
SAR tepa Bites The First Anniversary of Lic. don TEODORO PICADO Election to the Presidency of the Republic ATLANTIC VOICE DATA rias pres, LIC PICADO. 10 seate pe In our issue of the 19th. February 1944, we had the distinguished privilege of illuminating our columns with the photograph of Lic don Teodoro Picado in connection with his out litor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 standing triumph on CAR LIMON, FEBRUARY 17th. 1945 NO 455 Election Day We are, today, mo ved with equal or even NAZI RESISTENCE UNABLE DETAIN ALLIED OFFENSIVE greater pride, to assign he infantry and motori, have crossed the river Queis from the south and cutting our leading article in divisions commanded by and reached a point less than off all means of supplying tribute to the first anR Ishal Ivan Koney are realone hundred miles off Ber food between both sections.
niversary of His Exceag, we are told, at this lin. He threatens a flanking It is expected that Marsllency elevation to the s, the principal phase of movement against the Ger hal Zhukov is accumulating grand offensive against man Capital as well as seve his forces and equipment in position of the Reputhe lisden and Berlin. They ring Northern Germany the central region of blic Chief Magistracy.
rio Oder to conduct his decisive The twelve months which have rolled by attack against Berlin, since, by a heaping majority of yotes, his fellow ERMANY EXPERIENCED WORST AERIAL In a desperate effort to nationals mandated him, on the 13th. day of avoid being flanked by the February 1944, to direct and guide the destiATTACK LAST WEDNESDAY forces of Marshal Montgomery, the German troops are nies of our beloved country during the present ara su ight thousand Allied play shower of 3, 000 tons of ex reported retiring to new po constitutional period, have been marked with of which more than. plosive bombs number of sitions located between the much significance; and on this anniversary 00 were the powerful other important military and Rhine and the Muese. we find the nation choice gleaming with rebubers, effected the most industrial centers were markable administrative genious on a backSastating raid of the wa riusly damaged.
The Canadian troops domi German territory dur nate the principal defence ground of conspicsous fairmindedness and the daylight hours last The outstanding raid is systems of the Seigfreid Line courage. characteristics which have won him Reichs the confidence of the large majority of Costabinesday. Dresden is sa stated to have co ordinated east of Kleve and o have been the worst with the Russian advance to wald. They have practically; rricans. We find him, too, at this time, attrac vista serer consequent on a ward Dresden.
crossed the extreme north of ting considerable attention for the dignified o pudo the Line west of the Rhine manner in which he pursues the weighty and and the Meuse. East of Lux multifarious matters connected with the exaiTHE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK sohre embourg, the Third North hors la American Army have inerea ted, during which he never falters in the dis729 del To wipe all tears from all faces is a task sed their penetration of the play of a patience and tolerance of an almost que o hard for mortals, but to alleviate misfortu same Line and have captu unparalleled character. His unwavering deter.
ación le e is often within the most limited power; yet red Arnzen, situate in its mination, too, of bringing about a truly united alor py le opportunities for relieving the wretched. center.
nation is exceptionally noteworthy and sinceess of our fellow creatures are often overlookA late advice places the rely welcomed by all who, regardless of polititroops of Marshal Koney at cal affiliations, honestly desire the betterment, CA or neglected.
a location only 24 Kilomet the real progress of their native land.
ER Iers off Dresden.
Luchau, four Kilometers It is our sincere hope that. His Excellency south of Kwenitz has been will continue to courageously and impartially Helo taken by First Army of Ma direct the affairs of Costa Rica until the close rshal Zhukov.
of his allotted term. 0270 OTO To Members of Cacao Cooperation For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele (Mixta)
SOVIET FORCES MOVE The People Tailor AND Pur Prices for the following Products are AGAINST AUSTRIA 61. 050000000000000050006080090066566666 PACAO, per quintal. 46. 00 Colones Following on the capituTHE CITY LEADING FURNITURE LOCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones 45, 000 Germans were kill tulation of Budapest, where ESTABLISHMENT 25 ed and 127. 000 taken priPOCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones soners, the Soviets are now Make your home adornable and add to the family comfort; moving against Austria by ULE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones way of the central margin of the Danube, where, it is on per 14 Freight and Cartage will be at Expense said, there are no obstacles or important FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES of the Cacao Co operation fences buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most It is expected that this mo RAUL VELAZQUEZ vement discloses the intenpopular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon.
Manager tion of the Russians to am Beresford Duncan plify assault on Germany bythe Austrian frontier Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
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CIDA ielo oro igual natural deseñor meimaris e Salubri que dete


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