
Envy is, above all other vices, inconsistent wtih the character of a social being, because it Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 sacrifices truth and kindness to very weak temptations. It is so base and detestable, so vile YEAR LIMON, MARCH 10th. 1945 458 in its original, and so pernicious in its effects, that the predomina of almost any other quality is to be preferred.
COLOGNE CONQUERED BATTLE OF BERLIN HAS COMMENCED In less than a fortnight cow states that the Second fortifications thirty eight miles aiter General Eisenhower ini, Army of White Russio, under northeast of the City. Mean THROW OUT THE LIFE LINE tiated his big offensive from the corriand of Marshal time other troops are on the the Roer, the First North Ante kossovsky, had started a po move, by way of Stettin, with The above quotation is no doubt well known rican Army obtained the outs weriul attack against Danzig the object of also attacking to many of our esteemed readers, due to its tending victory of completely on the Baltic, ond of vital im. Berlin from the north.
in a sensational advance, almost immortal hymn value. 7e, however, defeating the Germans in the coriance as an cautlet for Ber desire to apply it today in a material sense, lin. It has also been releas. Generals Hodges and Patton battle of Cologne and occip.
ed that Marshal Zhukov had said to have reached the Rh ne ing the city. which stands consequent on our contact with things for which the Life Line need to be thrown out.
fourth in industrid and other initiated his much anticipo ed and penetrated German te final attack against Beitin tary to the extent of fifty mi. As we traverse the thoroughfares of our city, activities in the Reich, The from the area of Koestrin en Thousands of Nazis were the general economic aspects of the commustrategic position has be 911 the Oder, after a devastating taken prisioners. An eno.
nity seem lamentable. Gloomy countenances Pul reduced, it is stated, to artillery fire which lasted Imous quantity of arms and mountain of rains. The victs twenty four hours. It is und Foodstuff were also captured suffering greater straits than the two Crossing are noted everywhere. Many of our people are rious troops now move toward tood that seven distinct attaythe invading troops. Its 1945 Bonn, situate nineteen kilocks have been launched by the xpected that the forces nf Sweepers.
es meters south of Cologne, in Russians against There is a dearth of activity along our waterGermany General Hodges and Patton which direction the defeated Capital. Fighsting of an in. wil unite at any moment ord front, and the dock worker indulges in dayNazis are fleeing.
tense character is reported in juin in the offensive dreams. An air of dullness can be observed in 05 An announcement from Moc progress along the system of Berlin some of our commercial and other business es 20. 01 tablishments. There is no hustling or bustling GENERAL MACARTHUR OFFENSIVE PROCEEDS SUCCESSFULLY among purchasers; their number being so few and their arrivals at such discouraging interGeneral Mac Arthur resumed their offensive, lost Meiktila, located 130 kilom.
vals. Farmers are practically without anything 000 cnnounced the destrucction of Tuesday, in the north of the ters south of Mandalay, afier to offer. The winter blast has given the death 000 approximately one hund Island of Iwo Jima. The latest or advance of 140 kilometers 000 blow to that which escaped the rain floods of 10 thousand of the Japanese report regarding the casual in ten days.
the late autumn months and the depredations drers who operated in the botes which have taken place This said of th emonkeys, squirrels and yellow tails in 501. tue of the Island of Luzon curing the campaign in this to have entrapped 30, 000 various areas. Banana sales are on the slow1. 500, He also describes the co area, indicate that a total of Japanese. All the routes for tion of the remainder as cri2, 050 North Americans ha reconveying food supplies drag and far apart. Many of our working people 200 u tice. in view of the fact that lost their lives; the Japa, ese Japanese in Mandalay are have not the wherewithal for the buying of they are now divided into se losses are placed at 12, 500. corted controlled by the Allied their much needed corn. If asked, our medicos 8008 veral distinct groups, and are Units of the fourteenth troops.
will tell that mal nutrition and lack of proper 13. 200. being sistematically eliminat tish Army have captured and regular meals add appreciably to the list of the city sick. It will not be surprising if 300. Units of the North Ameri.
there occurs a lowering of th eeducational stancon fleet effectively attacked dard of our children during the current year.
Hifici dhe Island of Okinawa LIMON VISITED BY BRITISH DIPLOMATS It has been repeatedly stated that no section ghts cgo Okinawa is locate During the earlier days of Majesty Charge Affaires, of the democratic nations, who are in the world 350 miles southeast of Japon the week in course our city resident in San Jose, and the and is of much importance cs was graced with the presence Hon. Lindsay, Specic Atta! sal freedom and human liberty, will not be alwide struggle for the establishment of univera naval base.
of two distinguished Britis. to the British Legation in lowed to suffer economically. Will some one, Preceded by what is describ. hers who are associated with Mexico, who was accompanied as one of the most violent the Empire Diplomatic by his wife. They were heartily therefore, come to the aid of Limon and its sufUm prtillery bombardments in the ce.
welcomed. We hope they gainfering populace?
esta campaign, three divisions of! Our visitors were the Hued much by the rest sought Terdi he North American Marines Norman Mayers, His Britannic in our quiet Zone MAC ARTHUR PREPARA UNA a la isla Verde seg un anuncio PODEROSA OFENSIVA del general Mac Arthur Exis tou indicios de que está por e CUARTEL GENERAL DE MC rienzar una poderosa ofensiva ra ARTHUR EN MANILA, OP despejar de japoneses toda la Intelige Change to Tas tropas norteamericanas que isla de Luzon vanzan al sur de Manila con Bavaan está siendo despejada nde que quistaron las localidades de Cala de nipones.
Egen y Balayan situadas frente 000W เก05 success is Nie es סיכה Bazquez de su pues just moth See urocade dva para parte de RAMESES BLENDED CIGAREVES CROSS CANTINA BATAAN RAMESES a de a CORNER 5TH AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET ende eria dike Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be fne to discuss the important topics of the Day e Des del ja ado STEPHANO BROTHERS scientifically Blended CIGARETTE You ll Like it!
The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with the purest of foreign and native Drink.
OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD Remember you are cordially invited Mis let este OF Garden ON SALE EVERYWHERE ob tots LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE Proprietors.
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