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ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 13. th January 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN sea film р m ri JA CI ta m Mid Atlantic Nation In the service And now the Sayings Studio for epic Born Again of Peace East Africans «This is just the moment War has turned is into a not to slackoo. All the ra Count your blessings.
As though the Japanese ces which the calendar holda twojob nation. Few of the wol 28 foot lifeboat, at sea is the burden of an old hymn.
in a heavy, stor an, could bar. Today, when five years of llions who are putting in bad not had enough trouble or nearly all of them won in the last lap, and it office have been content to dly be considered the best war have brought so much long hours in factory, field or withdraviug is Barma, they place from which to shoot a suffering and toil, so many limit their contribation to now have a new enemy to is at that very moment that face East African Askaris. we in this Island have to film; yet from such a lifeboat tribuiations and tears, to so riding the storm in the many of us, it is well that the war effort to their work. It was revealed recently that give that extra sense of the Ilth East African Divi exertion. The Prime Mi nister.
tlantic, Western Aproa we should lock to the credit ing hours. Housewives have sion arrived on this front shouldered the additional ches, Crow File Unit side of our accouot and Though it is true that burdens of wartime, and several months og and bel.
magnificent tribute to the count the blessings which taken on extra dotles ont ped to complete the Japanese markind learns more from Royal and Merchant Navles war, amid all its beastliness, side the home.
rout. Many of the kiris, experience than from ima was actually shot.
has brought us. so come from Kenya, experience and imagination gination, the lesson of both For one thiog our geneThousands of hours have Uganda, Tanganyica, Nya is here the same. th teach Right through the winter tal health has been well been given generously and saland, Zsuzibar and Soma hrw destructive it must be Pat Jackson, director of the maintained, and there has wit a good heart to the liland. Wear the Africa Star to all our future hopes if film, and the 24 Mercbant been a marked improvement Home Guard, Fire Guard, earned duriog the East Afri allow the dissolution of this Navy men who played the in the health of mothers Civil, Defense, WVS, to parts of the torpedoed crew, can campaigas of 1940 and great partnership between and chudren. New low re savings and salvage drives 1941. The Ilth Division in all nations who want a des worked in rough seas in the cords were established last and many other forms of ceful orders. Lord Halifesi cludes an East African Re British Ambassador in USA!
lifeboat which was to wed out to sea by adrifter. life year for maternal and infant war rk. They have reaped mortality and for the death the reward of happy com gimental Sergeant Major, boat is not designed to carry rate of children between one radesbip and the knowledge many warrant Officers, Pla two of Mogaung, Nigerians a heavy cainera mounted on and ten years of age. The of work well done.
toon Commanders, Ser tork part in the fighting a plelform, in addition to increased safety of mothers geants Corporals and Lance alongside men of the Sout!
lights and cables, and the and the stardy limbs and Corporals. West Africans Staffords and Lancashir cameraman Dearly want ovclear eyes of their children burden. The national woity from the Gold Coast, Nige. Pasi iers. Later, the Nige erboard several times while te to a large extent the which came with the war ria, Sierra Leone aud Gam riaus helped in the evacua perforining extraordia has enabled us to do so.
Tesult of improved nutrition bia have already gained a tion of the KORRS feats to get the shots he standards which have been Indeed in every way we great reputation in the Birthe Cameroniaus and the wanted.
lasisted on during the war. have grown nearer to one Gaskhas from the Black ma fighting. formation Rarely indeed has a film To day there is so rich living another. Good neighbours from the Nigerisa Regi turoed east toward the Mo pool road block; the thea of such dramatic quality and there is no hunger. Our liness has been one of the been shot so dear to life food is simple and whole outstanding features of these ment, operating as part of gung Taungi road and ear: Instead of shooting Sea sce some and adequate. We have years of testing. We have the famous Chiodit force, ly in July the first West nes in the studio, or em. learned to live cheaply and shared our joys and sorrows. has spent several months African Chinese liaison was ploying actors to play the sensibly, to count the cost we have been companions in North Barua, establishing aftected. These actions, which caused heavy sasual.
parts of men of the Royal and the calories. As a result in danger and comrades in road hand rail block wreeties and tremendous disorand Merchant Navies, Crewa have a well balanced diet toil. How few of us will king bridges, destroying ganisation among the JapaFilm Unit shot scenes ac wh ali thet blogs we really forget our neighbours help dumps and garrisosing Dese, were of great value tually at sea. All the Mor Deed. It is odd to reflect and shelter during air raids, forts.
to General Seilwell forces chaut Nivy men are real that to achieve this we the cup of tea at the Post, the cold dark friendly nights In the fierce engagements advancing to Myitkyina and Merchant seamen, and all needed a war.
Mnganog. They also conNaval personnel are Naval Bat these are small gains on Home Guard daty, or round White City, the tributed indirectly to the men. In many cases the in the sphere of health the shy but willing help of railroad block barring Japa 14 Army victory on the dialogue of the Merchant compared with the schemes our mates in the factory rese acsess tothe important Imphal Front.
or the Services? This compa seamen is their own. El we have prepared for postdirector gave them the idea wir health services, edo pionship and comradeship Litografía Japonesa of what he wanted, then let cation and national insur is a gain we cannot afford them put it in their own ance. There is probably no lightly to relinguish lo the words.
pation in the world which, trying days still shead.
Bat the greatest of all our Shipplog companies co the middle of a fight operated in the king of to the death would have blessings is thet we were the film. Jo the scenes of putiently worked out and tried and were not found the conference which takes debated so many gigantic wanting. It was wo who with place before the convoy sails, and comprehensive chemes. the Commonwealth, France and Poland, at oar side, all the men are actual ship War has brought tis face to strack the first blew for Masters, while the convoy face with social problems. It Freedom in an oppressionCommodore, Admiral Faller has given as a new onders shadowed world. In that ton, plays the same part in tanding of each other troue hoor we were born again the film a he plays in real bles and a new determt. ln strength and greatness, life.
nation to ilghten each other and in the years that have Atlantic convoy scenes passed our footsteps have were shot or convoy. unit never for one moment flag.
made the double Atlantic ship order so that the cam. ged. Never once did our crossing is convoy to get era might record the incl. spirits werker. We had NDUSTRIA BELICA them. They go the greatest dent. He sent his crew away saved cursople. It is a SEL JAPON co operation from everyone in the boats, leaving only story w: might will be proud fhe skipper of their ship three men besides himself to read in the history bocks eve geve en abandon on board.
of to OrtCW.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
FB Blubop en cl St. Louis turi


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