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να τους Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 10th. February 194 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN ANO COM CON over mod un ed TE Qre Dakota RAISING 500 EVERY MORE FIRE BOMBS SOLDIER NEXT MEAL EMPIRE GROWS WOMEN TRAIN FOR FOR GERMANY FELL OUT DAKOTA MORE FOOD HOUR INTERNATIONAL RE Outstanding increases in Allied troops fighting in production have been made Burma say that tho greatest All the CommonAt the end of its fifth year by the light metals industries inventions of this war are the wealth, as in Britain, conti HABILITATION EDIF of life the Red Cross Pennya and incendiary bomb pro jeep, the bulldozer and the nual efforts are being made Weck Fund, one of the most duction. Magnesium produc Dakota. On record too, is the to increase food production Every week end groups Successful voluntary money tion is more than eleven lemark of a British infantry Canada, in spite of a 25 per middle aged women cyclo reising efforts ever conceived times the pre war rate. Pro man who said: have learn cent. reduction in farm help, special camps to undergy La has reached a total exceeding duction of aluminium rose ed what air power means. and shortage of equipnient, Comando training. They art lara 14 millions from an average of 18. 000 found out when saw my next has made spectacular ad volunteers for the Guides tons in 1935 38 to 56 000 meal failing out of a Dakoto vances.
ternational Service who will can This sum has been contri tons in 1943 plone. Thousands of other Milk production in the Do go to liberated Europe and buted in pennies by little gro Output of iron ore in the British, American, Indian and minion in 1943 was 540. 000. help in rehabilitation. They Desde ups of men and women in co UK has been increased by African troops have discover 000 quarts greater than in take courses on overything os se untics shops and offices, by one half since before the cred the same thing.
1938. Estimated egg produce from baby welfare and doct arm). of men and women war, output in 1943 being Nover in history have such tion in 1944 is 425 milion toring te cooking and dis sterri workers in vast factories, by 18. 487. 000 tons as compa large bodies of men been me dozen. About 85 per cent of tributing rations. Candida Papa men who toil underground to red with an average ovo tained by air power, and the the total will come from tes for this work muu provide us with the raw mate the years 1935 38 of 12417, experience is having. owners of between 50 and in excellent health; be able rial of war, by over 300, 000 000 tons.
markable effect on the Brith 300 hens.
to carry a 25 pound knap Tailway workers, and by busy Total steel production has ish soldier. He is becoming In India, too, as a result sack in walks over difficult ESC housewives everywhere, who been well above the pre war, entirely; air minded. On ony of the Grow More Food country; drag and push two have given their pennies each average, being 13 million cirfield in the 14th. Army be Campaign, the acreage un wheeled trucks; sleep and DI week to the collector at the tons in 1943 as compared leground to day little groups der rice has increased by cook in the open; skip meal door. And contributions with an average of 11 mio fmen may be seen waiting nearly million, while in and even skip sleep. Already still coming in at the rate of SER more than 500 in every hourlion tons for the years 1935 for a lift by air back to their eight months Ceylon 400 volunteers are ni tatin units in forward areas, to cal Schools Food Drive has re ing. They will receive nois TOL 38.
of the twenty four.
Production of timber in cutta on leave or to a base on sulted in the cultivation of pay, only pocket money off the first step of the long jo 10. 305 acres of land. big factor in the pheno 1943 was more than four about a week. One team urney home is already at work in th menal success of the Fund is times as great as at the outIt is the only way to travel La break of war.
Middle East. Funds ard the keen interest taken in it when two hours by by the TUC on the one hand being provided by childreg means saving 36 uncomforta DUTY NOBLY and the British Employers KENYA SWEEPS WITH ble hours by train or two or who have organized colle Confederation on the other.
three days by lorry These men DONE tions and so far raised over 125. 000 marte Both bodies agreed at the out HER OWN BROOMS are not out for thrills. After regido set to give the Fund every po the first flight most of them When the King sent a spefué a ssible support, the TUC by ur The Kenya housewife will find flying boring. There are cial mesage recently to the dadd ging trade unionists to start do her 1945 spring cleaning no fancy fittings in the pla men of the Merchant Navy comis collective contributions in their places of employment, with locally made brooms nes and passengers may vide and the fishing fleets, he re tasks no less vital to our boys sroor and the British poder Employers and brushes. She has a choi with crates of chickens oferred to their magnificent peful days than in the dark load of meat, petrol, Confederation by appealing to tario ce of 28 varieties, all made blood plasma for a hospital, or work in the Normandy land. days we remember so well All have done their duty not ings, and added: To He their members to give facili in one Nairobi factory. Into It is a democratic busi Not all of you could be bly and all are in our thou pondi ties in their organisations for the factory go Kenya proness. Brigadiers lift their own present on the voluntary deduction duced raw materials such as barria that occasion. ghts.
of kit in and out of the planes Most ow fou had to be elseweekly pennies from the worcoconut husk fibre, sisal (alimpue and the private or gunner or where, serving in other opeAs we remember these kers pay packets.
so used for Allied marine glene, cordage. even the sepoy who hos priority to fly rations. or sailing other men of the Merchant Nyt cloaca In 1941 it was decided to tough, wiry grasses of the gets his place before the offiseas. but all engaged in who have seen not glorious la ciu action, but only steady, mo give the housewife and others arid Northern Frontier whe Icer who has not.
not in industrial employment notonous toil, we should re re nothing else useful grows.
di opportunity to member also all those other contribu. The Nairobi factory maBajas Alemanas men and women who have te through house to house co kes many other goods which. to be elsewhere. In distan llections. To day collections or before war time shipping garrisons, guarding landa ganised by local committees shortages, were once unscarred by battle, they are carried out every week in imported into Kenya. Into have served loyally and wits more than 000 towns and this factory goes the edible hout the reward of victory, urbon centres throughout En root of the Kenya cannain action.
gland and Wales, Every coliec plant, and out comes manuAt home, too, there tor is a voluntary unpaid wor factured arrowroot. Locally civilian men and women mined diatamite goes in to Home Guards and Fird be used as the basis for silGuards who in some parti The fome of the Penny a ver and other metal polishes of the country have gived Week Fund is not confined to and cleaning powders.
their service through long this country. The late Sir ArThe factory makes ranging years and scarcely neard an!
thur Abrahams, formerly Cha fros bath bricks to tooth enemy plane. Their devotion irman of the Stores Depart powder, from carpet beaters to the defence of their coun ment of the Red Cross and to saddle soap. Its workers try has been none the less St John, said that during his very many of them Afri because the opportunities of visit to Russia he was surpricans are doing a first class Los muertos alemanes yacen sobre una carretera cubierta going into action have been sed and delighted to learn war job in keeping Kenya de nieve en el frente occidental, donde cayeron después denied them. Of these, too that almost everybody with homes going wihtout calling de una infructuosa tentativa de romper las líneas estado Thes unidenses. Los nazis sufrieron numerosas bajas en el we may say that they have seid whom he came into contact on precious Allied shipping contraataque que siguió a su efimera ofensiva, done their duty nobly and de la there knew abou space to help do it.
that all are in our thoughts.
and are ker.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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