistir (aphie pictare.
race in Costa Rica. We ro distinguish a pational AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON José was the joy the RIsincerely regret the deathof figore end stod ka Esqne all layed with ose of the most fllustrius our profouust tympthy to crificar a los atralns as the Stand by us lest we fall support us with your united song of the Republic. At or he bere ord family and re.
afael Eduartgowed at they strength Eat, and drink, day and night at LA MAGNOLIE rey do card, Jez latives, My his soul flod Apollo Dixon little place West of the city Market.
Oreamune a real geotle.
rest over det:eg.
the invited stran.
DIC mau, a great scholar and a genuine democrat.
Thk for gnace, Vid To don Ricardo a man, ter Backnas es.
El 24 brcado Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos rtidos a ciudad leche en. Josefina Steele, sam, Miss Petgrave of Si organza adorned with spanNOTICE allmente regarded daughter qalrres, Mr. and Mrs. Jose ples and silver buttons, and de VOR Dit na Mrs. Hen Lewis of Cedar Creek, zuith a deep circular fa 11 Address all your Eng jostitucs and Mr. THnuder rich satin bt.
Para todos sus trabajos Under the escort of Messrs.
ineering Requirement to de ingepiría dirijase a arto prey Oreamano, son Alvarado Luis Hant, ground. Her tulle, fasteaed unos días od Mrs. And Alvarado, Steele and to a glittering coronet, her ROIG an didos jas Obando, have Gray, the Misses Mark lovely bouquet and glover BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201, or 25 prida. Ee order of holy maland, Angeles, Mur. and hes were in ethoclag gala reception dock Berta and Angelina barmony: Miss Mimmie calurcsalu the residence of richly gewned, and esch Mirklandinse the credit formel won the contest gracefully accomplished by el desast Steele, in honour carrying a bonquet of Verl for the artistic needle Drop the evenlog tas) de San Jose, forwed Toasts and congratulations the happy couple. Merrisday, the 3rd. inThe feast table was effi were eloquently showered hours of the mord.
ment followed nntil th: wee Guard of Honour at the clently presided over by entrance of the Hall. The Mt. Cliff rd Steele, brother on Mr. and Mrs. Trigo Ro.
be many who parti. De bly weds were accompa Th. Atlantic Voice hnga, Bacteriologist as bestmecard Misia. Tez the Grace. Th: traditfonal Brown. John Steele orches out sorrow during a long seen Drs. Cazorla bied by Mr. Mardock the Bride their ther, jus. Under the entrancing Mr. Henry Steel, fected melodies of the Lebert pes the nolon of these two young citizens will be withthe hospital, Mr. Steele as Chief Mald.
Eustace Biras of The Bride was exquisitely by Miss Incz Steele and tra, the bridal waltz was period of years.
Mr. and. Mrs. gewoed in imported fl wared Miss Mens Grapadas, th Mr. Bpd Mis Ga.
os, Mr. and Mrs.
We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back ett, Mr. and Mrs.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: Mr. Herbert and de su recibo que dice: le Jackson Mr.
This bill must be paid at our office before Murdo. kard Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month tangh ers, Mr.
de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
arco Rojas Mrs.
Bo so good as to comply with this request and do not of Main, Messrs.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Wa ker de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take J. ness Misses Wendorf, in, Mere Grand Scale Marriage Reception ismo es COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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