p. 12


ON ECA Ono Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 10th March 194: BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN is we and se un tud ery.
If one child is cold, HunAt Muse, little town on Until the road link up was gry, ill clad, it is a small proWhen our troops occupy the old Burma Road, one of made all supplies to China blem, and one easy to handReporting on some aspects Village in Burma, there an the querest campaigns in the sad to be flown in over the le. When a whole genera of Transport Command Ca. no waving crowds to history of the war has end hump airline. That humption of children, all over Eu sualty Air Evacuation Sche: come them, no pretty gir ed. It was there that troops air line will continue rope, are cold, hungry and in me which has now brought to embrace them, no bor of General Chiang Kai will probably be increased clad, the problem becomes more than 54. 000 wounded quets of flowers, no both Shek Expeditionary Force, in carrying capacity. But now a major one, as far reaching back from the Continent of wine. The village is de which had been fighting it will be reinforced by con in its consequences as many since Day, Wing Comman erted, silent, overgrown River from China, linked up which these lorries can take which face liberated Europedical Officer at a CAE Cen ing and inhabited only westward over the Salween voys of lorries. The tonnage of the political problems der Mundell. the Senior Me partially wrecked by bom!
with their compatriots of the obviusly limited by the to day.
tre in Southern England. skeletons and corpses 1st Chinese Army of Lord carrying capacity, not only dead Japanese. The on says: And it becomes, as it has say lo Louis Mountbatten South of the new Ledo Road already done in Europe tosign of life to greet our bice East Asia Command. through Burma, but of the day, an urgent problem. In The troops in the line are all ened stray dog or perhaps It has great moral value leyweary troops is a frigh The joining of these two old Burma Road into 15 the France, in Belgium, in Holforces, after two years of heart of China. It is, however land, in the Balkans, a gering that, if they are serious cal bird.
the better fighters for know gaudy, multi coloured trop de bitter battle against the Ja the aim of the Allies to in neration of children are grow panese, marked the opening crease the carrying capacity ing up under ly wounded, they will be The villagers have lon nourished, of a land route to China and of th eroad as much as pos weakly, and shivering in one wounded, and find themsel to live in the dense jung flown home. When they are ago left their bamboo hom pliu the raising of the China bloc sible, and one of the most of the coldest winters they ves landing here, they are sabe from the Japanese. Big cer kade.
reliable estimates of these have ever known.
gra In the Irrawddy town of puts the ultimate figure at These children need help invariably cheerful and ap as the news guickly spread de Bhamo 60 miles west of Mu 60. 000 tons per month.
preciative, and that is half that the British are offerin quickly. The authorities in se, large convoys of lorries All this is in addition to every country are doing all the battel won in their recov generous rations, includi that all important caste waited for news of the meet the hump airline traffic, they can to bring them help, ing.
These lorries, loaded which, it is well known at but they are faced with commodity, salt, to anyon CR with the hal war material for the moment, is carrying into obstacles which seem almost More than eighty per cent. willing to work, Chiang, had already been China far more than did the insuperable. Military have never flown before. tarved villagers swarm bac dedriven along the 300 miles old Burma Road at its best. mands on shipping still reThe seriously injured settle in hundreds.
of the Ledo Road From this land down and link up, main paramount, and suffigenerally sleep.
through Burma. On January therefore, Chiang can expect cient shipping space cannot The less serious rest, appar Among them wrinkled oi.
22 they received the An a big flow of additional war be immediately made avai their arrival in England, and young children beg to work Ram ently thinking, happily of grandmothers and grinni Seni Clear on the same day material for his troops. lable to carry to Europe the they moved forward into quantity of raw materials they frequently ask the nurs carrying on their heads sur PreChina along a road clear of 800 MILE PIPE LINE needed to set civilian indus ing orderlies to tell them plies dropped by planes del Japanese for the first time tries going again.
when they are approaching a nearby paddy field, buik San for three years.
the English coast.
ing bamboo storehouses an But possibly the most im France, for instance, had The reppening the portant aspect of this link before the war a great textigenerally clearing up the vi Vuy land route to China marks up is the great new oil pipe le industry, well able to sup they notice how smooth and Very few are air sick, and lage.
EL the completion of one of the line which already runs ply the clothing needs of her tasks given to South East through Calcutta to Myitk population. To day many of comfortable air travel is, barber sets up shop baja sia Command by the Combi yina, and will eventually be her factories are useless, tur compared with jolting over a former enemy headqua sesi ned Chiefs of Staff at Que carried along the road.
who ters; close to him a tailor ced to ned over by the Germans bec. On the India and Bur China. This oil pipe line will to need treatment while in tran assembling his sewing malcons aircraft production, sit like continuous intra chine. He had taken it to de side, the great Ledo be the longest in the world, wrecked in battle. Those muscular injections of peni pieces and hidden cach pión Road project has been drit when it finishes its 800 which remain have no raw cilin or morphia. get ven through jungle and over miles route, and will pump wool to spin and weave and and the nursing orderly is that the Japanese would plia it, separately in the jungletlánt mountains to join up with vital fuel for the Chinese knit into garments for thin able to cope with any other commandeer it.
old jeep tracks leading to Armies and for the 14th ly clad children. If they had treatment required by the (laundryman) goes to wor do en dholesa wards the China border, nited States Army Air Force the raw wool the would still wounded. Neither head nor in the local stream, vigorou These jeep tracks have been direct from tankers in Cal lack the fuel and electric limb injuries are affected by ly beating a soldier soil widened into a modern dou cutta Docks to the storage power to work the machines.
height, but the aircraft do green battledress on a fl ble carriage way which ca tanks in China. At the mo And if they had the not fly at a height which stone.
rries on through Myitkina to ment all of China petrol is woold and fuel, the goods would affect chest cases. On North Burma village Bhamo.
having to be flown in to her they produced could still not ly in certain stomach cases come to life. carried in cans in air lin be sent to the areas where On the China side the Ge ers, and therefore a is flying not advisable. On very they are needed because neralissimo engineers have high percentage of the total Franc entire transport sys journey home. He was unone patient has died on the t widened and improved the load carried consists of pe tem has been dislocated in conscious and near to death arrived here straight frog campaign the men old Yunnan Road and have trol. The moment the pipe the enemy retreat and the when he was put on the air the front line dressing rebuilt a 30 mile stretch of line is through this will cease Allied advance.
it, which had previously been to be, and much valuable The same pitiful story tion, with all the grime blown to make obstacles space in the Dakotas will be could be repeated in lesser battle on them, and ofte against the Japanese advan available for other war ma degree in every liberated At the clearing centre they with heir wounds screen terial.
country. Th same story of are carefully examined, and only by a shell dressing. No The fighting troops have it is impossible to say shops completely emptied of if any treatment is needed they are able to receive a beaten the Japanese, and the when this oil pipe line will clothing of any kind, of mor it is given. In addition every cellent attention on the oth engineers have beaten the be ready, but the route for thers helpess to provide man is given a shave and side before they start th country. The road is through. it is now clear of Japanese, warm clothing for children clean up, a hot meal and tea, journey. But it is still a go To day people are asking and on both sides engineers who have never known what and made ready for his jour thing for them to come what this land link up means are straining every nerve to it is to be well fed or to live ney to hospital. In the earlier for treatment and convaid ocupa in terms of aiding China get the petrol line through. in a well heated house. days of the Western Front cence.
vod or ma raw usual.
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