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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 3rd, March 1945 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN По BATTLE IN THE UNDERGROWTH SOLVING PROBLEMS CHALLENCE OF PEACE WHEN FARM A single shot rings out. began ranging on the mor OF PEACE a green clad figure crum tar battery but the Nigerians We have sacrificed every WORKERS GO ON bles, and two strong hands stopped that by opening up, The preconversion of in thing in this war. We shall HOLIDAY grasp him under the arms, too. They are at it again dustry from war to peace is emerge from it, for the time hurry him away to the Regi now. But we are so used to a problem that will congen being, more stricken and im square deal for the mental Aid Post.
it that nobody takes any no every district in Britain. One poverished than any other friean farm workers is pa The little section croutice. of the most encouraging de victorious country.
of Kenya plan for ching at the edge of the West African gave us velopments in our war time Hhese words of Mr. Chut war dovelopment. Alread panjis( those sharp bamboo another demonstration of national life has been the chill are challenge to us the District Council of strips which make a slan the art of the oneman general realization that the all a, challenge to achieve large farming area of ting wall of spearheads out war. Lance Corporal Halida whole country, and not sim when the war is over the sa Trans Nzoia is working side every post in the jun. dangona went out for three ply its capital, has a vital me miracles we have achiev a scheme for a network African Social Centres. Th gle, continues its vigil. Eve nights in sucession and blew part to play in any total efed during the war.
ry man strains his ears to bugle calls alongisde the fort. The latest sign that de It may be that we shall Centres will be so place catch the sound of a move wire perimeter of the Japs centralisation will be one of emerge from war poor in that even the remotest ment; keeps his eyes train position to give them the the fundamentals of our re material things, in money, ropean run farm is not mox ed ahead in an effort to de creeps. The fourth night he conversion policy is the set and in certain resources. than miles away.
teet a sign of the enemy led an attack which captu ting up of the Board of Tra But we shall also emerge The African farm labou The only audible sound is red three slit trenches after de Regional Organisation rich in reserves of courage, rer who visits a Social Ceth the breathing of the man breaking through the defen The main duty of this or inventiveness and resource tre in his time off will fin next to him. The British ces at the very place where ganisation wis to assit, in fulness.
everything for his restang CKMS gets an idea. He whis: be had played Come to the every region, the reconverA nation which has these recreation. There will be pers to the Gambian corpo Coohouse Door the night sion of industry when the ti attributes need not fear a community hall, a coopera ral; makes off along the before.
me comes. Regional Contr temporary and material im ve shop and market, a ca track behind. At company Not least astounding about llers have been appointed in noverisment, Given willing teen restaurant and a spor headquarters he wants to see the advance of the 31st each of the Civil Deferee hands and hearts, men and ground. He can put up at the rifle of the wounded West African Division is regions. The value of such women ready to play an en rest camp, and there are man. Perhaps a tendril from the fact that every mile ad dispersal has been proved ergetic part in the rebuilding, be scools with boading ho the undergrowth had caught vanced means scores of mi during the war. Government of our country, we shall in ses attached for his chi the trigger and the man had les covered in patrolling. It departments have found peacentime lovercome our dren. If he is ill, there will been shot by is own rifle. has all been done on foot. that regional organisation of poverty in the same spirit be dispensaries and clinics.
But e is too late; the man There is not a single vehi ten worked more efficiently of determination and purpo The centres are to be res and his rifle have both been cle with these men not a than a central body because se was we shall have over taken on to the field ambu mule, nat a bullock. necessarily they were more come our far more deadly African holiday town lance dressing station. Supplies are brought in fully aware of local pro enemies in war.
Plans include the building He scrambles back. Ten mainly by air, Wounded are blems.
permanent houses and wory yards ahead he sees three flown out by Moth planes shops Ifor African carpen An important point is nave Tour principal funefaces peering above the fo from strips hacked out ters, blacksmiths, brickmt of that a large proportion of tions. In their general work liage. Samba Jallow!
kers, basket weavers, an he the dense undergrowth by the higher staff in these on reconversion they wili other skilled tradesmen. orders hoarsely. Get down the auxiliary troops. Casual will not be local Whitehalls, pay special attention to the And of course, to meet the Another shot rings out. ties have had to be carried detached from the realities problems of the engineering wartime spirit of the Keny Then a volley from Bren down sheer precipices to them. Heirs staffs will be industry, which has expand Africans, there is to be gun. He drops down just in get them to the strips. there, on the spot, to see for ded so much during the war time. That was not Samba walked into a casualty themselves and give advice and has been concentrated savings bank.
Jallow and two of his sec clearing station. There was and help.
so completely on war produe tion whom he had just seen an operation going on in a Within this broad chartion. Many industrialists he and help with their plans it was three Japs. It was bamboo basha with no walls ter, these Regional Offices ve already asked for advice the future; more will be a a narrow shave but his pro it had been erected not ing so when their war con blem was solved. The woun twenty four hours before.
traets come to an end.
ded man had been shot by a The surgeon was masked, panese bullet. This posi gloved ind veralled but GENERAL, ZVAMOS HUYENDO DE LOS Factory storage space wi tion was occupied all right. from the rear one could see ESTADOUNIDENSES ARREMETIENDO have to be de requisitiones This was the story told me the beads of perspiration po CONTRA LOS and surplus Government to RUSOS?
tories allocated, once s by CQMS Baird, of uring down his back.
German war is over. The Bow. London. It is typical! As write an air strike!
there are questions of the of jungle war the dead has just begun. There is the cation of industry, parti ly manfor man war that go ominous rat at fat of machi.
larly in the Developme es on day by day.
ne kurs, the explosion Areas, where every to Two hundred yards from bombs, more gun fire, inore will be made to get a bu where am typing this is a explosions. And so it goes on ter industrial balance. TH Nigerian 3rd mortar batte The RAF are co operating fourth main task of Reg ry. Abuot the same distan nobly. It is hardly credible nal Controllers will be the te beyond them is a Japthat among all this mass of concentration of civilian strong point. For the last evergreen undergrowth they dustry and the release three days and nights the can pick out the right place, materials and labour for gunners have been mainta but their accuracy is uncan vilian production as soon ining harassing fire on those ny. Despite it all a Moth has the needs of war allow bunker. Every hour or so just glided in to take a way This is a far reaching two or three volleys echo the first wounded man togramme, which will nal round the bills. The reports day. The giant Dakotas are rally concern a number hit the cliff face on my holding off for a few minuGovernment Departmer right and muffled, re echotes to allow the Huricanes Constant cooperation in the jungle behind. to finish their job and then ween them, to avoid bott Alongside each of our ear they, too, will come in to them beds is a slit trench. drop are supplies. com neeks, will be another ful function of these Res.
The other evening the Japs dad de la Biblioteca Naciona bliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa TDA


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