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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 3rd. February 1945 ULLETINS FROM BRITAIN AÑO La re ARMY FATTENS WAR PRISONERS FAMOS PILOT KILLED IN ACTION EIGHT OUT OF TEN KS FOR ITS MEN Flight Lieutenant Peter Thomas, first West African to be IN SIAM commisioned in the RAF and frist to qualify as pilot, has been IN SERVICES killed in action, according to a report from the Colonial Office.
IN HOC ITAL SIR GRIGG, Secretary of Flight Lieutenant Thomas was the first Wes African to come to Eight out of very 10 me oremost among the 14th tate for War. have Gr. at Britain as volunteer for the RAF. He volunteerer in 1911 in Australia between thg after reading about the achievements of the RAF in the Battle my growing chain of statement to make about the of Britain.
ages of 18 and 35 have been ricultural establishments prisoners of war in Siam. As enlisted in the fighting any issam and Burma is the announced on October 31, which had been horizonta. PRISONERS USED FOR Vices during the five year of hatceries, rearing, some 150 survivors from ally subdivided so thah 4ft.
World War II. Altogether. fattening stations, sunk Japanese transport ca high. The prisoners from the PROPAGANDA 963, 000 Australian men an between them muster rrying United Kingdom and United Kingdom were sent serving or have served o ducks perhaps the Australian prisoners of war by rail to Siam, so crowded the three fighting service biggest poultry farm from Singapore to Japan we into trucks that they could Some of the Australian This represents 13. s always been the po re rescued by United States not even lie down during the prisoners of war who were Australia total populatio 14th Army to provi naval forces in September. Pourney. They were then rescued by a United States of 7, 300, 000. Fit and unski nuch of its own food. The survivors from the Uni marched some 80 miles. This naval force after a Japanelled workers released fro sible. In this way, un ted Kingdom have now rea and subsequent movement in se transport had been sunk spare parts, maintenand train on the fod stocks ched this country.
Burma or Siam appears to on its journey from Singapoand repair sections of the engal and Assam is The result of preliminary have been on foot, regard re to Japan have related in Australian aireraft industry. ded. The man behind examinations of the men giles of distance, weather, or cidents thowing the Japa rollowing withdrawal of campaign is Major Ge ves at last a first hand ac the prisoners state of health nese anxiety about propame orders are being trans a! Snelling and count of the way our men The United Kingdom prison ganda.
ferred to the Army. Highl itu mediately responsible for were treated in the southern ers were then set to work on In a camp in Burma on skilled workers will go 21 agricultural activities is areas of the Far East; and the construction of a railway the Japanese Emperor bir other high priority jobs Col. Gordon Dickson, in there is now no longer any through primitive, chisease thday in 1943 the prisoners the aircraft industry, ma It war days an Essex far doubt about the policy infested jungle passing over were made to clean a hospi king possible increase in ou His chief of staff for, which was pursued by the Ja the mountain range between tal ward containing 700 men put of combat planes suel y is Capt. Hinde, panese military authorities Siam and Burma to meet the White coated orderlies pho as Lancasters, Beaufighters ngleford, Norfolk for towards prisoners of war in Burmese end of the railway tographed the prisoners as und Mosquitos now prodd unty poultry adviser. these areas, which include on the construction of which sisting the disabled menced in Australia. Australia Burma, Siam, Malaya Australians were handed engaged and then round manpower authorities keeg al Hwang Mien. Pro and the East Indies in similar country. The con blank sheets of paper and constant check on labor re of Horticulture from should make it clear at once ditions under which all these photographed the men rea quirements and movement UNA Vest China University that this information does men lived and worked were ding letters from home. enabling maximum efficien hengtu, hrew from Chi not relate to Hong kong, terrible, even for natives of. Finally they filmed the pricy in use of available man ecently with the special Formosa, occupied China, the country, who were also soner belng issued with power. Recently ransfers of Lessing of the Chinese Gov Korea, or Japan, where we forcibly employed on the fruit drinks whidh were killed agriqultural workers Esp nent and a staff of se believe present conditions to same work.
really bottles of cold tea.
were authorized from the as toc med services to increasd ven expert duck hatchers. be relatively tolerable. Nor Other men were filmed with con key to the whole pro does it refer to civilian in Such accommodation as Japanese doctors opera frod production for the for en of successful duck pro ternees.
was provided gave little or ting on them, and immediaces and for Britain, but de Lacion lies in the hatching. The great majority of pri no protection against tropi tely afterwards they had to pite the continuing shortage!
DE Sure Chinese experts ser soners in Singapore and Ja cal rains or blazing sun: pose as a lorry load of hapi about 50. 000 workers, no Turther transfers from the STA 12 three and a half years va appear to have been mo wonos. clothing was not py, singing men being dri: services will be made.
anticeship to an art ved early in 1942 to Burma replaced: soon many lacked ven to work on the railway.
TE UL combines the oldest or Siam. The Australians we clothing, boots, and head co The lorr vactually stopped at Shioned instruments out o TA as with the most re re sent by sea to Burma, vering: the only food provi the camp gate.
table knives and shovel bla ccessful methods. urowded into ships holds ded was a pannikin of rice The Australians received des. The prisoners lived in we hatchery deals with and about half a pint or less nomedicines of any kind bamboo huts thatched with Hal 100 eggs a week. For happily eat themselves to of watery stew three times from the Japanese. The sick palm leaves and slept on the cime Le weeks the eggs lie in obesity, little aware of the a day. But the work had to had their rations eut and floor, or on beds improvi cha boo cylinders, lined with fate that awaits them. go on without respite whate their own doctors were re sed out of bags and bamboo ment talled rice. The heat eau There is a fattening farm ver the cost in human suffe fused medical supplies or in poles, with one flimsy blan brera by the fermentation of alloted to each hospital in sing or life. The inevitable wument. One surgeon falked each. Tropical rains pf les rice incubates the po the 14th Army area. Ducks result was an appalling netrated the roofs, turning tarrid ial ducking and at the are fattened to an average death rate, the lowest esti to their fate, and fear the the hut flors into nud Se of three weeks he is a weight of lbs. for the mate of deaths being one in great majority of them were and the sick me thi ving organism, but still table or rather the soldier five. When the railway was drowned.
were drenched. There were pode his shell. The eggs are li patient tray. The combina finished about October We have asked the Protec no mosquito nets or precau up in hatching beds and tion of Chinese and British 1943, those not needed for ting Power to make the tions against malaria, and cede Taother week the big day methods in rearing and rai maintenance work were mo strongest possible protest. the issue of soáp was one Costa 163. There is a move sing ducks has given results ved to camps in Siam out of am sure speak all the small piece every six months cracking, and one 400 per cent. better than the jungle and here condi British people in expressing All work was done with the LOS wildered duck looks old local methods.
tions are less intolerable. admiration for the way in crudest tools, involving the upon the world. There isn enough poult From these camps the fit which the United States sub maximum physical effort.
at pop 000 little ry in the whole of Bengal test were later sent to Singa marine crews risked their The main causes of death les almost together. and Assam to meet 14th pore en route to Japan. ownstafety to rescue men were malnutrition, dysente ducklings are rounded Army needs. says Capt. The rescued men were in from the sea (cheers. ry, malaria, exhaustion, and id sent to the nursery Hinde, but we hope, if we a ship which left Singapore and our very deep gratitude in some places, cholera. The sion for a fortnight can get more Chinese ex early in September, 1944. to those crews and to the men suffered acutely from there they go to the perts, to open up two more There were probably 1, 300 United States authorities for tropical ulcers, and the lack zaring farms, where ex(hain early in the New United Kingdom and Austra the care and attention given of vegetables caused. British NCOS and In Year. We shall then be able lian prisoners of war on bo to them at every stage. As death depleted an agriculturists bring to provide plump ducks for ard. After she was sunk the Thanks to them nearly all bers in the camp theo up in the best duck tra troops in contact with the Japanese deliberately pick the rescued men are recove ing shifts were ditions and pass them on to enemy as well as for hospied up all Japanese survi ring from their terrible ex and the prisoners were drivs fsc:sing farms. There they tal patients.
vivors, but left the prisoners periences.
en until they dropped nos meri Vecin haga oue fa veres Saria si des increased io so como Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.

    World War

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