
word with a osure toware Roco in the Page ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, 24th. February 1945 Rico is We most of Since o rears ago to retum THE PEOPLES HOUSE and was hoor Ambassade Scoin som both Mrs.
Isreal oil ond in on Encige have neod Arrivin certainly sights aj peared beautiful the clima W STIRRING ADDRESS DELIVERED BY BISHOP OF HONDURAS AT BIG WELCOME GIVEN AT WARD THEATRE, KINGSTON, JAMAICA DO YOUR SHOPPING AT There was no question aſ (Conclusion) cut of societies They mus!
brout it, conainued His Lord live in societies. And the pro ship, that inless the Christian individuals and groups had blems of individual and 20 Church would in season and thought they could find all cieties were ever to be sol DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc.
cut of season, preach the their hearts desires, or per ved. They could only be sol gospel it was sommisioned to haps what was even worse embracing and of sufficient NOVELTIES AT FRICES TO PLEASE VOT preach and turd the hearts that they had found the authority to command the of men to God, there woud Kingdom of God and His allegiance of man in every be no hope for the world. Ile righteousness in some econo age and in every generation JACK ORANE, SUCS.
knew it was comparativel mic prosperity, or some la tiere was no social goal of csy to say that kind of borate scheme of social wel human which would ever LIMON thing to a christian audience. that we had got into command such an allegian ce, but it was the duty of a the state we had.
ce none but the Kingrom of christion audience to try and The challenge of Jesus God the reing of God in the put it in practice Christ was really a very, Hearts of men.
For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele He did not know if they practical one. If they tunk Likewise and this he wi.
The People Tailor were aware of it all things the Sermon on the Mount, bed to stress above every for which the Christian they would find when they thing else: their Lord usen Church stood were either ig got to the end of it that or the word righteousness with ted, and so what he would, boys and girls in every walk rored or rejected in toto by Lord began to talk to His he deliberation. They would an plead with them, as memand with God as thepattern very large section of the arers about the things which metimes find that this all bers of the Christian Church in each human life. It was official element of every on our intelligent and hoof His to seek Kingrom ot to bear in mind that above quality we wanted We were country in the world. They could be able to effectively God and His righteousnees all things in this age in rot shart of ability nor of rana Very grave risk by lack of these things could ha was quoted Seek ye first which they lived, they nee the people whe could lisplay tying to recontruct a shatterass the lives of people and the Kingdom of God and ded an ever increasing num such a quality.
red civilization on the foun fray their nerves. Yet with. His Justice as though justiber of men and women and ration of Paganism; and if all the authority inherent in, ce wos going to make a mo they did that the structure Him for He was God Inca: re attractive appeal to an would not last long, and so rate, He said categori cally haressed people. The righte WEEKLY SAILINGS me of the younger peoole seek e first the Kingrom of cusness of God included the would experience a second God and His righteousness justice of God; and if it we and perchence a third catus and all these htings the vere merely justice, by itsedf, From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARtrophe in their own lives. ry thongs He had been tai would no be enough.
BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA It was true that in the king about before woll by The could have justice a course of history the Chris added unto you.
mong people whose charac ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT tian Church had always Continuing the Bishop ters otherwise would not For particulars, see or communicate with Leen faced with a crisis. The said, he sometimes thaugh bear inspection, but it was criginal meaning of the that the Kingdom of God not justice for which peools BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents word crisis was simply judg would be best undertood by were striving, it was for qui Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of mient; and every christian ordinary people if they relity of character which Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE reaction to God plan ca garded it as the social goal would alone make peace AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Tried God own judgment to which all monkind was among men. It was the will on himsedf. It was because miving. They could not get of men that had been perver SPORT EVENT AT 25 MILES Bataan Baseballers defeat City Cub by 16 to 11 runs HERE ES Now situ In going CON VICE. COM (Viene de la (The canadi: said to have Limón Trading Company belled seret and to has PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR their offens A RECTIFICATION The where for His Bi Dried Ipecac Rool Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER very interesting boseba the players repaired to the match was witnessed at 25 place of refreshment and there fer attacks Miles on Sunday the 13th participated sumptuousley in and infants instant. The contesting povers the good thngs provided. The were the Cubs of Limon and occasion presented quite o di prisioners the newly organized Boys o version for 25 Miles, and was the Abaca district. The former highly welcomed.
were under the managemert of Mr. Rodolph Johnson, while LOCAL FAN Mr. George Emest steered the Bataon players to victory.
The game started around the forenoon hour of ten and drew The Editor a large and representative number of Fons. The homesters Dear Sir: went first to bat, and soon had We thank you for the publica things their own way. Runs tion in regard to the death, on began piling up: change was the 7th. instant, of our esteemed eftected in the pitching, and fellout resident. Mr. James Eg.
George Babb came on the bort Jones. but regret the omis.
scene but the ball want sion of the name of Miss Antio.
round. One run was scored by nette Smith among his survivors: Crowford for the Bottoni one who was so dear to him and had done so much towards his tes. Narori did the pitching care during his life time.
for the home side. The finaire Very sincerely yours, sults were Bataan sixteen runs against eleven by the Special Correspondent.
At the dose of the exercise) Matina, Feb. 19, 1945.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
JOHN CHE of German THOMPSC Matters len.


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