
Enero no ATLANTIC VOICE AGRICULTURAL TRAINING NEEDED IN OUR SCHOOLS INDERS Creation it is sotros los ue to acrilico y enda con demisola bj do poble veteran IRIOS dirigirse Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 YEAR LIMON, JANUARY 27th. 1945 No. 452 The province of Limon is essentially agricelDDR tural and noted for the cultivation of Banano and SOVIET ARMIES MOVE ON BERLIN WITH UNPRECEDENTED Cacao. Two products which, in the years gone by.
were outstanding factors in our economic activities RAPIDITY The Banana industry which had almost disCperating from Eastern dred and forty miles diston Germans who are occupied in appeared, has taken on a new life, and it is hoped Prussia, from Silesia and from from the Capital of Germany, the defence of East Prussic. that within another year or so, the fruit will be Poland, the armies of the Sc. by way of the Polish region of More than one third part ol seen flourishing in quantity and quality.
viet Union are pushing their posen.
the territory of East Prussia is The foundation for the improvement of the way toward Berlin with unpre.
the Rus Along a frontage of 43 know dominated by Cacao Industry has been properly established cedented rapidity. They were lometers, Russing forces have sions.
stated at the time this reached the river Oder and So effective is the Soviet od. under the guidance of the recently inaugurated and writing to be ordy one hun. seo ed ihe fate of the 200, 000 rente in Poland that it is said well managed Cecao Cooperativa Mixta. Prethe country may at mo. sent dav conditions however, demand greater NAZI FORCES COMPLETELY ment be entirely free of the scientific knowledge in cultivation in order to seNazis.
cure heavier production, improved reaping meSURROUNDED IN BELGIUM Violent fighting is in pro. thods and a better grade article.
gress in upper and lower Silesia wire the Russian These requirements also hold true with the St. Vith, last stronghold of extreme south of the battle troops of Marsho. Konev are Banana. By improved knowledge we can obtain importance held in Belgium front, the seventh army is said to be intensely attack, better grade fruit and be also in a position to more by the Germans, has been ta again in contact with the Gering the organized German effectively fight the diseases to which the fruit is ke by North American troo mans in the region of Hague troops in what is described now subjected.
ps. The victory, deprives the rau, north Alsace.
the first battle of importance de Colorad Germans of the last means In order that production be more profitable, since Marshal Stalin ritiated of escape at their disposal in In Holland, the British ha his drive to Berlin, a fortnight the lands we cultivate must be rendered more the Ardenes salient, they veregistered a number of imago.
productive; and this can only be done by increased must either now surrender or porfant successes. mili. late advice says the Gal knowledge regarding soil culture and the care of face certain death.
tary circles, it is believed mons are making mors evac jo plants. Agentes Infantry and motorised ele that General Eisenhower is tions from Silesia, Northwest The rising generation are the ones more di os de la Penements of the first and third preparing to launch a new Germany and West Poland, ES CON EL North American armies are end intense offensive in en and that in their rectly concerned and should be fully prepared to retirement reported to have penetrated ordination with the Russian they not only destroy the take the places of their elders and face a future six miles or so beyond the operation on the East, in towns, but kill the same ona which will, in all certainty, be more exacting in all German frontier, while the view of the fact that the Ger poison the dogs.
its commercial requirements. Science has been ca.
Second British army has also man High Command are rus.
RD STEELE invaded Germany to a dis.
Panic is said to be in evi. Hled the key of agriculture. No higher service hing troops from the west, dence in Berlin, where evacuo could, we believe, be rendered this Zone than thet tance of about sixteen miles to assist the effort to break tion activities are also in full of imparting, along with the other instructions in northeast of Sittard. In the the Russian advance.
swing our schools, the rudiments of that knowledge on which our agricultural PANDORA CFFICE FROM ZENT TO MATINA cial and private schools, few popils will escape imbibing that which may enable them, in their transportar We have been reliably in later years, to make two Cacao plants grow where tos al mercat NOTICE NOTICE formed that the office esto only one graw before, and cause a better banana amal de ferme blished at Zent for the pur plant to grow where one of an inferior quality did enhurst, The whereabouts of the below named persons is re requiring Identification Cedu.
pose of attending to persons previously.
tiempos de quested by His Britannic Majesty vice Consul in this citylos, the yearly renewal of ReJohn Gibbons William Johnson Tora; horer Norman Carvalho sidential Certificates and Emily Thompson orthert Rain Alfred Miller Matilde Green other like documents, is not Matters of importance on their behalf are pending affording the inhabitants of nhurst: 1e their attention.
that region, as aiso those as far up as Madre de Dios, the best advantage. It is claimed To Members of Cacao Cooperation ación, a bete FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE that from time to time per THE PEOPLE TAILOR sons have traveled long dis. Mixta)
tances only to find the office. on. ca.
closed and no trace of the offi Our Prices for the following Products are cer in charge.
THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE If this be as it is claimed, CACAO, per quintal 14. 00 Colone we offer the suggestion that the office be removed to Mo.
COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones tina and the duties consolidat Make your home adornable and add to the family ed with those of the Agent of comfort Police, or carried on indepen COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones dently, PULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones Matina is more centrally lo FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES coted and its establishment All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most there would better facilitate the persons who need railroad of the Cacao Co operation popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon, transportation. Time is golden and once lost can never be RAUL VELAZQUEZ Beresford Duncan regained. May our humble su Manager ggestion be productive of the needed benefit.
NORTE SUGGEST REMOVAL OF IDENTIFICATION AND RESIDENTAL CEDULA Lephalus this training be enforced in all our of. contar con ano llerabit vicio leg Notice ación de da com DARA siste un send bién es ciert es lo sufic gina DOS DRINA! ANESTABLISHMENT pal.
TO SUR SUS propietario IS co. oo ocumento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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