
Viene de la pàg. DO YOUR SHOPPING AT te se ampara a un pseudóni.
mo para restarle hombria a quienes no son de su pareFrom LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARcer, no le permito responsa BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA bilizarse de sus palabras y ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT DRESS GOODS, SHIRTS, TIES, Etc. en consecuencia, me veo en la necesidad, como dije alFor particulars, see or communicate with INOVELTIES AT FRICES TO PLEASE YOU tes, aclarar conceptos erro BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents neos que los lectores pudie.
Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of erah formarse de nuestro Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLE club, fundados en criticas AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON tan descabelladas como las LIMON del Observador de marias.
Para concluir, me place Del señor Director con to Heliodoro Andres manifestar que dichosamer do respeto, su atento y segu Presidente del Jupiter For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele te el incidente tuvo una fero servidor, Sport Club The People Tailor liz solución dada la eom prensión de nuestro compa BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY neto Ulloa, quien en ningún NOTICE NOTICE momento se ha The whereabouts of the belew named persons is requested Among the commemorati Mr Jos. Thomas as les preciado, siendo sus deseos continuar defendiendo los co by Itis Britannic Majesty Vice Consul in the city ve events which occured der of the Order of Congra hores del Júpiter con el mis on Sunday the fourth intulations and General Good mo entusiasmo y cariño con WOLIN GIBBON. JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH (formerly tant was that of the birth Wishes.
que siempre lo ha hecho y of Germanin. NORMAN CARVALHO. EMILY of our young townsman, Mr. As a means of adding humuy a pesar de nuestro eri THOMPSON Lloyd Lewis, when Miss Nao mour to the event, the tra tico Matters of importance on their Weltall are pending their attention.
mi Murray (Seta) proved a ditional cutting of the cake Ojalá en el próximo encharming hostess at the Fewas effected by Mr. Stanley cuentro en que participe nues te given in his honour in Wade and Miss Ruth Goua tro equipo, seamos honra THE LANTERN LECTURES AT the residence of Mr. and Bourne. The contest could dos por observadores más Mrs. Albert Wheatly, reasonably be declared a responsables y decentes.
SALVATION ARMY HALL Although the rain drops draw however, by a shawere spniewhat eonsistent in de, the spinster was accord Lewis. The Misses Henrietta The second shewing of the Last Sunday show and their late evening fall, anded the victory Miss Mavis Mc Evans and Claris and Iris serie of Lantern Lectures will rorrotive is said to have been thereby augmented the dif Farlane effectively perform Heron were heard in very e presented tomorrow, Sur of intellectual and spiritual ficulties of the invitees, the led th eserving at the festive harmonious melodies.
cay the 11th in the Hall of benefit to those who attended very representative number Board.
At the close of the appetis the Salvation Army.
in attendance was evidence The speakers included ing and delicious Service of the esteem held for the Messrs, Ernest Bailey, Joslyn dancing under the strains of honouree and hostess. White, Luis McRae, and se the Piversiders took com RETURNED FROM REST AND RECREATION Mr. Stephen Maitland ef veral other members of the mand until near the fected the opening remarks Eagle Aces Friendly Club hours of the following mor Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bla. amg Co. and an ardent reli.
and Grace, and introduced all being club mates of Mening.
le, dccompanied by Mr. gious and social worker. His Hudson, of Bluefields Nica wife is too well known to ned ragua, a relative of Mr. Bla further comment. Mr. Had.
ke, have returned from the con return was hastened, Capital, where they had been we regret to say, by receipt spending a period of rest and of the news of the serious recreation.
illness of his brother. We air cerel y hope that on arrival, Mr. Blake is a responsible will find his brother on employee of the Limon Tra, he way to recoveryPAY THE BEST PRICES FOR DEATH OF MRS.
VIOLET THORBOURNE ON BUSINESS TRIP TO THE CAPITAL We learn with much regret cf the almost sudden death of Mrs. Violet Peyser de Thor Mr. Cecil Ernest Lewis, Lourne, which is said thave proprietor of the Hotel His.
takon piace in the neighbour pano America of this city was ing Republic of Panama on the a last weck business visitor 7th at the current month. to San Joge. We understand The deceased was a native our highly esteemed fellow of this Repullic and was well citizen is planning important and wide y esteemed. We hope in:provements to the Bar to be ind position to afford and Restaurant sections of her numerous friends further his hote, where the mosis information regarding her sod! up. to late accommodations REMEMBER pessing in our next impres. and service await all visitors to our port.
PENETRADA Mr. Lewis much regarded WE PAY THE BEST PRICES KUESTRIN daughter, returned with him LONDRES, UP. La Apes after having spent about ni.
cid DNB anunció que los ruso penetraron en dos puntos de las ne days in the milder clime defensas alemanas de Kuestrin. of the Capital. wee Limón Trading Company Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER Sion Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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