
Coro, de Mon millas as ugat Lost de la Ta Our amusements should not terminate wholly with the present moment, they should contribute, more or less, to our future advantage.
Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 He who amuses himself among well chosen YEAR LIMON, FEBRUARY 10th. 1945 454 companions will not fail to receiv esome benefits. The Loose sparkles of thoughtless wit may give new light to the mind.
RUSSIANS INITIATE FINAL ASSAULT AGAINST BERLIN Under the command of the OUR CITY IN URGENT NEED OF victorious Marshal Zhukov, Troops of the Marshal are tablished a position seven kithe Russians are reported to also stated to have control lometers within Germany.
COMMERCIAL SCHOOL of the principal asphalted The forces under the comhighway which leads to Ber mand of General Konev are lin.
said to be effectively operat Three years ago we released the informaIn the area between Bresing from a southerly direction that the well known Gregg School of lau and Oppeln, the troops tion and coordinating with San ose had actually surveyed the local field of General Patton have bro those of Marshal Zhukov for the purpose of extending their valuable Divine ken enemy communications threaten a flanking move educational service to our city. We awaited, with southeastern Germany, ment against Germany ca with much enthusiasm, the realization of the Four divisions of the Third pital. Conditions with the Army have crossed the ri Germans are described project. It, unfortunately, did not materialize; vers Our and Sauer and pe having reached the point of but the disappointment was not very severely netrated German territory desperation.
felt, for our ambitious youngsters were, at that along a 15 kilometer front. It is stated that the So time, receiving effective attention through the Troops of the First and Third viets had established a posi medium of the Commercial Night School, son los armies have also made fur tion in the area of Kustrin Many who are, today, filling important and Es quedi ther important gains in their land Frankfort. It has also lucrative engagements will recall the zealous MARSHAL ZHUKOV operations against the strate, been released that the troops labours of don Ricardo Mora, the then Director, de whose forces are in the near gic defence system of the of Marshal Zhukoy were in medis vicinity of Berlin Seigfreid Line. In the Sche sight o fthe buildings in the and his associate professors.
The constant aim of the Commercial School co a los nee Eifel sector, they have es, outskirts of Berlin.
de Estru have initiated their final aswas the rendering of maximum service and the da tanssault against Berlin, from fitting of the lads and lassies to effectively carpie positions established on the GENERAL MAC ARTHUR ry out their aspirations for successful careers.
Tana western margin of the river ARRIVES IN MANILA Unfortunately, on the approach, a year ago, of cer alge Oder. The exterior defences the Secondary or Complimentary School, the obtener of the city were being sub In fulfilment of his pro Saturday the 3rd. instant, economic hammer dealt the Commercial a trdil jected, at the time of this mise, made in 1942, Gene overcome the strenuous efmy writing, to an intense attack ral Douglas McArthur arri Saturda the 3ryd. instant, Night School a staggering blow; for the former.
on muy at a distance of from 57 to ved in Manila, the capital along with his troops who being established on a system of greater advanEdan 70 kilometers.
had heroically resisted and cement, spread over a lengthier period, the senor Die overcome the strenous ef prime requisite in the line of process toward de tre NOTICE NOTICE early bread earning did not harmonize.
or lo mu We are confident of the presence here of the a los dz necessary faculty for aiding those of our youths didad The whereabouts of the below named persons is re.
who desire to advance their educational qualiiela, y quested by His Britannic Majesty vice Consul in this city John Gibbons William Johnson fications along special lines; but in order that mpania Norman Carvalho Emily Thompson this be fully, accomplished, the establishment Alfred Miller of a real Commercial School is imperative.
Matters of importance on their behalf are pending Parents and guardians will assuredly relish their attention the re founding of such an institution which would fit their children to efficiently pursue commercial, technical and other activities of a higher status, and thereby relieve them of the expense they now have to bear in sending the youngsters to San Jose.
Will some one make a move in the right diPolicia To Members of Cacao Cooperation Genl rection, and thereby lend a helping hand to the (Mixta)
DOUGLAS MCARTHUR aspiring members of our younger generation?
Our Prices for the following Products are successfully directs Recocececc. 0000000000000000000 es the campaign for the libera CACAO, per quintal 46. 09 Colones tion of the Philippine Islands THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE forts of the enemy to impede COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones or check their advance on the ESTABLISHMENT city.
COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones Make your home adornable and add to the family As an act of thanksgiving comfort; for the liberation of Manila, ULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones General MeArthur ordered the celebration of religious services throughout his comTEA All Freight and Cartage will be at Expense mand FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES of the Cacao Co operation In contravention of long! buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most established international RAUL VELAZQUEZ rights, as well as of their gi. popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon, Manager ven word, the Japanese, on Beresford Duncan retiring from the city, inun PASA a la Pág. 11 no tiene hecho In toda Notice who so RICA TER RY Hielo SCOS veceria e ON CO.
RIDA ras Hielo Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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