
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 24th March 1945 NOTICE NOTICE SA Caribbean Packing Co.
The whereabouts of the belew named persons is requested by His Britannie Majesty Vice Consul in thes city CACAO JOHN GIBBON. JAMES ALEXANDER SMITH (formerly of Germania. NORMAN CARVALHO. EMILY THOMPSON Matters of importance on their clalf are pending their attention.
INC The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele Eg The People Tailor ALSO MONT can preoc of er Notice SU We are Agents for ST. MARK CHURCH LIMO CE ΑΙ THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI Holy Week and Eastertide Services OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Palm Sunday, March 25 th 30 Good Froday. am a. Sung Mass Distribution Ante Communion. 9. a, Holy Communion. Young Peopl:s Service. 12. 30 Sung Mass. a, E Pm Meditations On the Go vensong Address 30. Passion Play. T; Pegeant of the Resurreersin EASTER DANCE of Swing and Guaracha, will in the mood for love, My Re Monday in Holy Week a Parish Hall VIENE de la Pág. supply the music and they verie, Blue Moon, Stardust Holy Communion. Sition of the Cross Saturday. a Litany in the Hall of the St. Mark have released the fog Melody, ll never smile Communion Eu sday in Holy Week Parish 1937 top tunes Deep pur again. Stardust and tn EJ ter Sunday April. It 53 The Riversiders, the Kingsl ple. It June in January, m the Moon, Goodnight Sweet venson Addres.
Din Holy Communion a. Sung Moss a. 1 Mommunion. Musid heart, Once in a while, HeaProg amms P. Fstal Ne dnesday in Holy Week. a vensong Procession.
ven wait, and the. Holy Communion. in. GRAND 1945 OPPORTUNITY Crowning Number, dream Station of the Gress.
Monday in Easter Week. 6, of you.
for Touch Typewriting Maundy Thursdny a. nm. Holy Communion Dance enthusiasts are said Iloly Communion. De Tuesday in Easter Weck. votions Address, Im Holy Communion The TAUGHT BY MRS. LEONIE JACKSON to be reserving both energy Coño and cash for the slated night Residence. Ath. house in the Jamaica Town Settlement of charm, which will be co facing the rear of the Northern Engine Shed, toward the Her Company Hospital.
lourfully effected by the attendance of their clubmates Tuition Fee very Moderate of the Eagle Aces Friendly Club, the Coloured Youths Friendly Club, the Casa Bit. THE FINAL CHAPTER OF MRS. ca Boys, the Comrades of the To Members of Cacao Cooperation First Limon Troop and other (Mixta)
THORBOURNE LIFE follo guests from the city ard Line towns.
As was stated in our last Lodge of the Independent hist Gur Prices for the following Products are Ime issue, the final chapter in United Order of Scottish Me the earthly Cent career of Mrs. chanics, TAMBIEN EL CONDE DE BAR CELONA PIDE LA RENON Thoxvour CACAO, per quintal.
46. 00 Colones de Violet Poyser de Vi, as she was lovingly CIA DE FRANCO Fie came to its close on the called, goes to her long rest He GINEBRA, 22 UP Jour 7th. instant in the city of rest which will not be nal de Gin bra publica hoy el COCOANUT PITH, per quintal 66. 00 Colones Red Colon, Republic of Panama, desturbed by pains duor texto de un manifiesto dirigido or SO where she and her husband rrows. May her soul be per lona pretendiente al trono a Franco por el Conde de ParceCOCOANUTS, per hundred 27. 00 Colones who 134 had established their resi petually at Peace.
She ca rol Srto El Conde en su ma p3 dence, ves to mourn her irrepara le recuerda a Franco que ha POLE, per quintal 145. 00 Colones fins The deceased was a nati ble loss her widower chas veces en el pasado he and Britis Sve of this city and was wichildren in Colon; her mo cuerdo con la política del esta presado abiertamente su Si dely regarded as the result ther, Mrs. Jane Poyser; hero falungista español y A41 Freight and Cartage will be at Expense the of her splendid character grandmother. Mrs. Patter conoce que no can of the Cacao Co operation which also won her much son, her sister Ruby and o reconocer que ha fracasado su ré gimen totalitario. El Condale admiration. We recall her ther redatives, to whor: the pide a Franco que se retire del RAUL VELAZQUEZ eutstanding accomplishments Altantic Voice tender its ración del regimen tradicional de poder y abra el caino y la restau Manager on the entertaining stage, deepest condolence principally that of the then Costa Rican Burial Scheme Association. It has ben sta Wo beg to call you rattention to our remark at the back ber ted that the responsesibili Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al corso of receipt which reads: labra ties associated with her life de su recibo que dice: of wedlock were no barriers This bill must be paid at our office before to her literary and other va Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month luable community actitvi de los primeros 10 días de cada unes.
12. tiese Almost on the eve of to comply with the request wd do it Teaving this her native land, Le ragamos recordar esta usata y enviarnos la pena is to suspend du sever a slep Which the weas the winner of a de tener que portar sa servicio wo would much regret to take keenly contested Flocutiona Volg y Contest, held under the th auspices of the Scotch Lily whe chce ajande caudillo puede España anxi inde natery La COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
See Her


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