
John Rogers THE PEOPLE HOUSE The Vogue Tailors of Luzon on which Manila. The old gives place to the New Local Price Control Committee to Page Saturday, 13 th January 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE YOperations in the Far EASTERN WAR ZONES NOTICE NOTICE!
Allied airplanes recently the area of the Malay Penin British and Indian troops.
Taided Medan, situate on sala. Akyab, the third The Islands of Formosa the north eastern coast of important port in Barma, and Oklaaswa were subjecthe Island of Sumatra, and which had been used by the ted to aerial attacks with Who recently returned of the Republic of Panama, regarded as of strategic im Japanese as one of their disastrous results to the ſabegs to inform his many clients, friends and the general portance for Allied operat. principal bases for food sup panese interests.
public that he is back at his old stand where, in com ions in the south China and plies, has been occupied by bination with his son, he is prepared to serve their Allied operations off the various interests.
Chinese coast from Hongkoog to Foechow, during Remember DO YOUR SHOPPING AT the past week, were responWe make all kinds of men garments, Suits in sible for ihe destruction of latest styles, Riding breeches all styles, Sport shirts, over one hundred enemy Dressing gowns, Bathrobes, Military Uniforms.
We specialize in Ladies Coats, Suits, Skirte, Blacks, planes and ninety five ships.
Breechs and Jodhpurs.
Violent aerial and Daval attacks have taken place age SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Call or Write iust the Island of the IwajiDress Goods, Shirts, Ties, etc.
ma, while other powerful Novelties at prices to please you.
Norih American forces invaded the Island of Fais BOX 83 PORT LIMON in the West Caroline group.
The invasion of the Island LIMON of the Philippines, is located has also been effected. Allied troops are reported less than 100 miles oif Milan An Indefinable quality of sad. during the new year, to use them nsss always clings to the memory to our greater advantage. Let the Front Japan is said to have of the days that are past; and the Eg forget the things which are behind and reach forth unto agreed to vacate the Island desper the emotions aroused, the those which are before.
of Timor as more melancholy becomes the come We should not allow the knoDuring his visit to this from time to time city last month. th Chief under their notice. In this soon as a Portuguese mi recollections. We inevitably remember, most of all, our MADY ledge of our own failures to discourage us from leading ar Magistrate of he Republic connection, we learn th it litary expedition gets there, happy experiencies, and regret aid to others. As we look back Lic. don Teodoro Picado, two me have hd to an on th: understauding that their passing. We should, home.
over our activities during the ver, also take count of our depromised among other me for charges before the Portugal will maintain her fects, fai our mistakes, our recently passed year, we will sa rely find that our lack of service asares for the relief of the Police Judge for sel neutrality lures, and make every effort to onr fello creatures has been our economic burden. to log sagar at thirteen oun.
due to selfisboessLet order the strictes vigilance ces to the pound and not on speculation. Trae to sixteen.
In APRECIATION and Thanks adfore, car best but will also cultivate the finest flowers of CrisThe public have algo tian virtue, and secure in the hls pledge, the local office been advised that they have Dear Mr. Editor of ih: Janta Abastos has Barth and goodwill to all man realisation of the love and beip of our Heavenly Father, il the right to exact, if they been re opened and occakind delivered on the first Xmas.
face the new year in the spirit of so desire sigued bill Please grant Morn the man who pied by an actively disposed (factora) for anr porchise me space to express my gratiNever turned his back, but personnel who are deter. they make, which would tude to de Compatia Banamera We are grateful to our benemarched breast for ward, mined to break the neck serve as evidence in care de Costa Rica for the very apro factores and beg by this medium Never doubted the clouds would of every profiteering mo.
priate present they extended as of an accusation for speto Wish them a most successful break, vement. The Chief of the culation. While at mastide, It certainly came new year That though right were for ww:1.
asa special blessing in view of ted, wrong tonld triumph Local Committee has soll come the effort and the terrible trying period we Faithfully yours That we fall to rise and sleep cited the cooperation of the ready to lead our aid, have been experiencing with St. Jago tomake, purchasiog public and ar desire to see the scale of most everything of first neceges them to advise his justice ased equitably for ssity, in the line of food, not to office of the infringineots both the consumer and be had for love or money or the of the regulations, which th: trader.
prices of the few available items Taised more than one hundred per cent. Just imagine a sack ob FOR SALE charcoui(tour kerosine tins) being priced at ten colones.
The Atlantic Vuice in manner suitable for distribuGOOD BREED HAND FED PIGS cerely congratalates the mem tion und of serving the 80This Aguinaldo reminded us bers of the Alasonte Lodge ia xious children.
that we are not torgotten by Bos. this city for their maguani.
also ton, though the large majority mous gift of a pack ge of It is said that a good deed ot present day employees are not powdered milk and one of rois a stop buveuward, greas, in the enjoyment of the paivilelled osts to bury two thou. therefore, will be the reward ges conceded formerly. It is te pand children Xmastide. extended those responsible for vertheless most pleasing to reaAdded to the work of pro this splendid act of charity Wingfield Farm, 12 Miles (Swamp Mouth)
lize that among those who direct curing of the articles, much Pareuts and guardians of the DAVID STEWART. Proprietor the affairs of the great Company, labour Way entailed by our Tecipients owo a debt of grathere are some who still heed the esteemed fraternalists in pu.
tiiude co the ducers wou so Angelic message of Peace on tring up the nutriments in deed hoiped to remove some of the giuom whion hovered about the home of the needy ones WELL DRESSED MAN OFFERS CHARM OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT Here is your most up to the mionte TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT LOWER PRICES and cap designing and furnishing house The well known, well established, well experienced and reliable First class Merchandise and best of EXCELSIOR TAILOR Comerciante detallista Courtesy always CLIFFORD STEELE Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale, NOW SITUATED IN AN IMPROVED AND CONVENIENTR BUILDING. IN GOING TO TAKE THE TRAIN AND IN ría, Materiales de Ferrete.
Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
COMING FROM THE TRAIN AM IN YOUR WAY ria y Eléctricos, todo se en LA PROVEEDORA Commerce Avenue, next to the British Vice Consulate cuentra en este LIMON CITY and airplane Bo king Ofiicce establecimiento.
are Praiseworthy Deed by Masonic Fraternity FOR SALE RICE DAWN La Proveedora JOSE ACHIONG NG.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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