
BLY Saturday, 25th. February 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Página VNOU es are condue venue, toward. Course in Watch Tower makes Free publicat a REPUBLIC OF PANAMA ISTA fford Steele 312 070 OLICITATIONIT ford Association 03 unean 02 on Ince WORLD SECURITY ORGANIZATION URGED ON RACE EQUALITY WEEKLY VOYAGES TO COLON PLATFORM At a luncheon given so part of the constitution of mewhat recently at the Sa can Union, urged thał mem the proposed World Security voy Hotal, New York, and bership to the Union be limi Organization. He urgedetto attended by British, Ameri ted to nations who guaran that the organization should can ard Peruvian Delega tee their inhabitants absolu guarantee the integrity of Agents: tes to the World Jewish te legal equality and freedom all countries. hoiveer Congress, Señor Pedro Bele from any kind of discrimi small and weak and that E SMYTH COMPANY. 2017 seran, Peruvian Ambassador nation they be also assured the cos Port Limon and San José o the United States and The, Anal assador also stig operation of all sovetu member of the Board of Go gested fint nations who hold as ir Costa Rica vernors of the Pan Ameri discrimination be made a common faith, the respeed of DA KA human rights. He further MR. AND MRS. JOSE RAMIREZ VISIT US requested that regulatidilf to this effect be written into the THE FIRST PRESIDENTIAL TORCH BEARER It affords us a maximum of all dans montantes constitution of the Pan Ane pleasure to welcome Jose is of operators rican Union. 0: OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and his much esteemed wife doña of the All America Cables, and It has been mento ed 71 Maria Unfriel de Ramirez of Pun was dr hany scars stationed in go that this anti diseriminahon 51: One cannot speak cons Wise, between the two great tarenas to our city. Thiir visit our city. He was transferred to hell 10cientiously of the United est English speaking nations, has been occasioned by the ill. the Puntarenas office during the proposal was endorsed by States of America without the United Kingdom and the necs pr the proprietress of the latter part of last year. We hope Sydney Silverman, member thinking of the man who United States. History tells Pension America, in Unfriel, the ag of the House of Commons Maria wilt Teip The atyres. and Chairman of the Bitish uheld the first Presidential us that the Washingtong had the mother of doña Maria, Torch in the original Thir been aristocrats willingland toration of the good health of section of the World Jewish Don Jose, as he is so familiarly Mrs. Unfriel Congress.
the same timeteen States, and whose stern and adherents of the Royal Chat a goal courage, Bere andaunted spirit House of the Stuaris; and and inty and exemplified life paved that when His Majesty NEW TREAT CONCLUDED BETWEEN ENGLAND AND ABYSSINIA a sum requirthe way for those who have King Charles was unseated he expensito widened the tracks in politi by Cromwell and beheaded According to a London, we gather, for the appoint is said to have declined Blicirculating meal scientific, industrial and by order of Parliament, Co Press release, we glean a ment of Afro American tech tain financial help of three of hall for our other developments and lonel John Washington, the new treaty has been conclu nicians, doctors, teachers million pounds sterling. He meeting, which brought their country terri great grand father of Pres, ded between England and and other specialists by the feared, it is believed, that Ounced Midorial expansion, wealth and ident George Washington, Abyssinia. The signatories Emperor without his first the acceptance of the Britpower.
migrated to the United Sta were Prime Minister Mako having to obtain tain ish pital would lead, even Ron look for tes with his family. Through nnan Endalkachan on be permission, åst was the case tually, to a demand for too Tatefulness George Washington was them came the nation great half of Abyssinia and Lord under the terms of the for much political control with tary contcila that first Torch Bearer; and gift with the birth of Geor Delawarr, Chairman of the mer, pact, when only Briti probable prejudice to Abyuse and advies ve desire, with these few ge on Friday the 22nd day Diplomatic Mission, who re shers were eligible for such ssinia national neds.
istance cube and humble lines, to pay of February 1732, near Brid presented the British Gov. poštions.
Another important clause Messrs. Edward homage to his memory Creek Westmoreland ernment.
It is also further reported in the Treaty declares, we vērt Crawford the occasion of the 213th. County, Virginia. The earth that young Ethiopians will are informed, Britain conDuncan. anniversary of his birth, ly career of George Wash The new treaty gives, it is now be permitted to attend sent to return to Abyssinia king you, Mr. which took effect on Thurs ington came to a close one said, Emperor Selassie, the Negro schools anda univer the Diredowa and Jibuti op the courtesy day last, the 22nd. instant, hundred and forty year ago oright to appoint, citizens of sities in the United States of Adis Ababa Railway under We do not think any great but the outstanding things America, Russia and other America: tois. 2010 certain specified conditions surprise should be felt becau for which he was the strliest United Nations, as advisors. In order to compromi which includes the nignite: ctfully se of the present close rela torch bearer ride air ma also prepares the way, se his position, the Emperor nance of British administra tionship, politically and other jesty.
tion over that part of my starrican Youth destruction is assured our pro. It is sincere y hojed that the ssinia which adjoints tatAssociation aucis. said a very pronunert Macedoni derybot the fir iski Somaliland in ofaepho ary 1945 his visit to this city a few days who are loosikranted thitiste latter place wiht suitableta AT CANUITA effective measures apogetting zing lands, within Abyeelitia Módicos If is claimed that since the rid of the pets, 911 during certain seasons of the October December heavy rains year.
Unless we secure some scien, the monkeys, quashes, scul ceased, these animal pests are pritis 2020 tific instruction or special gorrels and yellow rails, which operating cruelly against tre us trabajos de retnment permit and be assist contantly invade heutivapoor struggling cultivators.
MUL EN. OL dirijase a led with ammunition to shoot tions at Cahuita, complete point of fact, according to 2011 FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC what we have gathered, the Toroiribbo 1 Vio invasion is on aftermatch of NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR COL. or 25 Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
ESTABLISHMENT the pestilence. This is rather re grettable, especially at a time Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash Make your home adornable and add to this when farmers were hopeful of and Dentrifice.
comfort: resuscitation of their bang.
IS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND na, cacao, fruit and other agri PLEASANT OF TASTE.
cultural activities, bodi MAR TA RAL 15 NOSE ACHIONS NG.
05 niz ALEDALINE TABLETS Fogg FASE Buth stojach, headaches Musculare FOR EVERYTHING IN FUR TERE AND NOVELLES Comerciante detallista miesas, neuralgia, Splendid after buy direct at DUNCAN the Piance and EXESSIVE DRÄNKING OF LIQUORI АЭ Leteoras. Abrotes Cristal att ge de Ferrete.
MODBER Dery effective, try it popular Furniture Establishment in the city กา AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS 4:24 y Electricos, todo se en Beresford Duncan cuentra en este TAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
establecimiento SAN JOSE 00000000000 onges rota ANIMAL PESTS INVADE CULTIVATIONS; dariculturist of Cahuita. on mers with result if provide the natives forte Coo 781 312 at the back fice before THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE and de det Phích respondent Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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