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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 20th. January 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ANO Se ney TELE LA coke small our MILLIONS SYSTEMA. NATIVE AFRICANS SEA VICTORY BEGAN YEAR OF DESTINY CONVERTED COKING TICALLY MURDERED APPOINTED TO IN SHIPYARD AND New Year is a time for reBY GERMANS birth; a time for the slougCOUNCILS FACTORY COAL hing off of old habits and When the history books of ways of thought, for girding The latest issue of the mathe future are written the on a new and shining arThe United States War gazine The Crown Colo prodigious war effort of the mour of resolve.
The discovery of a Refugee Board, in a lengthy nist reports that in the British people may well rank The y ar which stretches coking compound by a Bri eyewitness review of the Gold Coast and INorthern as an epic in the long story before us is rich in possibili ish scientist has increase Gernian extermination Rhodesia a majority of na of the struggle for freedom ties. It may well be reruer the potential value of th camps at Auichwitz and tive Africans has been ap Figures recently issued in bered as the year in which world coal resources by CAM Birkenau, in Poland, has de pointed to the Legislative Government White Paper the war in Europe was bro making it possible to produ clared that it is a fact be Councils, an important step Statistics Relating to The ught to a victorious and, and ce coke from all types of yond denial that lae Ger in the fraditional British po War Effort Of The United men begun again the uncea coal. Until now, the hund mans have deliberately and licy of allowing colonials in iKngdom are in theinselves sing task of building a world red million tons of systematically muredered mi creasing responsability in striking proof of Britain more nearly as our Creator used yearly by blast furna Ilions of innocent civilians the management of their af mighty effort.
meant it to be ces throughout the world Jews and Christians alike fairs until such time as they One section tells how Bri This year there will he have had to be drawn fron Vecin all over Europe are ready for the complete tish workers have helped to mighty decisions to be ta a limited range of special tina com This campaign of terror independence of Dominion maintain the once threaten ken decisions that will gui pes of coking coal. Because no opor and brutality, the report ad status, as the case of Cana ed sea power of the United de our destinies for many of their impurities damaging nos dan ded, is unprecedented in all da, Australia and New Zea Kingdom. sea power with years to come. Those deci to iron, other types have no que le history, and is part of the land. It is also announced out which the cause of all sions will rest, in part, with been used.
Ge esos German plan to subjugate that the Imperial Govern the United Nations would each one of us. Let us, as we An ray analysis of co una car the free peoples of the ment intends to purchase long since have been lost. enter this year of 1945, pray king coal showed that it esas po!
West African cocoa at pri Between September, 1939, we shall be given the vision unique properties were du tos perj The War Refugce Board ces fixed ahead in order to and June, 1944, British ship and strength to help guide to the presence of Parec is engaged in a determined stabilize the economy of the yards produced 722 major aright own destinies disk like particles Alth esas pol effort to save as many as country.
naval vessels, 1, 386 Mosqui and those of our country: ough the chemical proper te mole possible of Hitler intended to naval craft, and 3, 636 and that the armour we gird ties of these particles wer victims. To facilitate its work other naval vessels. In the the Board has representati camps at Auschwitz and. to finish the struggle and obscure, it is possible to add SE DA same period men and Birkenau in Southwestern wo begin the task of rebuilding ves in kay spots in Europe.
synthetic material possess These representatives have Poland. The second is made men working en naval muni shall be made of shininging the same properties, a COECH tions produced 49, 865 tested contacts throughout by a non Jewish Polish ma val guns, 23. 335 000 rounds na and unbreakable resolve.
covered in certain types dyestuffs (derived from co CO Europe and keep the Board jor, the only Survivor of of ammunition, 897. 274 mi al) and also in pitch.
imprisoned advised cencerning the Gerone group at nes and depth charges, and This discovery will make man campaign of extermina Auschwitz.
SAYINGS Perso 17, 677 torpedoes.
it possible to utilize the hug todo cre tion and torture.
The two accounts, were Men and women building coal deposits in Britain na notid Recenetly the Board an prepared independently and merchant ships have produ. In the troublous days replace the waning suppliqvo del nounced, it received from a were reproduced exactly in ced a tonnage which, in the ahead there is one oustan of special coking coal It Seguros representative tlose to the the form they were receiyears 1940 to 1943, averag ding need. that Great only one of a great numb ae ved by the War Refugee ed nearly scene two eye witness one fifth Britain and America should of advances in coal utiliz cursal de counts of events which er Board, except for a few de than in the years 1915 to understand each other. They Lion, which has been goin en la cium curred in notorious extermi letions necessary for the 1918. Between September, need not see eye to eye on on in Britain, and which Hocido nation camps established by protection of persons who 1939, and June, 1943, they every point, and they will estimated to have double Goicoech th Germans. The first is ba may still be alive.
built 4, 717, 000 gross tons of differ on many things, but the average value of even rempeño sed upon the experience of The Board said had merchant shipping to trans they must have that true ton of coal mined in Brital ring BG two young Slovakian Jews every reason to believe that Lad del who escaped in April, 1944, these reports present a true pot troops, arms and equip understanding which comes in the last 30 years, ment, raw material and food from true friendship Ningur after spending two years in picture of the frightful hap all over the world. Marshal of the RAF Lord orio hab the Na i concentration penings in these camps.
HOW DICTATOR Much remains to be doHOPES DECLINED all sides. and if the nations Your whole idea and bas. Elephants Help Indians material into one mould. LA UN How Hitler hopes of of the world take to heart is entirely difrerent. You victory have waned even in the lesson from past follies not want to standardise LA EXP his speeches to the German and mistakes, we can look the nations of the Briti CUYOS people are revealed by the confidently to the future for Empire; you want to de LLAMA se extracts from his five New a revival of international tra lop them towards greate Year declarations de on a secure foundation of fuller nationality.
blicas lat May 1940 bring the deci (good neighbourliness. Mr. want them to develop free sion. It will be our victory Harcourt Johnstone, Parly on the principles of sell whatever may happen. liamentary Secretary to the government, and therefor The year 1941 will bring Department of Overseas your whole idea is differe the completion of the grea Trade.
from anything that has eve test victory known in existed before. That is th history.
fundamental fact we have Let us pray to God that UNIQUENESS OF THE British Commonwealth bear in mind that the the year 1942 will bring a decision that will save our COMMONWEALTH Nations does not stand fi people as well as the natistar dardisation or den tid exportada ons allied to us.
nalisation, but for the fulle The year 1943 will per richer, and more various li haps be difficult but certa All the empires we have of all the nations comprise inly not harder than the known in the past, and that in it Field Marshal Smut PILOTS OF THE INDIAN AIR FORCE, on the Burma Front, owe many previous one.
exist to day, are founded it a speech made in 191 of their amooth landings to the work done on their airdromes by these two elephants. In the recent Manipur campaign at least half of the 1944 will make hard de on the idea of assimilitation and reprinted in a volunk dive bombers deed by the Allier were manned by members of the mands on all Germans. of trying to force human published in 1942.
Ladian Air For Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
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