
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE a THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT He who steadily perseveres in the exertion of his faculties, does that which is great regardEditor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 ing himseif, and which will not be disped by YEAR LIMON, JANUARY 20th. 1945 No. 451 Him who has given each created being his particular abilities.
ALL ALLIED ARMES EFFECT NEW ADVANCES ON WESTERN FRONIS THAT WHICH WAS EXPECTED The winter offensive reof Luxemburboug, they are When, some time ago, the sanitary improvement sumed a couple of days ago under heavy artillery fire. iow reported pak ving to work was heralded for the Jamaica Town Settlement, by eGneral Eisenhower pro In the salientot Audenes, ward Cablentz.
we entertained the hope that a genral development pro ceeds most satisfactorily on the First North American ar The Seventh Army fights, gramme would have been affected. We are disappointed.
al the fronts of Western my operates against the stra we are told, on German te There continues the urgent need for the construction Europe.
tegie position of St. Vith lo rritory betwen the rivers Mo of proper Highways in that important section of our coty.
cated but four miles off the selle and Sar, and have en The very unsatisfactory condition of the existo footBritisch troops have ef. Reich.
trapped a body of German paths is enough to blunt even the edge of fortitu te.
fected a new invasion of The Third Army is said to soldiers southeast Tott Limon will, very soon be in possesion of a Ted Cross Germany by way of Holland have intirely liquidated the ingen.
Ambulance car marked for the service of the neral ci in the direction of the Ri Nazis encircled in front of The Allied offensive is ma tizenry, but unlesg immediate and cff esire aitontion be ver Roer. The Germans we the Seigfreid Line in Germaking rapid progress on directed to the Jamaica Town pathways. the sick of that re forced to beat a retreat ny about twelve miles south frontage of 180 kilometers.
growing suburb, will not share in the benefits of the splen did efforts of the Limon Auxiliary Red Cross committee, GERMAN DEFENCE CRUMBLE BEFORE INTENSE RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE needed vehice.
who sponsored the move for the purchase of the much Thoose directly concerned with this important phase The greatest offensive la The most advanced of the cars in the west.
of our city sanitation, are reminded that if he link o unched in the history of the Rusian forces have re The German resistance has a chainshows sign of rust and be perd te semain un Red Arnty along the entiched a point about 400 ki practically collapsed as a remcdied, the whole chain faces ruin. Jamaica Town is re eastern battle fronts of lometers distant from Ber consequence of the violent a part of Linon, and an important part at thal, we, there Europe, aseu mes vaster im in, or about the same as ifensive laun hed by the foore bring the matter to the serious attention oi our Muni portance as each day pas that of the North Ameri. Soviets on all fronts.
pel Father who have never failed us in the things which ses. Poland Capital, War ter toward our general advancement, saw, has been taken, so also PRESIDENT RCOSEVELT FOURTH Cracow and large nu on. GOSC66030. 079 799 ber of other important pa INAUGURAL CEREMONY ces. All Germany defensi ve syfems in central Po Twelve years ago, the first exercise for the iberation land have been destroyed. inaugural ceremony in con of enslaved humanity and The honour of liberating nection with the Presidency the re establishment of the Warsaw falls to Marshal Ge of the Republic on the Unit freedom of the peoples of Make your home adornable and add to the family ed States of America, was ad the poeples of the world, as orge Zhukov.
comfort; ministered to Mr. Franklin also his untiring zeal in pur The troops who opera ie Roosevelt.
suing a straight forward po under the command of Mar Prior to his first presiden litical platform: his Draise shal Koniey in south Pc tial triump. Mr. Roosevelt worthy humanitarian charac FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES land, are said to have cros was an important public filter and devotion to duty are sed the frontier of Silesia. gure, and no honest ur bias the principal factors which buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most The city of Breslau is threed mind can disputes the fact brushed aside all the barri popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon.
that the outstand: mea ers with which his politieal With its entensive steel sures of success achieved by opposers would have preBeresford Duncan and coal deposits. Silesia has him during the peace time vented his continuing to been one of Hitler princi years of his government, rect and guide the ship of 000 pal source of supplies for and the ainost super hu State during these perilous his war machinery.
man efforts he continues to times.
Today, January the twen.
BRITAIN CASUALTIES IN WESTERN tieth, marks the fourth InLA COOPERATIVA augural Ceremony to be con EUROPE DURING DECEMBER ferred on this illustrious son of a great nation, and will present a new panel in the It has been officially an, 10, 419 killed, 43, 554 woun great pillar of the Hall of nounced from London that ded and 20. 815 missing.
Avisa a todos sus miembros que el dominfamous men and women. It the British casualties on the It is estimates what the los has been announced that the go 21 de Enero de 1945 tendra verificativo several battle fronts of Wes ses among the forces of the ceremony will be based on la Asa olea General en el Salón San Mar113 stern Europe, during the past North Americans averaged a ba fkground of simplicicos, a as p. be month of December, tota between 60 and 80 to ty, but there is no reason to TES lled 74. 788.
British. The German total believe that there will a la (Después la veneración de la Iglesia)
This somewhat unusual during the same period is cking of its fundamental in ly high figure comprises placed at 110. 000.
It is our heartfelt hope All Members of the CACAO COOPERABROWNE ABRAHAMS that in starting on his Fo TIVA MIXTA, are hereby summoned urth Term. President Frank to attend the General Meeting to be held in Agentes lin Roosevelt will be streng the Hall of the St. Mark Parish in this city thened in body, mind and Frente Unidad Sanitaria spirit to successfully guide on Sunday the 21st. instant commencing the destinies of his nation at p. after the Church Service.
Ciudad de Limón.
and people during the coming years. The true friends RAUL VELAZQUEZ, of freedom and human li General Manager berty, throughout the world.
wish him God Speed DEL CACAO MIXTA, S.
one VENTA DE MERCADERIAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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