
9 1943 OFFICER SABADO 10 de Febrero de 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Página 11 med ment MR. EGBERT POLSON ON VISIT opportu session.
ribers are, Leaving the Sypital last Tu. direction duriny a compara. and at the regular Wedne diy mor As the representatives of salesday with a view of eatively short existence.
and Lorerings plane for Sixaola. Mr very large nuber of relia.
authority Egbert Ilson varur ver ble and long stablishi bu.
liationight testt, hovor. siness houses and industrial to unfavourable weather con interests, du niciled in all sitions, the plan was a parts of the word, the Agen assured ble to take off from San Jose cies handle exceedingly lan male bras 96 the flight had to be cance ge variety of goods med art iled. Mr. Pois a returned to always in a posi Ti to meet and Many San Jose by ai the fol the requirements of the lo sing forenoon, Thurslay. cal commercfl community345 en Mr. Folson is a widely regar They also make exportation and to ded Limonense who now ie of native products under the the resides in the Capital where. mctt favourable conditions.
linguente in association with Mr. Ni We are confident all concert ile Clarke, die directs thened in commercial activities asfairs of the Pan American would be serving their best TEELE Agencies. a. a comercial interests to consult Mr. Pol venture which has rupili son and his associates prio progressed an expanded unto concluding negotiation el der his immedit efficient sewhere.
LLOW Banana Growers should remember that the Central American Banana Company assures hospitalization for their families and selves. The Company representatives are supplied with the necessary forms to furnish those requiring same. FOOD CHANDLER WEHRMAN LE THE PEOPLES HOUSE THE CONFERENCE OF THE THREE BIG POWERS opinion that when the Cim.
affs are Zent.
Manager DO YOUR SHOPPING AT CENTRAL AMERICAN BANANA Co. Ltd, ee of barn aled to ter NATIONAL ogether is VIENE de la Fag. 10 conderd Rica Bae DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
plimentary School in this ci the sea ISOVELTIES AT FRICES TO PLEASE Doplomatic circles hold the ly re opens for the 1945 term all that VOU cpinion that the outstanding three nations, for the purpoa greatly augmented encol. Rice decision which will be rea se of delivering the final inent will be evidenced. It ched at the conference bet. blow to the fighting forces is understood that our high very mi wepen President Roosevelt, of Germany.
ly esteemed Minister of Edu that LIMON Premier Churchill and the It has also been stated that cation, Lic, don Hernán Za.
Trime Minister of the Soviel an agreement will be reach mora is exceedingly jubi these de Union, now under way at se regarding the establishment lant over thos liberal conce think me place on the Black Sea, oi a mixed Commission to ssion accorded by the Repu Eributia GRAND SOCIAL AFFAIR will be the formation of a administer the government blie Chief Executive, tainab military Commission, comps of Germany after her final Lic, don Teodoro Picado, should The new addition to the ble for this adornment and sed of representatives of the defeat. and the Congresmen to the terest of building, known as the Mi novelty to our city.
Department he so ably, re.
effect tramar Club, now stands as FOR BEST FIT WHAT? GO TO CLIFFORD STEELE presentc.
on behala structure of outstanding THE PEOPLE TAILOR credit to the members ESPANA ENVIA TROPAS who decided on its construe MUCH APPRECIAT. GENERAL MAC remaining groups of Japana TANGER tion to the architet, con nese, who still offer resisten LONDRES, UP. El DAILY EDUCA ce in certain localities. It TELEGRAPH publica un desno various workmen.
dated thought that the time is notcho de Tanger en el que dice it with explosive It is by no means amiss to far distant when the entire que la división de arti)
On behalf of the trave bombs which provoked a cincuentidos a sery, the location and other lling jublie, we desire to sin number of conflagrations of Philippine area will be freed Dati odrdenuri de las órdenes del general Uriarte res the features of the building ha cerely thank the partió de Tanger.
General such magnitude as to threa of the enemy.
rovides. ve made it the VENUS of Manager of the Northern ten its destruction. The come Soxth Limon.
Railway Company for have mercial area suffered terrifor free On Saturday, eight days ing inaugurated the new Libly and the lives lost, gene MUL EN. OL tinuation Pago, the doors of the new mon San Jose freight train rally, are estimated at seveA FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC Ba were thrown open which reduces, to a great ex ral thousands.
NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR come the to the general public, and tent, the long delays usua With the view of utilizing Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
are of as a means of celebrating ly experienced by the coma the Bay of Manila as a base Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash o la poy the event, a grand dance bination passenger and fre for naval operations, thel and Dentrifice.
was in evidence. In addition ight service.
enemy powerful fortifica TS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND to the cream of Limon so This new service co Itions on the Island of Corre PLEASANT OF TASTE.
Liety, the entire American kes care, we understand, of gidor have been subjected to Colony were present The the freight along the line intense attacks by the great before bobil Barallona, Gentle stations, so that the trave guns of the North American MA TA RAL men of the Rythm of San Ilers by the Local are af battle ships.
ose, furnished the musical forded earlier ALKALINE TABLETS arrival total of around 000 cifeatureshof the gala affair, their respective destinations vilians, composed of good fch gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, do o Aus.
and they surely dished out We hope for a continu tralians, North Americans minor colas, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after DEC The latest and most sensatio ous boom in commercial ac and nationals of other Allied EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS ial dance rubers.
tivities in order that the pre nations, were discovered in TO GET YOU. SOBER. very effective, try it.
The ATLANTIC VOICE sent arrangements which alla concentration camp and AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS pincerely congratulates the nefits every paase of our ecc placed at liberty.
members of the Miramar nomie and other interest The American troops are SAN JOSE Club and all others responsimay be maintained. engaged in eliminating the Rogelio Pardo, and to the ED IMPROVEMENT Viene de la pág. be back at Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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