
any 107 Saturday, 20th January 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE Página 11 TACA ATLANTIC BANANA GROWERS ASSOCIATION HELD IMPORTANT SESION pra ZONA ATLANTICA infalible para laðar, es el Jabón SAN LUIS gaches de la en Londres Mañana, el Mundo.
COMO en todas las ocasiones an On the night of Tuesdhy of the Central Ameriban Bayon the night of Tuesday the teriores, ha brindado en esta the oth; instant a genera! ana Company was a specie tth. February, proximo ir Emergencia proteida por la in Meeting of the Atlantic Bana Ily invited guest the same Hull: record terrupción ferroviaria a la Grower Association was held The next mieting will it attendance is urged by the in the Hall of the Universal has been stated, b: convenad President, Mr. Britton.
Negro Improvem. nt Associa tion. It was wdl attended un eficiente oportuno, servielo gratifying number of new de tran: porte aéreo de pasajeros, carga gracias al cual PUERTembers were enrolled. Ma.
TO LANON ha recibido miles de ny important matters wer libres de mercaderas comesti dealt with in addition to the bles.
first reading of the propa VIAJE AHORA PUERTO LIMON EN POODS MINUTOS sed governing rules of the EN LOS AVIONES TACA Association, when certai: mendments were effected los viajeros de la Zona Atlantion que van al exteIn keeping with the establi shed requirement two more readings will be effecte TACA prior to their being placed Folls of the city, Lines and Coast! Without your support in command by the Presi. we shall be knocked out. Please support us. eat and drink se complage ew ofrecerles sus excelentes servicios a Ident at LA MAGNOLIA ixon little place West of the city menbership Drive is said Market.
rupos de trg PANAMA to be in process, and the de CENTRO AMERICA tigates of the various LA HABANA a benes de MEXICO y chstrictsinvested with auth metres Bo ESTADOS UNIDOS (Vis Mexicority to conduct field enrol.
en bile ment.
Fáciles y rápidas conexiones The assurance has ag in en Ciudad de México con la been rflecked that the Ass ciation is ready to pay the AMERICAN AIRLINES extra two cents on cach co para todos los lugares de los itt tmnch purchased in or ESTADOS UNIDOS.
cier to create the fund nee ded for the development and Completos informes nos será muy grato suministrarle en cultivation of nene landa nuestra Ageneia de Puerto Limón o en las oficinas This amount will, however, SUR centrales de la TACA en San José.
cnly be paid to the cultiva US tors who are members of the Association and have signe the required contracts.
pietario It is obvious the members of the Association are assu OFFERS YOU CORRECT WEIGHT ned good advantages for the LOWER PRICES cevelopment and cultivatio: Berger en el Stars and Stripen.
of their farms, as well as a steary financial advance.
First class Merchandise and best of ment No loafers waiting room! No gosip station! The ideal place for Courtesy always financial advacement, yourself and son is Dixons Barber Shop West of the city Marko Please ask for anything in Grocery or other Mr. Chandler Ehrman Articles of General dietry not readily seen.
LA PROVEEDORA LIMON CITY RINA La Proveedora veilet NAS Caribbean Packing Co.
Preparándose Para el Ataque CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER viste todai dd inte Eau We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Tropas norteamericanas en la plaza de un pueblo del frente occidental aprovisionandose de granadas de fusil que serán lanzadas en el próximo ataque contra una posición alemana Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nadto


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