
ti NO2 1945 THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOIC Earl been captured D!
Imente la ecen a ta Vindas rés en el assal Decialmente ture. good man is by no means exempt from the danger of suffering by the crimes of others.
Like other mortals, he is subject to all the in Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX fluences of natural evil. Even his goodness YEAR LIMON, FEBRUARY 3rd. 1945 No. 43 may raise him enemies of implacable malice and restless perseverance.
SOVIET FORCES INITIATE THEIR FINAL ADVANCE ON BERLIN ITORIAL The final stage of the battle ny. The important position of lives in the recent battles in this of Germany fast approaches. Koenigsberg has also been cut region POSSIBLE COMMERCIAL INTERCHANGE Continuing their victorious ad. off from the rest of East Prus. The Russian advance in vance, the Soviet armies have sia, and the only means os esca provinces of Brandebourg BETWEEN JAMAICA AND COSTA RICA completely isolated East Prussia, se for the Nazis is said to be creates momenturily, it is threaten by a and. the to cut off communications with to the fury of the Soviet artillery cipal outlets for Berlino the northearstern art of Germa fire. Three thousand Nazi of Baltic it nowmenaces One of the benefits which may result from fieers are said to have lost their more than 200 villages towns have the operations of Jamaica newly inaugurated that sector Constitution, might be an expansion of the THE BATTLE FOR THE PRILIPPINES In their new advance fron Poser along the western margin Island commercial activities and consequent PROGRESSES of the river Oura, the troops of over seas trade.
the first army of White Russia have destroyed the cement and This should, we think, open the way for The battle in progress for the ve since advanced more than steel fortifications of the Nazı.
y los del the establishment of a commercial interchange re conquest of the Philippine Is forty kilometrs and will soon and captured a number of in between that Island and Costa Rica. It should lands is said to be making sue. unite with the Sixth Army. portant places. The fight was re cessful advances. The latest in The remnant of the Japanese ported of the greatest intensity not be difficult for both goernments to enact formation wtih us discloses that army who operated on Saipan and cost the Germans 4, 000 of the necessary regulations. And while the ques General MacArthur troops ha ond estimated at 18, 000 men, their manpower, It is presumed that the strate antil. Lition of ocean transportation may be regarded xe reached a position less than wher, the Island was captured by 40 kilometers of Manila the North Americans in July sic position of Frankfort is to artelos, as an impediment, we are optimistically incli An addtional number of tro last, are now completely exter next objective of Marshal Zhu kov in his assault on Berlin, free mantuvie ned that ere the autumn months are with us, ops of the eighth North Ameri. minated it is reported.
con army landed on the Island The strategic naval base of which city he is reported diempo ga that phase of the terrible world conflict will of Luzon last Tuesday without, Olonpayo on the Island Grand this time of writing to pendier have terminated. Our humble suggestion it is stated, the loss of a single has been occupied by allied for than fifty miles.
repasat man, airplane or ship. They ha. ces.
Aided by the arrival of should not, therefore, be regarded as prematroops, the North America de Medio FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE ve so intensified their against the principal Siegfri trepte Notwithstanding the atmospheric disturTHE PEOPLE TAILOR Line as to have compelled th amputa bances which frequently occur, Jamaica agridefending German troops to a bandon more than two kilonia ireunsición cultural fructivity has never been known to THE COMING HEMISPHERE CONFERENCE ters of the chain of fortificatie Fico eu na wane, hence she may always be in a position It is estimated that more than prestars 100. 000 men of the first an to supply us with some of the things we need, IN MEXICO CITY icios profe third armies are engaged in while Costa Rica may, from her varied producnecesari kepresentatives of the Amri been co operating fully in the tight, along a frortage of 65 ometers.
adores tions, be able to provide a few of the things Jacan Republics collaborating in the weging of the war and the mak Units of the Third North Ave maica has to secure from foreign sources.
clador qe war, will convene in Mexico City ing of the peace.
rican army have extended scia del Having regard to the near approach of the Poi uary 21st. to coguider He also declared that the unity position over the river of the American nemisphere will about seven kilometers, atacado post war period, each and every one of us argent war and post the territory of the Reich always be their first line ol de gia ful should endeavour to aid in the extension of bleins of great concern to the Landsberg, which, wit Hai Dating governme our Republic agricultural, industrial and com vitations for the conference were that the friendship and co oper most important fortificati He further emphased exception of Frankfort, osibles, mercial activities. Let us therefore make an Extended by the Government of tion among these many nations, the protection of Berlin ciones Mexico devoted to freedom, will nave Moscow announcement been captured according Costa Rica is suffering from an unpreceden The official delegate of the a stroug influence on the peace berg is located 110 kilomct.
ted Sugar shotrage, perchance, Jamaica, which United States will be Secret of the world, which the United from Berlin.
The Germans fear another bi has a world wide reputation for its production, of State Edward Stettinius Jr. Noties are determined to win for offensive is abount to be laun.
Nelson Rockefeller, Assistant may be able to assist.
To page shed by General Eissenhower Secretary of State, in charge of Inter American Affairs, will be NOTICE NOTICE the alternate delegate It has been officially relenged NOTICE!
The whereabouts of the below nomed persons is re Iron Washington that the United States Government has felt for quested by His Britannic Majesty vice Consul in this city some time the need for such a John Gibbons William Johnson Norman Carvalho Emily Thompson centerence, and looks forward Alfred Miller wit the confident expectation Who recently returned of the Republic of Panamá, by Matters of importance on their behalf are pending that it will strengthen the contri.
to inform his many clients, frier. ds and the general put their attention boich of the American Republica that he is back at his old stand where, in combination to the achievement the common with his son, he is prepared to serve their various interets objetives in the war It was also SPECIAL EXTRAORDNARY LOTTERY stated that the Confereuce will Remember afford an opportunity to more DRAWING fully explore what measures of We make all kinds of men garments, Suits in latest cei nomic cooperation can be styles, Riding breeches all styles, Sport shirts, Dressing adopted, with a view of lying thie gowns, Bath robes, Military Uniforms. the month of July of the tery founJation for the general inWe specialize in Ladies Coats, Suits, Skirts, Slacks, current year, the Junta de Pro It is understood that the prove of basio economic con Breeches and Jodhpurs.
teccion de San Jose will have guard prize will be half a ni! ditions in the Americas, looking SATISFACTION GUARANTED CALL OR WRITE beer in existence for one hunion colones, with a second of toward to a rising standard of liv.
dred vears, with a view of cele one bundred thousand. Other ing throughout the hemisphere brating the important event, the prizes will be much in excess of Commenting on the approaching Junta is said to have decided to the usual amounts. We have not conference, Nelson Rockefeller ellect a special extraordinary yet heard the price at which the stated it will be a meeting of the Box 83 Puerto Limon druwing of the Asilo Chapui ticktes will be sold nations whose governments have Intence por tem a dar early start. piso John Rogers bruary public TIN: RINKS The Vogue Tailors RVICE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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