
THE REPUBLIC MONETE first MI Miu The ED MORE THAN SEVEN MILLION MEN EQUIPPED EOLL TMC UITS LEAVING TURNITURE His Excelleney, President ferings Looking forward with ESTABLISHMENT Teodoro Picado, by only earning of the damages great interest for your profound VO San Jose, and destruction caused by the consideration and attention at recent floods, therefore, you ma the earliest possible date.
Make your home adornable and add to the family Honourable Sir: de it possible to see them. Now confort that you are convinced of our We the undersigned, on behalf yearly visitor the flood. we We beg to remain of the inhabitants of this district appeal to you for help in certain Your very obedient citizens; of Matina as well as of the en districts that have suffered so Lire Atlantic Zone, being loyal severely. For example:We so. Ishmael Murray FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES citizens of this Republic of licit the following in the inter. Robert Richards which you have the distinguis est of Matina; being the Clarke buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most hed honour of being Chief Ma. to submit this petition. We shall Claudius Bailey gistrate, do herey, heartily ex. be very grateful if you could Eduardo Benedit popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon tend to you our warmest con make it possible to excavate the Willesley Broomefield gratulations and thanks for your courses of the creeks at 22, 22 Allan Smith Beresford Duncan visit to us in December last. It and 23 miles, and empty the Sydney Stewart was good of you to have come waters in the canal North of the Alfred Murray at that time when you could village of Matina We suggest Albert Minto. e.
see the destruction wrought by another safe help for this dis Livio Bartoli the heavy floods, hear of the trict, Estrada and Zent: the Coreho Gutiérrez sufferings of your humble ser continuation of the twenty four James Brown vants, and see the actual condi. twenty five miles canals to the Caroline Harriatt tions of the places: namely, Ma. Barbria River so as to free the Clifford Forbes Empire, and the remaining one.
tina, Estrada and Zent.
pressure of over flow from the Thomas Gillings fifth came from the parWe deemed it a special sacri Chirripo, directly into the Mati James The statistics of the United tly under Lease. Lend and partly fice of your energy, with darger na River, the trouble would Strachan Kingdom war effort, published paid for ircash by Britain The to your own precious life, when then be all over. We shall con. Pilen Mendoza by the British Government as a present sterngth of the British you visited us at a time when tinue to pray that the Lord Our Gilbert Alterno White Paper on November 28th, and Empire forces is about conditions were every thing, ex God will instil more and more James tell in a sober and undemonstra millions, but if we include all cept normal in your Cabinet and self the Henry Clarke.
tive way the most astounding who have served since outbreak feel confident that you wisdom and understanding to story of the whole war.
of war, the figure is well over would not have been satisfied govern us and to relieve our suf Matina. January 1945.
An analysis of even two or ten millions. Thus, the amount three of the outstanding facts of munitions produced by the COSTA RICA FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE revealed makes it clear at once UK has been enough to equip that the war effort of the people armed forces totalling more than THE PEOPLE TAILOR SODA WATER of Britain has been greater per seven millions.
FACTORY head than that of any other be.
This production effort by 47 lligerent million people would be extra.
Fábrica de Hielo of the total supply of muni. ordinary enough in any circums y Refrescos tions for the entire United King tances. Yet it has been made dom, and Commonwealth The chorus, loud and strong, and ready to do verything for and even while more than 13 pes Agencia Cervecería less cert of the entire population, heari in many of the reside it the preservation and betterne Empire armed forces, no Traube sectors of our city is Mosquitoes, of cur alth. We therefore, than seven tenths was produced comprising the most active age LIMON Mosquitoe.
vite a new and intensifi: cam by the Unted Kingdom. fur groups, was being withdrawn ther tenth was produced by the from industry to serve in the And the most presumptuotis pa gainst the present inva rest of the Commowealth and armed forces.
sion of these dangerous pesis masner in which th. y bray and survive nearly all of the well Numerous cites of malaria, know. Liquid insecticides traceable, it is claimed to atta LA FLORIDA We are aware of the fact that uks of the mosquitoes, have beeturns, there were 182, 293 wo prized in this war. It Acording to last year census Colony to be awarded the much Maderas our local Chief of Public Health arriving in the city, now we toomen wage earners in the Island was a posthumous award for Fábrica de Hielo and Social Protection is willing to treatened with the evi of Jamaica. Their average hours great heroism and gallantry in of employment were said to be Bouganville, in the Solomis.
72 per week.
lands loyes or the yard кее MOSQUITOES. MOSQUITOES She opean FLORIDA ICE AND thing about these pests is the FARM CO.
FROM HERE AND THERE Limón Trading Company те Re PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Last year rubber production On the assumption that the hu in British Guiana is said to have aurricane which struck the been sufficient to provide, whers rricane which struck the Island mixed with synthetic rubber, reduced the Banan output from 30. 000 motor cars with four new 8, 000, 000 to 1,, 500, 000 stems tyres each per annum, it is estimated that for the twelve months ending June 1945, the government will have expended approximately 1, 022, 000 puonds sterling on pur chases of crops and for grants and loans for the resuscitation of the industry. THOMPSON SUPPLY AND WORKSHOP nes MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS one: ones nse Dried Ipecac Rool Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Everything in the mechanis Corporal Sefanaia Sukanai.
valu of the Fiji Military Forces cal line cane be made, te is the first soldier from a British paired or supplied Assort.
ments of Beds, Springs and cther useful equipment. REMINDER Building.
NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward The Managment of the Atlantic the Municipal Bath.
Baron Growus Association adap GRANT AND CRAWFORL ens this medium to remmd ail NEW HARLEM BAR corice red of the meting to be AND RESTUARANT held of: Tuesday evening the proximo, commeneing Opens Day and Nigth. Clean at 30 in the Hall and Cozy Réservation. Good of Ue Universal Negro In Native and Foreign Liquori provement Association.
and experienced, Mixers Active and prospective men Building bers are urged to be in alten dance REMEMBER 6th and the solutions a bes!
vation of e Pen WE PAY THE BEST PRICES eople of ty, oh Tour whe Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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