
Caribbean Packing Co.
SATU ΙΕΧΡΙAI HANE in the bur last hon frih to applicar or and of further the poeple das buchi patching on Sunday the interes WOMEN LIFE PROBLEM CLUB ELECTRIFIES plume which finally bedeckter between Emilio Castrillo, Pago 10 LANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 17th February 1943: WELL KNOWN MATINA RESIDENT GOES TO ETERNAL REST During the latter period of at the local burying place on the 1800 Miss Clementina Thursday, the Sth. in the Owens Brown arrived in the presence of a large reprezen CACAO district of Matina from the tative of mourners and sym parish of Hanover, Jamaica, pathizers, the funeral servi and there her son, James ee being performed by the Egbert Jones, was born for Rev. Forde, who was there app The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao ty eight years ago. His death specially summoned from took place on the 7th. This this city in accordance with at Zenti tant, the wish of the deceased.
RAICILLA IPECACUANA the proce Mr. Jones was actively en To his mother and other RUBBER gaged in agricultural pur relatives who mourn his loss, cedulato suits and was generally well we tender our deepest symtom known and much esteemed pathy. May his soul find restite is His remains were interred eternal.
We are Agents for For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI.
The People Tailor OFFICES: LIMON SAN JOSE IN PUGILISTIC CIRCLE We are on the eve of thetomorrow at the Panama sake the anticipated thrilling encoun lympic Stadium: Zent and press release states tha same day ed each of their hats. The the Champion of this Repu Castrillo has been invited to veyance.
enchanting Problemers were blic, and Young Finnigan visit Havana, Cuba, AUDIENCE and that wany Mesdames Daysley. the idol of Colon. The con thereby make it possible for Brothether novinar mate text is all set, it is said. for Bride Eat where the cord GOVERI crack man who lowe Ogcupying the entertain tacks threatened as a conse ron. the moving luminary ing stage in the Hall of the quence of the sensationally of the cast of characters. RE. OPENING OF THE Sodelingor to face Jo his colours in San PUP St. Mark Parish on the presented and out and out Wade, Evans, Bai Cuban Flash night of Tuesday of the cu performances of the artistes, ley, Henry, Russell, OFFICIAL SCHOOLS Legon, the Castrillo acceptance of the rent week, in the second pre in their demonstration of the Grey, the Misses Davis, In an is sentation of the emotional days of yore. Dawkins, invitation will depend, Hanson We are in receipt of the understand, on the outcome go, the of Old Time Concert, featuring The programme consisted and Barnes.
information that the Official of tomorrow milling with red the au Mrs. Gracious coming from of wenty items which offe The opening remarks were or Government Schools, in Panama Hope.
the Govern abroad. the Women Life red not a dull moment. The effected by Mr. Daysley, this city, will re open their Problem Club again electrifi building rocked, literally, prior to the arrival of the classes on Monday March. Finnigan visit this city las We fondly recall Young (ned the ed an overwhelmingly pack with the cheers of presiding chairman, Mr. Jos. 5th. for the 1945 school year, and to the best of our mina Banan ed audience. few minutes the mammoth audience Thomas. We are confident term.
after the door was opened the largest witnessed under the audience departed in pugilistic knowledge, we re cause of the All comcerned are asked gard him as a wonderful box crtain imp for admittance, the seating such auspices. The stage pre high glee.
to be guided accordingly.
ing asset, in his general gal characte capacity of the Hall was at sented its charm by its elsmake up, especially his phen a premium and this was fo borately adorned and egreflowed by an invasion NOTICE of gious background. Outstannominal arm length, which NOTICE gives him an advantageous chairs.
dig efficiency was evidenced The whereabouts of the below wamed persons is requested reach over an average cha It took more than the ordi both from individual and coW nary fibres of the llenger. May the best man mental llective viewpoints, and the by His Britannie Majesty Vice Consol in the city take the bacon.
mechanism of the human bo fourteen members of the tro JOHN GIBBON. JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH (formerly dy to escape the cardiac atupe proved worthy of the of Germania. NORMAN CARVALHO. EMILY THOMPSON Matters of importance on their eall are pending their SERVICE ASSEMBLY attention.
MISCELLANEOUS THEOCRATIC STUDIES ELOCUTIONARY the suspices of the Philhar ADVERTISEMENTS The Limon Company of Jehovah Witnesses are condue.
ting, in the Kingdom Hall, located at Sixth Avenue, toward monic Choir, are said to be CONTEST DRAWS nearing tip top shape. C.
Seven Street, the following.
THOMPSON SUPPLY THURSDAYS, commeneing at 30 Course in well balanced preliminary AND WORKSHOP Theocratie Ministry and Service Meeting.
NEAR programme is in its prepara Everything in the mechani SUNDAYS, commencing at 30 Watch Tower Studies and from Text Book The Truth makes Free The contestants slated for tory stage.
cal line cane be made, re cordial welcome is assured the general publie at all the elecutionary Contest ar The entertaiment will be paired or supplied Assort the services ranged for the night of Tues staged in the Hall of the ments of Beds, Springs and day the 6th March, under St. Mark Parish.
other useful equipment.
We beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back Nº 89 Fifth Avenue toward the Abaca Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: the Municipal Bath.
de su recibo que dice: This bill must be paid at our office before Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro GRANT AND CRAWFORI Bajana. Con the 10th of the month: NEW HARLEM BAR with a han de los primeros 10 días de cada mes.
AND RESTUARANZ Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to tako and Cozy Reservation. Good habe Opens Day and Nigth. Cleakedepan Native and Foreign Liquor but is and experienced Mizess NIEA, Building.
chase the la RE ABACA Senetine conducted u gement of tions in the COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON trials of was, howeve ed that the the world Terative the. Fruit Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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