
cerving the CACAO He Datos do DE PIN The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao xht we The half yearly election of Brown, an esteemed memi the officers to guide the des in good standing with tinies of the Scotch Lily Lod Ldge, took the opporter ge of the Independent Um. attending the session.
ted Order of Scottish Mecha This fraternity is a lemesday with nies, was we gather, conduc branch, it is said, and site regular red last week Wednesday ni ted with the Grand Lotgenines plate sht with the following resul Scotland with authority for pl is. Ne Decept, by affiliation, Miss Trene Stephens, Worth male member of the Orte is unfavou Mistress; Mrs. Catherine Me The female members are, ditions thu Farlane, Deputy Mistress; the other hand, assured me ble to take Mrs. Jennet Brown, Senior betship in any male brand so the flig Deacon; Mrs. Ruth Edwards of the Order.
Junior Deacon; Mrs. Mary The newly elested Malong sun Jose bo Nelson, Trensurer: Mrs. Flo ment adopt this medium rence Dunkley, Trustee; Mrs announce the 1945 member. Folsch Lilian Pyntado, Chaplain; Me ship campaign, and to ded Limon Jas. Fowles, Secretary, Mr. cordially solicit the recins sides in th Albert Smith, Tyler.
tement of all delinguent as i, seniai While here, Miss Imogeneciates.
RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER HledMr. ing foren We are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE US GOVT le Clar OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE THE PEOPLE TAILOR Venture Progressed TH DRE NOV to secure be view of COSTA RICA TO HAVE COPY OF LETTER ADDRESSED TO OFFICERS ZENT RESIDENTS FACED WITH FOOD VISIT BY NOTED OF ASSOCIATION SHORTAGE DO ACTOR Messrs. Crawford, attention to the wide princi The ATLANTIC VOIC ple only source of buyin If nothing intervenes, Cos! Cyril Cornilfe, ples of the Universal Negro hos been advised that the re the things needed to keep Improvement Association, sidents of the district 01 body and soul together is ta Rica will, according to an!
which is open to every wem Zent are sufering from an the Commissary conducted nouncement, be graced, so Grants and others: metime in the month of Tu ber of the race, and nioreso aluming shortage of food by the Costa Rica Bakan ne of the year, in the Port Limon Branch Nº stuff. It is said the after Company, but in the word Gentlemen: cours, with the presence of Char We the undersigned mem regitsartion under the Laws Zent are suffering from 300. In concequence of its math of the October Decem of the sufferers, all that ca an be had there is Rice and tie Chaplin. the sensational bers of the Negro Race, nid of Costa Rica, we are request telt in that district than in Shrimps.
actor in cinedom. It is stany of whom had been set place While we are very mue ted the noted Actor pians to and faithful members of the ing that a meeting, open to any of the other visit several of the Latin Port Limon Division 200 called in the Liberty Hall on; rible visitations.
the general Negro Race, be, which experienced the tor alive to the fact that riety of foodstuffs are meriean Republic in order of the Universal Negro Tor Thursday night the eighth Along with those of Mati easily obtained in these day: a period of restprovement Association, have of present month, and that na and Estrada, the cultiva we, nevertheless think a mo and study. He expects to be waited patiently, and OL the Bulletin Board be sotions of the entire area of re equitable distribution accompanied by his wife. without interest, to see if the written and placed to public Zent were deludged by the that which is obtainable and We are sure all Costa Ri Marcus Garvey, would floods, but the latter not trade purposes should he The new ca will be tickled to see placed in operation Disap Hoping you will act in ae being provided, like the for made in the interest of all building, person so magnetic a man pointingaly, observations ha cordance with this regnest mer districts, with commerconcerned. We effect thu ramar Clu of the screen; it therefore re disclosed that those and let us join hands and cial, establishments and special appeal on behak of a structur our sincere hope that every you how to the front, lega hearts, and thereby, do uti er business places, the peo Ithe sufferers of Zent Creditt thing will move in harmony lly or illegally, we do not the good we can for the who decid with his plans know, have remained too members of our race and hu tion to long in silence in conjuncmanity in general: tion with its activities and We are members of the various MISCELLANEOUS veneral programme.
TIONAL REFORM Negro Race: It has been noted by a pusay, the lo ADVERTISEMENTS blication in December Inst. We learn with genuine plea. The reform cancels the ana features of over signatures of sure that at a recent session triculation fee provides that ve made C. THOMPSON SUPPLY Messrs. Cyril Corniffe and PARAGUAY DECLARA LA the National Congress app all graduates the Soxth gre Limou.
AND WORKSHOP Crawford, asking for coGUERRA AL EJE roved the request for a refə de, are eligible for free en On Satu operation, but how can we ASUNCION UP. El conse, rm in the Educational Code try into the continuation in: ago, the de Everything in the mechanico operate when the transac jo de Estado aprobó ayer la de in connection with matricu. titutions.
cal line cane be made, re tions of the Association are claración de guerra del Paraguay iation in the Secondary Scho We heartily welcome the into the gen paired or supplied Assort carried under cover.
las potencias del eje esperán ments of Beds, Springs and We further beg to dose, sea firmado hoy e di tereto ols and Colleges under goves formation, and are of as a mean Inmental supervision.
Pasa a la pág. 11 the event, other useful equipment.
Building We beg to call you attention to our remazk at the back NO 89 Fifth Avenue toward Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of recalpt which reads: the Municipal Bath.
de su recibo que dice: GRANT AND CRAWFORD This bill must be paid at our office before pupil Bar NEW HARLEM BAR Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month AND RESTUARANT de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not opens Day and Nigth. Clean Bad Cozy Reservation. Good Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige as to suspend our service, a step whlebs de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take Native and Foreign Liquore and experienced Mixers NI. Building NATIONAL CONGRESS APPROVES EDUCA. RogehopIt is by the Bad calla de ley.
was in evid to the crea ciety, the Colony wer men of the lose, Iurnis eatures and they the latest an hal dance The AT incerely, COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON members Club and LIC cuentra en este establecimiento.
VL new born will grow in grac 314 Shadwell Drive VLIMIA LUMULNIH and strength EE. UU. de Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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