
ESTA Un pro el trab Priser two REOPE DAY Caribbean Packing Co.
This made CACAO Hall of the dat the di the 226 atured Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 27th. January 1945 MISCELLANEOUS ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AND INVESTITURE BY VOLUNTEER each. Alfonso Cantellano and Eladio Jimenez, one year each ADVERTISEMENTS BOMBEROS Marked with its characte.
but could not on account of Martin Zúñigo, seven months, uncontrolable circumstances Jose Ferrufino and Alvaro Fa THOMPSON SUPPLY ristic personal importance and AND WORKSHOP scenic beauty, the Anniversary tarricen Flag. The musicians It was fondly desired that the las, three months each. Jose Celebration and as de la Miguel Casco, two Investiture of the Riverside Orchestra of guests make themselves Everything in the mechani ceremony of the Volunteer cupied a central position on confortable as if they were in months each. Gemanilo Cas cal line cane be made, re Bomberos were carried out in the rostrum.
their respective homes. Deatillo, one year Jose Vargas, paired or supplied Assort the Hall of the St. Mark As a curtain raiser the silence tening applauds drowned the one month. The Honorary ments of Beds, Springs and Parish on the night of Satur was broken by the orchestra closing words of the oration members were don Fulgenc Debilid sther useful equipment. day the 13th. instant first number at the hour of ten In addition, Captain Alvarade Compos and Jorge Montandon Building.
On entering the Hall the This was followed by the re, mindfully expressed the con. six years service each; don 89 Fifth Avenue toward eye was forcefully attracted marks of welcome eloquently dolence of the Bomberos for Alfonso Sole, don Alberto Mu the Municipal Bath.
by the palm fronds artistically delivered by Captain Noe Al the late doctor Rusch, as also tis, Dr. Oscar Pacheco, Dr.
GRANT AND CRAWFOR utilized with splendid decoro varado, in part, the Capt. the sorrow felt for Anselmo Guido Casorlo and Mr Geor NEW HARLEM BAR tive effect. Attention had also said it was a nellowed pleasure Scott, who was in one of the ge Munch, two years each; sick institutions of San Jose AND RESTUARANT don Jorge Zeledon Venegas, the distinguished to be given the right hand to have wing of the porch, which dis presence of the wives, relati.
Mis, Margarita Rojas, the Engineer Carazo ond Dr.
Opens Day and Nigth. Clean played a palmy adornment for ves, lovers and friends of the God mother of the Brigade Hilario Cuevillas, transferred and Cozy Reservation. Good the midnight hot coffee and Firemen at the celebration, and Mesdames Alberto Mutis with two years service cach.
Gerardo Native and Foreign Liquori tamal service. In an imposing which should really have been and Lucille McGuinness de So Thé lamented Dr.
lano were introduced to effect Rusch with a service of and experienced Mixers position the insignio of the observed on the 4th. Decem the investiture on the follow years. Building.
Fire Brigaderested an the ber last. St. Barbara Day, beautiful and significant Cos the Patron Saint of the Systemvarado, nineteen years of ser than the families of the res.
ing members Cap. Noe Al. Among the guests, other vice Dr. Sergio Vindas, four pective firemen, were don Fer years Sergeant Hilario Cruz, min Amador, don Mariano Zú four years Corporals Heliodo rigo, don Gilberto Calvo, don ro Andrés and Jose Araya, Majorie Hayling and Ophilia four years each Firemen Boli Chandler Ehrman, the Misses the Pogledi var Benes, Noe Alvaado Man Aguilar, the Leon Sisters, the elijas the ge dadero six years each. Jose Rivers Sisters, the Aurtene. sheel, which Brenes, five years Carcia Sisters, don Luis Aragon los Corella. four years Mo. and daughter. Srta. Elba rio Alvarado, Manuel Ulloa, don Alberto Ulloa and his undersigned, The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao Humberto Ulloa, Jose Solano, wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me dor the 1945 three years each. Jose Ba Guinnes, Miss Florence Cam Hestero and Miguel Fonseca, pbel of Colon, and others scholars, two years each. Hernan Au. whose names We regret our RAICILLA. IPECACUANA bert, five years. Ramiro Ocaminability to mention for lack and on the RUBBER po, Rafael Aguilar, two years of space.
lumaltary Hours 1:49 HIGHLIGHTS IN JAMAICA NEW JOS We are Agents for CONSTITUTION THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI REV. DO (Continued from last issue)
OFFICES: MON. SAN JOSE PER TR The progress of a colony toration is that if the Govern TO NEV wards self government depenment turns out to be irrespon ds chiefly on two factors, the sible in the field of financo, LA closing period of the year.
powers and functions of the the British taxpayer may have WOMEN LIFE COSTA RICA We are, now in receipt of Legislature and to power of to be called upon to straight SODA. WATER the information the Governor; as the one in on things out. Certain reserve however PROBLEM CLUB FACTORY that creases, the other becomes powers have, there fore, been the members of the Fábrica de Hielo more limited. Limitation of left to the Governor under this TO APPEAR Club have decided to resta the Governor power has been new constitution. These pow.
ge the Old Fashion Con y Refrescos Shortly after the staging cert on the night of Tuesday Agencia Cervecería one of the most difficult points ers. however, are only to be of the history making con. the 13th. February Traube to settle in the discussions on exercised with extrem, discre Jamaica new constitution, tion, and the Governor is to cert in the Hall of the St. Those familiar with the ner I MON for the Secretary of State for take the advice of the Exe.
Mark Parish on the 9th. ve straining Mrs. Gracious October 1944, under for a came to town will surely FLORIDA ICE AND whole community, must esta. Moreover, any decision to ex.
the Colonies as trustee for the cutive Council on the matter, the auspices of the women be delighted with her blish safeguards to protect ercise it has to be reported Life Problem Club, several appearance, while those FARM CO. sections of the community immediately to the Secretary Jequests were made for a unacquainted with her will from being oppressed by tho. of State in London.
Pepetition, but time and cir no doubt marvel at the sce LA FLORIDA se to whom the charge of gov gumstances did not permit ne of the queerest dressed Maderas 15 ernment has been entrusted.
this being done during the creature of modern days.
The new constitution is no Fábrica de Hielo Another important conside hurried experiment. Not only have the discussions been ma We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back intained continuously in apite Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: ofthe preocupations of de su recibo que dice: since 1939, but the new sys.
This bill must be paid at our office before tem is to be tried out for a Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month full electoral period of five de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
years, during which all Beu.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not tions of the community in Jo.
Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which maica will have an opportu.
BU de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take nity of testing out the effectiv eness of the new constitutio he nal machine, Very well Fall the per to var schile ento next NEEDED re Also wat good for TO GET РАЗ COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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