
ISABEL FACEY re BRITISH SOVEREIGN HONOURS FOUR SATURDAY, 10th. March 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page COCA COLA TEAM CHASTISE CUBS BY SCORE OF NINE RUNS Fond Remembrance in our Very Soul AGAINST FIVE The onward march of time registered on Wednesday the 7th instant, another lamertable anniversary of the Visitors triumph due, principally, to ineffective pitching in first inning, death, of our dearly beloved wife, Mother and Grand when they earned six runs. Match was dedicated to our Pioneer mother Sportsman, Mr. McGuinness We desire to wholehear another run for his side.
tedly thank Mr. Maw Palomo perished at the plate? MISCELLANEOUS The flowers of spring may wither and die nard, the Manager of the on his second turn with the The hope of summer fade and autumn droop, Coca Cola Baseball team of bat, while Palomo was ef ADVERTISEMENTS San Jose, and his players for fectively pegged on trying to The birds, in winter, may forsake the shade, having visited our city last steal to third.
The inning THOMPSON SUPPLY The winds be luted, and the sun forget its decree Saturday and participetad. closed with a score of six AND WORKSHOP so brilliantly, in the engage runs. The homesters failed But we, in solitude hour will always remember the ment with the Cubs on the to climb the grade in the co Everything in the mechani WIDOWER CHILDREN. GRANDCHILDREN following afternoon, Base rresponding inning. Alfonso cal line cane be ball enthusiasts were in ga was first to face the tricky paired or supplied Assort lore, the stadium was taxed pitching of Masis, and was nients of Beds, Springs and and a thick human fence en taken by Palomo. splen ther useful equipment. For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steel cireled the diamond. There did three bagger was Roy Building The People Tailor were yearnings, apparently, Hayling contribution. HoNO 89 Fifth Avenue toward for the sensationally contest pe was centered on George the Municipal Bath.
ed exercise.
Hart, when he faced the pitMr. Thomas McGuin cher but he blighted same GRANT AND CRAWFORD nes, Limon surviving pio and failed to reach first. The NEW HARLEM BAR GENTLEMEN IN JAMAICA neer sportsman, was the ho hope of getting Roy home AND RESTUARANT nouree and the recipient again perished when, his bro We are in receipt of the of Jerusalem was conferra of rousing cheers on return ther, Carlito also suffered a Open Day and Nigth. Clean, leasing information that don Mr. Ernest Gilbert Smit ing to his seat in the sta similar fate. Te inning was and Cozy Reservation. Good the opening session of the Ja as a Serving Brother. Th dium from the Pit. where a scoreless one.
Native and Foreign Liquoramaica Legis ature and Ho Governor of the Island he threw the first ball to change in the home pitand experienced Mixers se of Representatives, Fis said to have specially dese the batsman.
ching was effected, Hayley. Building Excellency the Governor of bed the outstanding honou The Josefinos were the being replaced by Vinici.
the Cclony presented the In extended Mr. Smith, who first at the Bat. Hayley was Inning two. Zamora signias of the Awards recen the surviving brother of entrusted to do the hurling was caught by the catcher.
tly bestowed by His Majes. tate Honourable for the homesters. an ex. Masis gained a free base. tree base and Romero made King George VI on four Smith, the well known pois periment which carried a Retana drove a fast one the home plate. Muñoz stole gentlemen.
tician, whose foresight an high price.
over to third and was keen to second and on to third The Hon. Bertie Harry gerius ploughed the fiel ly taken by Maitland. The Masis gót freezed at the chalel Easter, Director from which the newly ina: The Play Palomo inning closed when Mar plate. Retaila made good to ducation, received the 11gurated Constitution is a pa faced the pitcher and got tínez was baked at the plate first and the base runner signs of a Commander of ductsafely to first. Palomo on the homesters turn at reached home. Martinez the Most Distinguished Oc followed and effected a hit the bat, Vinici made a power earned a carpet sweeper, der of St. Michael and St. DECLARACIONES DEL CAN which advanced the former ful drive, which was smartly between First and Second, George. The Hon. Robert CILLER DE VENEZUELA to second Retana, the next taken by Muñoz. George which tricked Hart to the Barker, a member of the Le CIUDAD DE MEXICO UF batsman, was cooked at the Babb came on, but died at credit of the runner, who vislative Council, was awar En uou entrevista exclusiva plate. Martínez came next the starting plate. Following reached home without mo ded that of an Officer of the con la United Press el cineille and earned a two bagger. Maitland was short lived Testation. Romero was trie Most Excellent Order of the de Venezuela Carraccio P which sent home two base to first. No runs.
que coafe ked by Viníci and parehed British Empire. Mr. Enos Lorencias internacionales han lo runners. Romero repeatBoth sides failed to effect is Jack, Manager of the Lorado tanto como la de Chapuce ed two the bagger trick and The thrind inning added El canciller venezolandi two others reached the home three runs to the score of changes in the scores in the ansSocieties Board gained nice jo que muy contadas reunione fourth inning that of a member of the Most ternacionales han logrado prv plate. Gómez then faced the visitors, through the efExcelent Order of the British Centar a la opinión pblica ameru the pitcher, took two strikes fonts of Romero with two decided change came on Empire. The honour of the con talados tan concretos and hitting the third delivery base hits. Gómez effected the scene. Our boys vot on Venexible Order of St. John de Mexico Isatisierterios como la safely to first. the runner skyrocket and was taken the aggressive. Vinici found then on third base added by Cope. Muñoz earned his men and checked the rac ket. The opposing players went on the ice, as a result NOTICE!
apparently, of the WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS ra CHARM pidly at the stadium and a round the ground. stream Box 83 Puerto Limón HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING Line of naughts appeared ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND on their score sheet, up to Who recently returned from the Republic of Panama, bega FURNISHING HOUSE the final inning, while the to inform his many clients, friends and the general public Cubs earned two runs in the that he is back at his old stand where, in combiration with THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, bis son, he is prepared to serve their various intercsts.
Tifth, one in the sixth and two in the ninth. The match REMEMBER EXCELSIOR TAILOR closeed with nine runs for the Coca Cola and five for We make all kinds of men garments Suits in latest the Cubs.
styles, Riding breaches all styles, Sport shirts, Dressing CLIFFORD STEELE The umpire Messrs. Luey gowns, Bath robes, Military Uniforms.
White, chief: Gonzalo XyWe specialize in Ladies Coats Suits Skirts, Slacks, Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
Breeches and Jodhpurs.
renash, first; and Ortiz of In going to take the train and in coming from the train the Rubber Development Cº SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL OR WRITE am in your way at Third COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE. balls to each side, in token of his appreciation of th Box 83 Puerto Limon honour extended him.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica a а a drink which was weling va JOHN ROGERS le Mr. McGuinnes gave three THE VOGUE TAILORS


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