p. 12


The speeches of the Pri.
And it is one which the men, me Minister and his colles Much of what was one On Day the United King women and choldren of this cues give us firm ground for treated as waste, is now domlad over 514 millions country have all helped to Lelievlug that Christmas Triple sis is the new secreten to be wealth. That is of her people actually in the preduce, whether they are 1944, will be the last Chrie. weapon being made in this ne of the great discoveries armed forces or the full ti farmers and farmworkers.
mas of fighting in Europe country for supply to the Mithat industry has made in fivit Delende ervice members of the Womens by this time this year war adle East and East Africa. the present war. residue which, in of the fact that the Land Army, hoiday volun.
may well have gone a good It is a chemical compound for which one works has no country is still exposed to conteers, or diskors for victory in way towards laying the four or use as poison bait agause, may be a precious raw stant air attack, may be rec allotment and back garden.
aation of that new world winst locusts. Trials in Britih material to another which koned on the same footing as The sum total of the efforts which the Christmas gospe East Africa have proved its perhaps found its activities the armed forces. In addition of all these is that Britain of peace and goodwil will be value as an additional antibrought to a standstill for epPreximately another milli has been able to reduce her no longer a dream but a rea locust weapon, to rank wiht iack of it.
an men have served in the imports of food by 50 per ce.
flame throwing, trenching regolar armed forces since nt. thus releasing an equiva Without goodwill peaes and poison spraying from factory producing khaki war began, if we include calent amount of shipping for is an ilusion. We could ne low fliying RAF aircraft.
web equipment used to th.
sualties, prisdners of war, other war purposes.
doubt have had peace in Already millions of the all row away its fluff like co and those released from the 100052 1939 at the price of our he devouring locusts have been tton waste, which is now services moinly on medical In 1943, the quantity of nour. Peace on the German destroyed in British East being used by another firm grounds. This means that the wheat and potatoes harves model is no peace at all. It Erica by campaigns cove in making upholstery for pl notion has succeeded in mobited was more than double is a state of cowed, humilia ring thousands of square mi lots seats in aircraft. lar lising one in every 7, of its the pre was average. Crops ing submision in the govern les.
se firm with its own total population men, wo. of sugar beet and vegetables nent of non Germans in The problem in Africa and Ireen used to throw away men and children for militair that year were 30 per cent, vorld run for Germany the Middle East, however, is beal, husks, which, however, ry service. In addition, the higher than the pre war fi benefit in which only Ge international. Britain graat were found invaluable to a Home Guard was about 14 gure. Fruit crops increased man standard of behaviour of 11. 500 under the Colo neighbouring firm for pre million strong on Day. by more than 50 per cent.
pievail, and in which Britis. nial Development and Welking delicate instruments.
These British forces have fou The number of allotments ideals of justice and integrare Acts is setting up an ght in more than twenty di has increased from about ty are mock and derided enti locust organisation in Sawdust, which was once fferent campaigns. How full 800, 000 before the war to a. Had we ben prepared to Northern Rhodesia, to co o: waste material, can now a shere they have borne in tout 12 millions in 1943, and allow German dominion dinate work with the British. be used in the making of ti the fighting is scen from the there has been a large increa too could have accepted this and Belgian territories ir lcs and flooring material.
terrible price the has se in the garden area devo slavery and dignified it wit south eastern Africa The Dust from gas producer paid in casualties. Excluding ted to vegetable production the name of peace. new poison is yet anothe plant has been found of use the British Civil Defence, the withthe result that private The true peace for which contribution to the antio. to makers of building mata United Kingdom had under garderners have themselves Britain and her Allies are cust arsenal.
rials. Dry cleaning stills resi arins en Day about 54 per produced a substantial pro striving is not aimed at the due has been decontamina Befit of the total Britishcom. portion of vegetables essen forcible rule of one country ted and put to use as diesel monw alth and Empire fortial to health. hu over other. It is a peace in only a few ces. Yet we find that io les auto out of many similar instant that 60 per cent of the total and lowly among the ne casualties of these forces ha HONOURS FOR tions will have the HAS SERVED IN In order that industri ve been suffered by men of WOMEN WAR right to live as their power lists in various fields may the United Kingdom. Of the iul neighbours. It is a peace help to solve their own and fatal casualties an even high WORKERS in which the great nations TWO WARS others, supply problems, In ex proportion. 72 per cent will regard as a sacred trust custrial Salvage Groups have las been from the United the preservation of their sma!
been formed throughout the Kingdom The outstanding contributi. ller neighbours rights.
country. This scheme, spon DU on of United Kindom The veteran RAF Shark sored by the Ministry of Su Nor is this the whole of the men to the war effort is refle ty. Another Miss Squadron which swept over pply, has already proved it Proce Brotain has poid in blo ted in the New Year hono. Dorothy Brown, worked whi the Libyan airfields on the self of great practical im od to defend civilisation. In urs list. Of the civilians who le Dover was under constant day Italy declared war aga portance and there are now addition to the 563, 000 se services have been rewar. enemy bombardment. Miss inst the Britihs Empire, has 300 such Groups, comprising casualties in the armed for. ded with the Offi 11. Conell helped to keep been operating in the Medi about 10. 000 firms.
ces 57, 000 civilians in Britain cer of the British Empire London, telephone lines cle terraneen theatre ever since bave died under enemy bom Member of the Order er during flying bomb atta. and is now carrying out full bardment 31. 000 of them wo of the British Empire and Bcks. At the highest adminis. scale fighter bomber opera wen and children and abo M. British Empire Medal trative level two women tions with the Desert Air For hostilities, when it was dis.
ut 78, 900 have been seriously no less than 154 are women Members of Parliament. Miss Ice on the 8th Army front in banded.
The services mentioned ran. Ellen Wilkinson and Miss Flo Italy The squadron was re for ge from difficult administra rence Horsburgh have been Today the bulk of the med on the aircraft carrier These facts speak for them tive tasks and outstanding created Privy Councillors, quadron effort consists of Argus in May, 1939, equi.
selve. they add up to a sus work in war factories, to ci. but no award more clearly re long range armed reconnais pped with Gladiator fighter tained national effort such vil defence work and organi. flects the unstinted participa sances over north Italy, gun and under the command of as no other people has achie zation, and the care of evation of British women in the blasting operations, and ats Ldr. Summerville ved. They are the blood, sw cuee children.
National effort than the Britacks against bridges, vital teſt for Egyut.
eat and tears which Chur. Although the awards are for tish Empire Medal given to highways, troop concentra On the day of Italys er Jill promised the Britis civilian services in many Mrs. Simmons. It is stated she tons, motor vehicles and try into the war, the Gladia.
people in 1940, when, in their cases they were carried out has eight choldren and an trains.
ters, which had been moved name, he stood up to defy Na under fire thus Mr Madge Ga valid husband, but has wor. The equadron has had up to the Libyan frontier, ca tyranny. They also show me is a dispatch dider ked three and a half years in chequered history. Formed tried out a sweep over Me that the qualities which have who carried vital messagesl a cartridge factory setting in 1917 as an army coopera rastir airfield, at that time made the British people are throughout flying bomb atta, an example in punctuality tion squadron, it operated accommodating squadrons of as alive today as ever. cks without once missing du. and cheerfulness. in France until the close of the Regia Aeronuatica.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
which the poor and meet SHARK SQUADRON tuel. These are ces.
sam wo.


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