p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 17th February 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN DENTRO Dentro de El proyes más amplio que dan al to to try.
were new El pror Los agr Un estima DOME THAT BROUGHT WHERE THERE A UNIVERSITY COLLE. ANSWERING SEA. BAD PENNY TURN ANO GE FOR THE SUDAN MENS QUERIES IN UP WITH CARG NAZI RAIDERS TO SMOKE The first meetings of the EVERY LANGUAGE OF LIFE Council of the new Gorion Bad Penny is a Dako THEIR DOOM THERE FIRE Memorial College have just In the West End of Lon plane that takes blood in been held. The college buildor there is a bright office the West Country across vings, opened in 1902 by which last year dealt with the wounded men in Bel, Volvera By means of a moving air craft silhouette projected on the NFS dealt with During November, 1944, Lord Kitchener, will be heun 21, 248 enquiries in langua um and on the German Er 1, 132 ded over to the University ges which included Czech, tier, and she got her na comienzo a to the ceiling of a donie, to non enemy fires. Of this to College which, it is hoped, French, Polish. Dutch, Rus because she always imitate (very tur Areado conceivable tal, 484 were the direct out will eventually develop intr cian, Norkegian and Greek up.
form of air attack, light Ansido pospu come of carelessness. an independent university. First opened in 1943, the ti Aircraft gunners so improWhen donors give the prestito qu Highest single cause of ihe six schools for students Allied Section of the ved their accuracy of fire du outberaks was again Sea blood it is taken to Bristol Municipal unex noved into ring the period of low flytinguished cigarette new buildings. War Library Service had im a mobile refrigerator, ends The six school for students ing tip and run raids on the and match e Aitoge continuing after mediate success. Seamer cocessed overnight, and no más que to seconary me in with all kinds of en day is sent in another ret mercado South Coast that the enemy ther smokers were responsi school, already established quiries. They are told where gerator to this airfield to was obliged to seek a diffe ble for 87 fires.
by the Sudan Gavernment, they can get a bea for the loaded on to this giant Dad piena utili rent method of attack ow Electrical faults were the will be incorporated into night, from which station ta.
ing to his crippling losses. next most prevalent cause this University College, and they should travel for Scot Every day it carries o las parede That was one magnificent and added another 73 the only two remaining land, the way to a club, or a load of blood weighing result of the training on the the total, while unattended outside the teachers trai how they can try to contact ton and a half. The planl UN NL Dome Teacher. details of burning rubbish started 60 ning college and the Kitche lost relatives. If they are iuc then bring back wound which have now been relea outbreaks, and children planer School of Medicine will ky they might get cinema or men to hospitals in this ed sed.
ying with fire caused 51.
be brought into organic re theatre tickets offered Many People, passing mili with lationship the In addition there tary training establishinents, 213 fires, the them free of charge.
Sometimes the wound feundation.
causes of 16 must have been puzzled by which varied but suggested men are transfused in In the first educational As to the library, zona al 705 plane on the way back the squat domed structurecarelessness.
year in the Sudan, 1899. books, periodicals and news again nthe Mobile Fig y ya like an Eskimo igloo. as there were only 300 boys at papers have been distribu Hospital attached to the some have remarked and school. In 1910 there were ted to French merchant sea field. As the huge transp woudered kind of in with a sea planes touch down, and vention it housed. FRIENDS IN WAR total attendance of 000 men, 1, 600 to Polisi men, 3, 540 to Indian sea most before they can vo que In the middle of the floor, four intermediate schools wi it can now be revealed, are AND PEACE est th 900 pupils, and the Gor men at British and. Indian up, ambulances draw up the mountings of a Bofors don College, then a seconda ports, and 80 to the Dutch longside.
Polish, Norwegian and Gre senior medical offic gun, and a cinematograph In future we must nevoiry school, to provide educa rador de sue has said that since DD!
facilito din projector. operated by two er forget the lesson that we tion for the best of the 900ek Merchant Fleets.
more than 70, 000 bottles ATS. which throws in the have learned that we ha By 1940 the numbers atter portaciones Behind this record lie all blood have been sent 08 curved surface of the ceil ve friends who will schools work ding Government región hecha The problems faced and over that more than 10, 000 ing the movements of an apl with us in peace as they ha had risen to over 30. 000 grisme by the office. Books inlunded men have been tral proaching plane. At a giv ve fought at our side in, and boys, with perhaps ano en signal, the two layers war.
ther 20. 000 in mission and foreign languages have to fused. Abdominal woun of the gun team, seated on either side of the mounting, Roosevelt come as a timely cards, too, hadiseno verynaries, which are more in de said. In the last war of otra parte com These words of President private schools. The stan. baresearched for hard in Bnfused to be the morete no ho tuin now, particularly dict:frequent cause of death.
estimate from the course reminder to many who may considerably. Gordon and speed of the target the despair of the nations work Memorial College was then and than anything else. 30 per cent recovered. Sid tos oficiales com future position of the planeing together in unity. It is well up to the standard of set, after a year work on the invasion of Europe te afio auto. that is, where the shell well that we should be awa a good English secondary such a large scale the Allied recovery rate has risen Des de frutas school should burst.
Sea War Library has still a 85 per cent. largely owia un millón y This extension re of sources of internatioeducational services has considerable stock. tho blood transfusion. This aim off is necessa nal disagreement, and that sy to allow for the time the we should probe their caubeen obtained by balanced round takes to reach the tar ses. But at the same time expansion of the whole fi.
eld. The teachers training get, and an instructor can we should remember how colleges, as part of their go ERES judge that the layers are ai far we have progressed alneral work, provided, and ming accurately when the ong the road of co opera TÚ, ADOLFO still provide, refresher cour centre of the shadow of their tion, and against the small ses, and the output of tea.
eartwheel sight exactly area of disagreement chers has continually inerea covers the spot of light. The should set the vast expanse sed to staff the expanding gunners wear yellow glasses of harmouy.
school system.
and the spotlight is therefe Complete agreement and re invisible to them so the complete unity of action Education Department has From the beginning the re can be no cheating! are difficult to achieve a had a first claim on the Su Realistic sound effects ac mong themembers of expanding revenue.
company this object lesson, family. How much more di The creation of the new co CENTRAL hibla podido the rapid pom pom pom. fficult in the great world llege, fed by the old Gor DE represeenting the sound of a family of the nations, BERLIN don College and other secon Bofors in action.
Let us therefore not des dary schools to be establi The gunners themselves pair; let us seek to undershed, is a tribute both to are enthusiastic about the stand each other better, re the Sudanese people whose efficiency of this training de membering the foundations thirst for knowledge has been vice, and hundreds who have of friendship which have inspiration and instrument, passed the Dome Test have been laid in war and deter and who are today taking been responsible for the ac mining that nothing we shall their full share in the deve curate hail of traçer on say or do shall undermine lopment of education in waited Thapur the Western Front.
their own country.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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