
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ie ATLANTIC VOICE NO Editor: JOS THOMAS YEAR LIMON, MARCH 3rd. 1945 Do not permit life to stagnate, it will grow muddy for want of motion. As we glide along BOX 199 the stream of life that which we leave behind diminishes while that which we approach inNo. 457 creases in magnitud.
po enemy 850 MANZANAS OF INDUSTRIAL ZONE OF TOKYO DESTROYED THE DOOR WILL BE PERMANENTLY SHUT BY ALLIED AERIAL ATTACK We take this opportunity to again seriously Units of the North Ameri, factory of the ota planes, south of Tokyo. It is officially call the attention of our youngsters of colour, an air force effected their fuated 64 kilometers north stuted that during these opera born of alien parentage in this truly democratic first assault on Tokyol west of Tokyo, was almost com ons none of the Japanese Republic, to the harm they are doing themselSunday and Monday. Two hun pietely destroyed.
novdl units attempted to inter. ves by allowing to slip by the privilege (now ded and fifty manzanas in The factory and work shops vene.
extended) to legalize themselves as sons and e industrial zone of the city of the oizumi planes also suf From Manila comes the re daughters of Costa Rica. In view of their bitter were destroyed by the resultered heavily. It is estimat:d part tha the forces under experiences by not being the duly acclaimed unt conflagrations. More than that for each American pihr neral Mac Arhur have an citizens of the country, this continued indiffetvo hundred superforts parts destroyed the Jops lost 23. pletely destroyed the Jopanese rence os far beyond comprehension. More so, nated in the raid.
gorrison on Green Island, ond The raid was also responsi. The guns of the airplane are in full occupation of contoo, when the expense involved to obtain so vable for the destruction of ever carriers also attacked the is. rregidor which signifies the luable a document is so very insignificant.
airplanes and lond of Bochijo, an impurtant end of the campaign in that Our young people of more than twenty two hrity. one ships. The great airbase situate 278 kilomes sector.
years of age should seriously consider the signs of the time and forsake the waggon of fallacy and mount the wings of Preparedness. In this ADVANCE OF NINTH NORTH AMERICAN ARMY CONFRONTED connection, we quote, hereunder. a recent Executive announcement: WITH HORROR AND MISERY AMONG GERMAN CIVILIANS The Congress of this Republic decreed, under date the 26th. August 1944, a law which Pursuing their offensive to the Canadians have made on tage of 200 miles have been gave the right of option to children born of aard the great industrial cen. cppreciable advance and cap. destroyed and in the opin en alien parents in the territories of the Republic to avail themselves of the privilege to secure, er of the Rhur troops of the tured the important comunica of military observers a definite inth North American Army tion center of Uedem. They rupture has been secured constitutionally, nationalization as CostarriA tre said to be confronted with were lost reported to hve reo The number of German pri cans. That Law, at promulgation, set the age horribile condition of misery ched the vicinity of Hochwold soners captured during recent limit at seventeen. His Excellency the Presidamong the Germon civilians which protects the extreme operations total 80, 000 which ent of this Republic, has now graciously direcsho flee from the victorious northwest of the Rhur. 100 brings the grand total since ted the Authorities concerned that, in view of salied soldiers In a southedly direction te Day to 950, 000.
the fact that a thousand of more young people Troops of the First Aitat oops of General Patton Lave The most destructive aerial of colour, born in the territories of Costa Rica, ommanded by General Hod effected further gains and attack over the German Capi. are now residing in the neighbouring and jes have broken through the arrived at the strategic center tol took place last Morday friendly Republic of Panama, an extension of terior defences of the zonet Bithourg.
om tot and is said to have caused the which guards Cologne and es.
time be granted to August 26th. 1945, for those Accorcing to a relase trudeaths of from 30 to 50 muu nglished a position on the who have passed the age of twenty two years.
the Allied Headquarters in sand persons. The greatest nargin of the river Erft, the France, the defence system confusion exists in the city, we We repeat, that at the expiration of this exost fluvial protection for the of the Germans along o for are told.
tended period, and the passing of the age limit, ity at a point less than tycive The door will be permanently shut againt all lilometers away. During their GERMANS IN DANZIG IN DANGER who have not complied.
ctivities of the past six days beneral Hodges men are OF ANNIHILATION Stated to have driven the No.
It has been officially re. continuation Tibb from sixty districts.
of their victo In a more northerly regia, leased, by Moscuw, that in tious offensive, the Soviet troops commanded by Mar Isha Rokossovsky have des troyed the enemy defence To Members of Cacao Cooperation ANOUNCEMENT TO THE lines and reachd a point lo (Mixta)
cated only thirty miles from GENERAL PUBLIC the Baltic.
Cur Prices for the following Products are It is claimed that the, Ru sans are endeavouring to CACAO, per quintal 46. 00 Colones Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Corbett of Grana isolate Danzig and bottle up de Flor in the Limon Market, adopt this the entire force of Nazi so: medium to advise their many good friends diers who operate in a sec COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones tor of the coast cavering a and generous well wishers that they are now length of about 340 kilome COCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones at their orders at their newly established ters.
Bar and Grocery combined, situated at the Other Russian troops are OLE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones corner of fifth street and fifth avenue, direc stated to have effected the tly in front of 21st. of September vegetable crossing of the river Neisse shop.
in large number fierce figh Al Freight and Cartage will be at Expense ting is now in Our well developed special attention and progress in of the Cacao Co operation that area.
courtesy are assured. late redease places the RAUL VELAZQUEZ Russians at a point locate YOU ARE HEARTILY WELCOMED.
Manager thirty one kilometers of Ber its Jin. Notice Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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