
HIS TWELFTH PRESIDENTIAL YEAR REDGUARD We 11 Time Will Never Erase Our Fond Prompted by our admir, an unrestricted character Memory tion and sincere pleasure, in the interest of universal MARCH 5, 1941 MARCH 5, 1945 we, today, present our elce prosperity.
med readers with the photo We shall take our stores Four years of sorrow has be:n our companion as the result graph of Mr. Franklin Dout of Jordan and set them of the passing into eternity of our dear and loving husband and father Poosevelt on the occasion upon the plains of Canaan of his twelfth presidential as a lasting memorial to this year March 4, 1933 rebrand North American, who WILLIAM 4, 1945.
se aptitude as a man of ac The days of thy radiance ar passed away, In commemorating the con has been so promitien And thou hath left us so long in solitude; anniversary, desire to tly employed in the case The shadows of thy departed days center our thoughts on Mr. of humanity and we look Creep on once more Roosevelt, not only as the orward to even greater de Chief Executive of the great mostrations of his remarka North American Republic le genius in the years that Presidente Roosevelt Widow and Son but more so as a member of ere ahead.
the Triunvirate for hur This is our humble tribute present month of March freeron and a lasting Peace for the Fourth day of the 1945 for all the nations of the un verse.
LANTERN LECTURES IN SALVATION ARMY LOTERIA DEL ASILO CHAPU We rejoice in his having Leen blessed by God and HALL chosen by his fellownia Plan para el Sorteo del de Marzo de 1945 nals to preside in the White Valor en premios: 277. 300. 00 colones House for twelve consecuti the very energetic officer in learn, be taken at the door Major Tho3. Lynch, of twenty five cents will, we UN UND LA EMISION CONSTA DE 22. 000 BILLETES DIVIDIDOS ve years an important part of which period he has been charge of the local Division for the purpose of assisting VIGESIMOS, NUMERADOS DEL 1001 AL 23. 000, C 20. 00 of the world wide Salvathe expenses incurred in con burdened with the weighty CADA BILLETE C 00 CADA VIGESIMO ition, Army, has announced nection with the securing of responsibilities brought ake Premio Mayor da 100. 000. ut by the terrible world ren that a serie of Lantern Lec the material needed for the Segundo Premio de 20. 000. flict: a burden which he he tures, based on religious na machine, slides, etc. As the 10 Premios de 1, 000. 00 cada uno 10. 000. wever, bears with marked ratives, will be given in the lectures will be of much. edu 20 Premios de 500, 00 cada uno 10. 000. Hall on the nights of the cational and spiritual value, 80 Premios de 200. 00 cada uno 16. 000. firmness, though mingled wi 141 Premios de 100. 00 cada uno 14 100. th thespirit of genuine god. 4th, 11thand 18th, of the we sincerely hope they will be wholeheartedly support current month.
will toward all human crea 10 Aproximaciones al Premio Mayor (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 250. 00 cada una 500. tures, ed by the general public.
10 Aproximaciones al Segundo Premio (5 ante.
The insignificant charge riores y posteriores) de 150. 00 cada una 500 The years which have go 21 Terminaciones a las tres últimas cifras del ne by since President Ro Primer Premio, de 200, 00 cada una 200 sevelt has been guiding the USE OF LIPSTICKS MAY LEAD TO DIVORCE 198 Terminaciones a las dos últimas cifras del destinies of his people and Prim. Premio de 100. 00 cada una 19. 800 country, can be reviewed PROCEEDINGS 1980 Terminaciones a la última cifra del Primer Premio, de 40. 00 cada una with the greatest satisfac 78. 200 tion. He has executed his The announcement has will make their an 2772 Premios Valor 277. 300 onerous tasks with outstan been made that husbands in fence punishable by fine.
ding efficiency, maintaining certain parts of this conti. The petitioners have also re thewhile, an atmosphere of rent have protested against suested that the affence be NOTICE NOTICE real friendship and unders the use of coloured ips riade a valid ground for d: tanding toward all. His de tiks by their wives, and havorce proceedings.
The whereabouts of the below named persons is requested termination to also promotele petitioned the tribunals by His Britannic Majesty Vice Consul in thes city a universe ripened with the to promulgate a ruling which tenets of true democrasy hes BIRTH OF TRIPLETS JOHN GIBBON. JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH (formerly never wavered. Time and of Germania. NORMAN CARVALHO. EMILY SALOMON CHIN THOMPSON again has he also expresed According to a release by Matters of importance on their wehalf are pending their the hope that all the peoples LA IBERIA one of the San Jose newzor. attention.
throughout the world will sans, we glean that a wo mutually participate in ge.
Estrada man residing at San Carlos reral commercial activitesi Precios Económicos gave birth, a week or so ago to triplet of girls, one being NOTICE!
rescribed as a freak of natu NOTICE!
re WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS heads. The three CHARM died shortly after their birth. Box 83 Puerto Limón HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND AMONG THE Who recently returned from the Republic of Panama, bega FURNISHING HOUSE to inform his many clients, friends and the general public that he is back at his old stand where, in combiration with THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED bis son, he is prepared to serve their various interests WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE.
We are receipt othen We are inreceipt of the inREMEMBER formation that an entertain ment is slated for presenta We make all kinds of men garments Suits in latest tion by the members of the styles, Riding breaches all styles, Sport shirts, Dressing CLIFFORD STEELE Baptist Women Federation gowns, Bath robes, Military Uniforms.
We specialize in Ladies Coats Suits Skirts, Slacks, on the night of Monday the Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
Breeches and Jodhpurs.
19th. instant.
In going to take the train and in coming from the train am in your way All things indicate, we SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL OR WRITE gather, an exceedingly plea COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE. audience will be presented tel.
with a well prepared and in Box 83. Puerto Limon teresting programme Triste 131 scene bir CAT use DI 1 se with four legs and tw JOHN ROGERS BAPTISTS EXCELSIOR TAILOR e surable levening, when the THE VOGUE TAILORS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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