
bruary 1945 OUSE ES, Etc.
PLEASE life. It was ced We were bility nor of could lisplus Fábrica de Hielo Gone in th, but joined in spirit and ever fresh in y Refrescos memory is the destiny of our dearly beloved mother, sister have been looking for and relative Agencia Cervecería word with a great deal of ple7 raube asure toward coming to Cosic RUBY WRIGHT Rico. In the United States. Ces LIMON FEBRUARY 23, 1940)
Ic Rica is regarded as one of the most agreeable posis FLORIDA ICE AND The fifth lamentable anniversary comes tomorrow Since a post in Chile, many years ago, have been auxicus FARM CO since death has torn from our breast our dear Ruby. Once she was mourning here below, grieved and perplexed, but te neturn to Latin Amerca, now she joins the realin of the Blest and Promised Rist.
and was indeed pleased to LA FLORIDA heor of my appointment FERNANDO RIVERS (son. MR. AND MRS. ERNEST Ambassador to Costa Rica WRIGHT: MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WRIGHT (Brothers a deras and Sisters) AND OTHER RELATIVES. was in the Embassy Spain some years ago and so Fábrica de Hielo both Mrs. Johnson and mysel speak a little of the language.
ter thirdhard ruand in order not to forger our MR. HALLETT JONHSON LAST SUNDAY FOOTBALL ENGAGEMENT hing Tenorio, at right ex krowedge of Spanish, we soit have read Spanish novels On Sunday, the 18th. ins.
treme, gained the only mark were Picho and Donald for his team. The encounArriving onthe plane, agreeable. In view of this tantour city had the wel Sawby. In the final hal ter was well attended by certainly was pleased with the look forward to a very plea nists who arrived the previ comed visit of the excursio Alberto Leon scored Jupi both visitors and residents.
sight saw because this valey sont sojourn here in Costa ous evening.
and Steele appeared as one of the most Rica.
As an addition to the oth BANANA ASSOCIATION TO MEET ON beautifus have ever seen and Hallett Johnson er diversions, a game of foot the climate certainly seems United States Ambassador ball was presented on Our NARCH 6TH.
playground, the participants every wall being players of the BarceIn the interest of the agricul. the final reading and adoption of Es thepatteri lona and Jupiter Sport Clubs tural activities of our Zone, we the By laws of the Association. WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS The play was interestingis take a special, pleason in an. All members, as well as prosA CHARM seasoned with technique. Conouncing that the Atlantic Ba pectives, are assured a warm lourful attacks and countenana Growers Association will welcome.
meet in the Hall of the Universal ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND Jupiter triumph, with Negro, Improvement Association, We understand that Mr. Chand FURNISHING HOUSE three goals against a single in this city, on the night of Tues. lor Ehrman of the Central Ame.
by their opponents, was due day the 6th March, proximo. rican Banana Company, Ltd. will THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, principally, to the finding listed for att:ntion, is, we gathér, a certain important subject.
Among the important matters attend the meeting and speak on WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE of their new star, Carlito EXCELSIOR TAILOR Hayling, the goalie. His de rence was greatly admired HEAD OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETY TO VISIT HAR and heartily cheered. It is NAMA CLIFFORD STEELE evident our young sport en COSTA RICA thusiast has gained a source HT Now situated in an improved and convenient building. of useful knowledge from We learn that Mr. Knorr, We are sure the well reputed In going to take the train and in coming from the train his recent trip to Honduras the President of the Watchtower lecturer will be the recipient of am in your way gents and other Central American Bible and Tract Society, Inc. of sincere greetings, not or:ly from COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH points.
Brooklyn, New York, A, the local Company of Jehovah er floor of VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE. The Barcelonians effected will be visiting Costa Rica in the Witnesses, but also from our geORTABLE many well directed shots near future and that his itinerary neral hospitable citizenry ON but Carlito held the fort includes our city.
On the other hand, the de ALLIED ferice of Barcelona fortifi MILES cations was exceedingly NOTICE!
weak. The goalie, our good ab by (Viene de la pág. 7)
Thousands of the Allied The canadian troops are also heavy bombing planes conti young friend. Dailey, is not said to have successfully re nue their devastating raids the rightful sentinel. The flo to lose Db red to the pelled several violent coun over Germany by day and gging inflicted on Barcelona last week and the repetition Who recently returned of the Republic of Panamá, bois ent and there ter attacks by Nazi tanks by night.
on this occasion is traceable, to inform his many clients, frier. ds and the general public ptuousley in and infantry west of Calcar, Soviet activities in the that he is back at his old stand where in combination impartially, to the mediocre rovided. The and to have taken 10. 000 Danzig area threaten the an with his son, he is prepared to serve their various interets.
goalkeeping. However clasquite a du prisioners from the start of nibilation of 300. 000 Nazi sic may be the fot work of troops.
Remember players, if the goalie does not represent a bulwark, We make all kinds of men garments. Suits in latest their skill is all in vain. This styles, Riding breeches all styles, Sportskirts, Dressing is true of last Sunday gal gowns, Bath robes, Military Uniforms.
We specialize in Ladies Coats. Suits, Skirts, Slacks.
Breeches and Jodhpurs.
The markings of opponts, The whereabouts of the below named persons is requested by His Britannie Majesty Vice Consul in thes city by both sides, were watched SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL OR WRITE with great satisfaction and JOHN GIBBON. JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH (formerly the scene, at times, reachof Germania. NORMAN CARVALHO; EMILY ed thrilling heights, Jupiter THOMPSON. earned two Matters of importance on their ehalf are pending their points in the Box 83 Puerto Limon attention first half time and shutout Barcelona. The gunners JOHN ROGERS les, and was their offensive.
CAL FAN NOTICE. NOTICE CATION THE VOGUE TAILORS the publics he death on ur esteemed Jaris ES of the antis Miss Antia is survivors to him and towards his time UTS orrespondent 0000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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