
das 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 13. th January 1945 Pleasing Accomplishment Young People Program me Splendidly Rendered (MUL EN OL)
On the Sick List Attractive Wedding on Christmas Eve. noci, our esteemed agriculExcessive Drinking of Licours dies in Nursing and Obstetrice MISCELLANEOUS tud entered the Schools anThe Baptista and friends The children splendidly effec. ducted by tha College of PhyADVERTISEMENTS ti displayed an all out atten.
aiciaus and Surgeon of Cosdance at the afternoon Young Master Oswald Mokepsie and ted their souge, recitations, eto. ta Rica a connection with the Sad Juen de Dios Hospital, THOMPSON SUPPLY People Programme on Sun.
associates were on top with day the 7th. instant, in conSan José Here Miss FalooAND WORKSHOP their dialogue Be Thankfal.
ner applied herse so diligenjunction with the celebation Special mention must also be tly to the caricalum assigned Everything in the mechani of their 1945 Harvest Festi.
made of Master Striton Mur.
her during the prescribed pe cal line cane be made, re val. An ideal temperature pre dock for his loadership in the riod of four years as to have vailed. Th: Harvest setting dialogue Harvest offerings successfully passed the final paired or supplied Assortdisclosed a sincere mark of Miss Lena Mckensie was alqualifying exsmi ation beldments of Beds, Springs and cooperation and interest in the Ho efficient in her elocutionrecently.
other useful equipment. cause of the Church, in view At the closing exercises Building of the liberal offering in fruit, my effort little boy gra titude. The instrumental of the School hold on the foodstuff, pastrics, and handi Accompaniment to this item night of the 27th December Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward works of ort.
was effected by Mr. Chas.
last, Miss Falconer was among the Municipal Bath.
The Rev. Forde, offithe large number of students Gourzong The renditious by who received their diplomas GRANT AND CRAWFORL ciated and dispeosed much the choristers were highly NEW HARLEM BAR intellectual and spiritual food. appreciated of graduation in the schinces Gratifyingly we mention the of Nursing and Obstetrios which AND RESTUARANT suoces which has crowned entitle. them to pursne their the efforts of apother menber profession in any part of the of our younger people for the Republic. The Atlantic Voi Open Day and Nigth. Clean advancoment of her usefulnes o sinoerely congratulates and Cozy Reservation. Good FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC alopg cultural lines.
Miss Falconer, who is anative Native and Foreign Liquors NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR After getting throngh with of Cairo, in the Old Lines re and experienced Mixers Brns, Cuts ins: ct Bites etc.
her general education Miss LI. gion of our Province, but has Also splendid as Cargle, Mo thwash Dette Felooner Bartley, the el long resided in Cartago, and and Dentrifice dest daughter of Mr. Edwin wishes she may be epared to Falooner and the late Mra. long and successfully devote IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND Doris Bartley Falooner, deci her activities to the needs of PLEASANT OF TASTE ded to take a course of sto her fellow creatoren. MA. TA. RAL We much regret having to ALKALINE TABLETS mention that David Pi.
good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscuturist of Rio Seco in the Es lar pains, minor colds, Deuralgia, etc. Splendid afer Surrounded by a very the solemoization were Mr.
trolle Region, is on the sick list. He wast admitted to the graceful congregation and Leopold Brewo and Mrs.
local hospital on the 6th Insparticipating atteatively in Edith Gordon, most eotant. Report to hand states he TO GET YOU SOBER Very effective, try it the solemo ceremony pro joyable reception was held, is on the improve.
AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS poneded by the Rev. later the same evening, at Tho Atlantic Voice BioForde, on Sunday evening the resideace of the dewly cerely hope he will soon comPan American Agencies, the 42th, of the recently weds. The feast table was pletely recover and be ablo SAN JOSE to again give attention to his passed mo. th, Mr Joseph graced by the Rev.
important agricultural and Owens and Miss Luoy MorForde; who also contribuother interets ted a toast gan wore united as man on behalf of and wife in the clty Baptist the happy couple. oum.
Year Dinner Church. The hymns appro. paid tribute tu Mr. and ber of those present also Interwoved with the Good. oy of Pecuarito.
priately contributed by the Mrs. Owins The «Atlaotia SALOMON CHIN will of the Festive Season choristers added much to Voic tenders them its and in evidence of their the sacred rite.
LA IBERIA esteem for their friends, PERSONALIA hearty congratulations with Mr. Sam Martínez of Nica.
The Bride and groom sincere wishes for a long Estrada Dona Angelia, the cateo are both widely kocwo and unlop filled th as much ragnia and Miss Iris Howard med wife of don Alejandro Precios Económicos of Guacimo, Mrs. Gladys Leon left las Monday for the deeply regarded in this co of the good thioge possible and Miss Vineta Gordon Capital, when0. sho will conmunity. The witaessas to in this life.
were hostesses to a New tinue to Nicaragua ou a visite Year Dinner given in their to her daughter, the wife of don new residence in the Ja important position with the Alberto Lam, who holds an maica Town Settlements Development Company in that The refreshing wintry wied country We wish hera pleasant held sway in the attractive trip and safe retarn.
apartaments and chanced Ab arty welcome to Mrs. the evening pleasure.
Mellan of Panama, who is viThe menu was on the siting our much regarded ci.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR background of rare epecu. Louis. We bespeak for her an tizens, Mr. and Mrs. Potasso rian art, whlle the table service was effectivel y atten opjoyablo vacation in our comunity.
ded by Mrs. Gordon. We The Mishes Cleo McFarle had the distinguished plea ne and Carmen Lyons of Pasure of graeing the festive dama our city guests of couboard and of also listening pe months, bave been visiting to many melodious voices. San Jose, and are loud in theri The songs rendered were praise regarding the splendid mach in harmony with the hospitaly extended them.
spirit of the Season.
They are also delighted with the Capital invigorating The contributors to the climate. We are genuinely pleaentertaining phase were, the bed.
guests of honour, the hosOn the 9th, of the current tess, Mis Gordca, The Mis month Mrs. Hilda Lewie of ses Laellie and Iris Peart the Jamaica Town Settlement of Gancico, Miss Thomhad the priv REMEMBER of observing son. Mesdunes Thomas, another birth anniversary, Bhe Browa and Mr. Edmund her friends and well wishers, wae Purrounded by many of We Pay The Best Prices Roberts of this city; Mr.
who brilliantly contribuited William Watson of Cahul to the day enjoyment. ta and Mr. Sydney Wolle, eztend her our congrato, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Highly appreciated New Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuis and Cópra RUBBER


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