
See De Witt Pills quickly relieve which you he honou strate a tend to you gratulative JOINT PAINS Visit to was good at that se to De best GM WORAMI wants an tors of Page ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 3rd. February 1945 HARVEST SERVICES. AL MATINA The year Harvest Eestival the ternoon th: participants Irvices of the Matina Baptist chendably de ivered the se Church were conducted of Senerel reciting and singing items, dny the 21st January, by the to the event joy of the congrePastor, the Rev. Forde HegationThe young talents in is stated to have graciously accepiluded the Miss Marie Em Mi coi the contributions and to havellie, Trene, Grace, Kate, Master invoked God blessing on the Vincent and others.
gives among these were Me Me is Palmer and Miss at A. Palmer, Edwin Tair Vester BloomiId presided, Samuel Edwardy and Miss Daka, instaly at the orgal The The Entertaining features wir: charliter added several appa Joint pains and backache warn you presided during the hours clables itens to the programin that your kidneys are out of order.
They are getting sluggish and allowing impurities and poisons to escape from the bloodstream and lodge in the muscles and joints.
Our good friend. Mr. Lorenzo These poisons (especially uric De Witt Pills not only dearaway clogging Richards, a responsible employes acid) may bring on painful rheuimpurities and poisons they actually tone up and strengthen the kidneys. You get of th: Northern Railway om matic swellings if they are not evidence of the direct action of De Witt quickly cleared out of the system. Pills within 24 hours of taking the first Dally, is. we much regret Ia ing The way to tackle the trouble is dose. This gives positive proof that a Narly five months ago, the se: to mention on the sick roil and to go at once to the root causewonderful internal antiseptic is getting to rious iliness of the widely known confined to his residence for the work at the very root of your trouble in the unhealthy condition of your the kidneys themselves.
proprietor of the People Bake past several days.
Once your kidneys are restored to healthy y. Mr. Philip Booth, hastened That he may have a speedy and De Witt Pills are specially fucpared to activity, those joint pains, rheumatic his daughter to his bedside in San complete recovery is our twinges and depressing backaches banish cere correct kidney disorders. That why they completely. And because the cause of Jose She remained with him wish have proved such an effective treatment your trouble has been removed you can for Joint Pains, Rheumatism and Backache. expect more than temporary relief.
until was sufficiently recruited wlien they both came homel Miss social tunetions in our city. She Entwffected several trips to left us, last Saturday, by ocean the Capital subsequently, her typestation, for her home of mother accompaning her on the ocorion We wish her continu.
Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lembago, Joint Pains and all last She also attended severeld prosperity forms of Kidney frouble. Of chemists and storekeepers everywhere.
WITH THE BAPTISTS MUCH REGRETTED ACCIDENT FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE THE PEOPLE TAILOR We are pleased with the pre sence of Mr. Cleveland Claike, a well regarded Limonense, who had been abroad for quite some time. He is on a visit to his rela.
tives and many friends. We ex.
To Members of Cacao Cooperation The Limon Company of Jeloving tend him a hearty welcome. Mixta)
ah Witnesses are conducting, SUNDAYS, commencing at The Kingdom Hals, lo fated at 630 Watch Tower Stu Cur Prices for the following Products are Sixth Avens, toward Seven dies aud from Text Book. Th Miss Lucille Johnson was Strert the following Truth makes Free!
visitor to the Capital last week, THURSDAY, commencing e dial welcome is assamed She claims to have had a very CACAO, per quintal. 44. 00 Colone 30 m Course in Theo the soleral publie at all the ser enjoyable vacation, and to have cratir Ministry and Service Mervices been warmly received by the mar, Limonenses now resident COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones in San Jose. We are glad: COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones Mrs. Bernard, Directress ULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones of the English Day School of the The Baptists of our city Catholie Parish and organist of will obesrve Missionary Ser the Cathedral, also visiteti San 11 Freight and Cartage will be at Expense vices tamorrow, Sunday the We very much regret the Jose lost week. She was accom.
panied by her children of minor of the Cacao Co operation fourth knowledge that Mr. Albert Fur years. Their trip was not entireThe discourses, on the sub dinated Foster, a widely known ly one of pleasure their main ob RAUL ject of this branch of Chris citizer is, at this time of writing sective being to have a look at VELAZQUEZ tian work, will be given by a blent in the local hospital the last resting places of their Manager specially invited guettuspek husband It is stated that while performand father, daughter and sister Reparted loved ones kers on the night of the 5th his duties on a tractor at the Mr. Bernard and Miss Peryl 25 Miles Abaca Industry, he se. They benefitted somewhat from THE EOMMING The Rev. Forde, the cidentally fell off the machin the effects of the milden clime Fastor of the Church, clad Ioseived such injuries as From page forward dealing, a frank facing officiate at all the services rersitated his hospitalization Miss Morgan, of our city, of our common prob. ms and the and meeting. coruial in Thasa incident took place ante has returned from her overseas future generations. These are working out, togethes of solutions vitation is extended the gecays ago. We wish Mr foster a trip for rest and cranion with the deys, he continued, that call! wach reflect the mutual best neral public relatives. She is Shes and complete recovery welcomed for car plete honesty and straterests of all. The salvation of the world depends on the People We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back of the world, and the people of Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al corso of receipt which reads: the wald demand hollesty, cinde su recibo que dice. rd straight speaking. Thus This bill must be paid at our office before the problems of all must be disEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month cussed and plans made whigit de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
will lead, when victory has been Be so good as to comply with this request and do not wor, to higher earding power, Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which better living standards, better de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take healit, education, security, and freedom from fear for all the peoples of the Americas COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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