
Roero 1945 Saturday, 13 th justarv 1944 ATLANTIC VOICE Página chools The City Leading Furniture Establishment St. Mary Church Siquirres Many Young Hearts Gieddened 99 OSE brica Euería Cacao Cooperation First Anniversary Througth the very good offi North American Juvenile Red Creat courage was dis. Ons of our est med don AlCross Departament in sending Make your home adornable and add to the family played by the wora hippers fredo Cafias, President of the the pack. gue whicb, not only comfort: of St. Mary Church, on Limon Auxiliary Red Cross, served as a Chrittmas Dolo, and bis associates, a free dis. but arrived at a time of dire Sunday December the 3rd. tribution, of five hundred pa Deed, wheo many of the pawhen lo dreaching showers ok ges, containing toys and rents and guardiaas of the and pluoging through water toilet articles, were affected children werega fed in ecojsour pue auord aq. SAVONNA je fəap Ang aod mud, they wended their nominations, who, in turn, to some of our religious de nomic difficulties Do beha of the recipients FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES way to the sacred edifice issued the gifts to the Dee we sincerely than the donors as also don Alfredo who was, popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon.
for the annual Harvest diest among the children of Thanksgiving Programme.
their respective congregation. wa uhdearts od, instrumental Beresford Duncan Very welcomed was this splen in getting this medium of Io the unavoidable eb: did philanthropic act of the cheer to our city.
sence of the Rector, Dr. Sh. who happened to be in the congregati a, was lovit to th chair. He readily accepted, and filled the position with digrity.
The chorisers re In CANADA Uider the very efficient guidance of its Gan rel Ms first anniversars finde it ope good form with Mrs. Lind.
rager, don Raul Veleroorz duion The task of keeping rating na a very sound foun: say. the organit, bly as DRY ihe Board of Directors and sisted Mis Ft the generoue co operation on alira e project if sucb magnitode in the difficult times, TI olciet Te Mrs.
the general dy of membre the Cacan Co peration has is no mein one and the reD. Bw sa Ened competed its first year in su ta obtained b; don Raul kin and Miss Charles.
its bone in this city and bis ze leus associates de. 60 CTS, The doors of thic important mand our greatest admiration The children and Young Bod highly welcomed Industry and congratulation. We wish People reached the climax DEPOSITO EN LIMON: were brown open on the 3rd. the effort lorg years of useof their endeavours. It is FELIX DEL BARCO day of January 1944, and its ful service.
difficult to say who did best.
It was like unto the race for the heaven! y rao Eipcia DESE SU TRAGO CON EOS El champaña de los Ginger Ales 45 945 Fierce Fighting in re and all won. Special men gión of Budapest German retiring before Allied Pushi 70 TCB y es Notice tlon must, wever, be made of Master Leslie Carnegie with respect to his address Ficm Mosoc we have the Austria and are said to be entitled What is God Hitler has failed entirely announcement that the furious best gift to you? He did it Garmsus a loss in manpomaking satisfactory progress.
offensive launched recently by in his violent effort to disor wer and material is said to The Russians are also repor masterly and carued pro ganiza the operations and in be of an unusually heavy the enemy against the Soviet ted to be successfully pur. longed cheers from the con crewing menre of the lied character. Since th 18th alforjes, in the vicinity of Bu.
suing their advance toward gregation and losiructive Armies on the battle fronts timo, the Third Army is sta.
dapest, iu desperate effort Vienne.
to rescue the large body of comment from the chairman of Westeru Europe.
ted to bave destroyed more than one half of their toks their med encircled in the ci. With a view of relieving The Mies ga Movede After experiencing rerious brought into action ty, bas foiled completely with the remains of their forces aud Daphney Xw il, with reverses since the resumption serious loss in their ma ower occupied in the Ba tic, the Leshe and touio Mane, of the Allied counter offensi The strategio positions of od material The mujor part Nasis have launched further Lroche and Samree bav.
ve by Montbf bu city is riw controlled been ocea ied by Allied onanter stocks in the West gave an lotereating and ios by the Soviet gomery, what remains of their of Letonia, wbile th. Russians tructive dialogue aptitied infantry and twenty motori tha Strasbourg area is desori troops, Thº Nazi situation in Yogo:Invisd troops, under are intensifying their offensi. Harvest is Right. which zod divisions, in the Arden bed as extremely difficult, Lu.
the command of General Tito ve in East Prussia and Po. could well be repeated at region, sro reported in disor xembourg has en attacked have iu vaded the territory of land.
succeediog Festivais. Miss derly flight trom the combi by troops of General Patton.
Violet Samuels, with Lucita British and First and Third proposes to pl ca 800, 000 nottuts of the Seend Paris report tht France aos Norma, also cotertained North American forces, men in ac ion, just as soon the audience with a dialogue Importsut geins have also as they receive the necessary been secured by thy ieds Tw kods of cd: It arms and uquipment from E, in other sectors.
gland and the Ucited States. hearly received At the close, the Cate Folk of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support chist thanked th: thoir, To Members of Cacao Cooperation we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink children, contributors con at LA MAGNOLIA. ixon little place West of the city (Mixta)
gregation and chairman for Market their heartioess and support Our Prices for the following Products are oder such trying circus tances.
CACAO, per quintal 44. 00 Colones COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 55 00 Colones PARA MANTENER SUS ANIMALES, SANOS Earthshock in CUCOANUTS, per hundred. 24. 00 Colones Jamaica FULE, per quintal. 145. 00 Colones cable advice states that a violenteribob ck cocarred All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense at ove mi ut past four o clock of the Cacao Co operation list Thursday afrernoon in Jamrica. It is said to have been rather severe in the ci RAUL VELAZQUEZ ty of Kigten, though up to this time of writing oo report Manager bas Teach us egarding tho damage offected.
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Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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