
apng Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 27th January 1945 SERVICE ASSEMBLY AND THEOCRATIC STUDIES The Tunis 1100 Limón Trading Company pera when The Port Limon company u wchorun witnesses are now conducting in the Kingdom Hall situated at Sixth Avenue towards Seventh Street in this ciy the following Thursdays: Service meeting from Text Book PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR the at th 00 The Truth mkes Free Sundays: Watch Tower Studies Course in Theocratc Ministry Training. cordil welcome wits the public in generl to al these services 00 Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER the with dred Mr.
deat, Ress were DEEPLY REGARDED SEPTUAGENARIAN CROSSES THE GREAT DIVIDE 2001 Asso The repro ons 90 hic of a truc dan Ar Mr.
eard tion John de Gxhibir los Esta lo. good the ba adhe BO ea of trai ment coas sed had need ciliti 09 of MI pion bs also Cau les Live ES hins cuentra Though experiencing much other relatives wherever reagony, a notable Christian sident, the Atlantie Voice fortitude which ever chrac extends its profound sympa terized Mrs. Grant, thy. May the soul of our de kept her alive during seve parted one rest in peace REMEMBER ral months of serious illness perpetual until she breathed her last on Sunday the 21st: instant WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Hardly any one who frequen ted the Estrella region wae en not acquairted with the late Mrs. Grant. She was a kind los Estados Unidos?
and loving character. She earned the grand, divine pri AN OPEN INVITATION TO THE JAMAICAN ARTISTES NOW TOURING vilege of enjoying the pres cribed three score and ten THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA years. Mrs. Grant was from Jamaica and first saw the!
Comerelarte The Atlantic Voice learely hope it will be possible JOSE ACHIONG NG. light of day in the Parish of Come contratados en todo with much gratification ther for them to effect the nece St. James. She was actively riencia en el ramo de tiendas Mr Grativi e Compbell and ssary arrangements in order Comerciante detallista associated with the Baptist permanentemente en dos Unidos productos de San JoConcert Parts are now appeal to include Costa Rica in theit Licores, Abarrotes, Cristal Denomination in this eity. sé de Costa Rica y alrededores, ing before capacity audiences tour ría, Materiales de Ferrete. We sense the feeling of Muy familiariz do con el mane jo de tiendas al detalle y con in the Republic of Panama ria y Eléctricos, todo se en regret of the Rev. Forde, buenas relaciones cor importanWe are sure the public of The Atlantic Voice places tes compradores y dueños de esthat other pastoral duties on tablecimientos detallistas este this and the other provinces of itsa at their disposal for our establecimiento. the Line Missions prevented cur Republic would be de ight needed service, as well as 10his conducting the religious ed with the presence of these the presentation of program.
ceremony over the remains Envie por correo aéreo destalented artistes. We since. mes.
ripción de sus productos y plaof a faithful member of his os en que puede entregar los cla of Spain and Queen Vic flock. However, in his absen incluyendo transporte y derepedidos. Sirvase cotizar precios.
Loria the Good.
ce, Deacon Clarke ably conchos aduaneros de la mercancia BRILLIANT RALLY BY FRATERNAL SOCIETY The first Honours wer: dueted the service, both in states Uratto di prenderade Estados Unidos. Especifique arned for his Britannie Ma. the church and at the grave. comisión o corretaje que está jesty, George VI, who was tispuesto a conceder en las venOn the night of Fridey the song. Mr. Gray violin se The deceased is mourned as a las tiendas detallistas de 12th. instant, the Raily basection gained prolonged cle championed by Mr. Herbert, by widower, Mr. John Granit, os Estados Unidne es the lives of tome of the rs. In humorous prose and Van Horn, and to whom the our highly esteemed agricul past and present outstanding leful delivery, Miss Muris contributions of the Contor turist of San Clemente: her Severe gns, sponsored by the roe, speaking as a moder.
dia Ledge of the Independen nephew Mr. England Shaw MAX STENZLER Scotch Lily Lodge of the Ind. siat rendered Ston Brea: United Order of Mechanics of Manila; her niece, Miss ependent United Order of Scotter and the Greatest frou and the British Vice Consul Iris May Smith, a graduated 314 Shadwell Drive tis Mechanics, was observed ble. The Secret was tha of our city were allotted.
nurse of the Jamaica Public in the Hall of the Loyal Phoplendidly rendered recitat Queen Isatela of Spain sec. Hospital and he sisted inEE. UU. de enix Lodge. The band composer of Miss Elena Roid.
ured 2nd plate as the resul of law, Mrs. Ethel Lashley of ed of Messers. Ernes: and Ru The Rally treated on the brilliant representation Panama. To them and the per White, Sydney Eliot and vey of King Edward VII of Mrs. Euphemia McDonald Cuza, furnished the mu. ng Erward VIII, King Ge. behalf of the Mt. Herath sical features of the entert orge V, King George Vi. Em Lodge, Household of Ruth ainment. Mrs Ruth Thc mas peror Halle Seksie, Mary Individual contributions re.
WEEKLY SATLINGS enchantingly contribut Queen of Scots, Queen Isa sarding this noble character included that of Srta. Sara Cerda, the highly esteemid From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARSecretary of the British Vice SROWNE ABRAMAMS BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA Consulate in this city. The Agentes.
discourse in favour of Ende ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT cor Haily Selasie was a that For particulars, see or communicate with FRENTE UNIDAD SANITARIA ter piece by Mr. Bowerbetres 90 Ciudad de Limón.
the Risesentative of the BRYAN BARRIEITOS, Agents Kew Hope Lodge, Ancient Post officoBox 141 or at their office on the lower floor of Order of Shepherds. Mr. Jos Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE VENTA DE MERCADERIAS Thomat was th presiding AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Chairman en for En er aho 13 the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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