p. 12


Eroscoo Hot WECHE Couby a pre otot bosqince Pelo ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 24th. March 1945 Page 12 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN women unions.
LINE out Men and NIAL EXPENDITURE from Governor, chiefs, and the Czechoslovakia, Poland, the people of the Gold Coast give LOPMENT SCHEMES In the last war men pulled Netherlands, Belgium, Fran generously to provide com 120 millions is to be prova out of the front line for a ce Britain and America are forts for the pilots and air ded by the British taxpayer rest were marched back a doing a fortnightly course at men of the Gold Coast Squa for a ten year programme of Free few miles to live in farmhou the UNRRA school in Read dron of the RAF.
research, under a new Cologrants, totalling Today, on some parts of ing preparatory to going In the past two and a half nial Development and Welf nearly three and a half mi llion pounds sterling have the Western Front, arrange to Germany to set up Assem years nearly 600 has been are Bill which passed its first ments for rest aproximate bly Centres planned by UN received by the squadron and reading in Parliament on been made to Colonies in the more to a visit to a first class RRA to deal with displaced spent for the recreational be February 1st. This more than last two months, says the Cocountry hotel, with all the persons.
nefit of the men.
doubles the grants provided lonial Office. The grants, for facilities of a city only ten These men and women Among other comforts, it for by the Colonial Develop. Schemes made under Colominutes away.
nial Development Welfare journalists, doctors, lawyers, is to provide radio sets for ment and Welfare Act. af This is what happens welfare workers, linguists, the officers and sergeants 1940, and permits as much, Act, will pay for develop when a man visits a ment schemes, research Rest local government officers, messes with a gift of 160, as 172 millions to be spent Club some miles away from and members of a work and improvement of dozen which, the squadron was re in any one year. This expenhealth and educational fact the fighting zone.
other professions are all cently informed, is on its way diture will be additional to lities; while a grant of 210. Muddy and tired, he is, UNRRA officers who will from Accra to Eastern Italy that provided by the revetransported from his Unit to among the first to go out to where the pilots are flying nues of the territories them 000 pounds is made for the development of civil aviation a large building standing in Germany to deal with dis Mustangs with Balkan Air Selves. Like the previous Act in the West Indies. The Scheits own grounds. He is shown placed Allied nationals, Force in support of Marshal the Bill covers all depender Each course is attended Tito forces.
cies administered through to his room, and after cleanmes to improve health facili ing up and leaving his kit, about 50 students. In the The squadron adjutant, the Colonial Office, as well lies include a plan to build a goes down to a lounge where first week they listen to F Lt. Cecil Myren, of Wall as the High Commission te hospital in Kenya, another to expand nutritional invest tea is waiting and his Divi neral talks on UNRRA and ington, Surey, who lived at rritories in Africa, Central sion own orchestra is play the displaced persons Melbourne, Australia, bet America, Asia and the Paci igations in the Indies, and one ing. The tables are polished; blem, and to lectures on sup ween the two wars, said: fic, with a total population for training 18 the meal is like tea at home, ply, health, how to make re. On some occasions the offi of about 60 millions, nal investigations in the but West Indian girls, yearly, in served from first class croc ports and records, and likely cers waived all claim to the grants are to be made only the London County Council kery and dainty cups inst conditions in Germany.
In gifts from the Gold Coast, to colonies whose laws offer ead of mugs. Smartly dressed the second week there are and this meant that there reasonable facilities for tra. Development is also high on Hospitals. The Agricultural waitresses members of the fewer lectures and more time was more for the other ranks. de Belgian equivalent of is given to open discussic the list, and a typical scles the Although a great proportion wys wait at table. and to ideas proposed by of this latest gift will go to me is one approved for An.
students themselves.
LATO Afterwards the soldier can the comfort of the airmen, tigua, where 245. 000 pounds sit in one HELP. CO of the lounges, For instance, a Cralia, we shall get radio sets for young and every officer and including 40. 000 previously where Belgians ha ve Czech, acting as a displaced the officers and sergeants airman were very grateful to made available, have been painted murals specially for Allied national, might de messes.
дері the Gold Coast Many items provided for the Settlement him, write a letter home or monstrate to the rest of the of sport gear, including foot and Development Fund The airmen mess is well ball and cricket sets, have the take a book from the well students his reactions whe Central Experimental provided with a radio set, sebeen stacked library. There is a asked by the UNRRA officer cured a short time ago, part quadron through the genemade available to the Station and Assistance to State Agriculture.
separate lounge for serge to fill in the official card, to be issued by the military Hey from the last gift of the rosity of the Gold Coast peoBelgian WVS members would try to face the Uorra Gold Coast people.
who speak perfect English. officer with all the hedging the new commanding officer, The adjutant added that 1902 15, look after the Information and stonewalling to be exs Ldr. Charles Edmonson, of down over 300 enemy airThe squadron has sho YEAR AGO. HOW Bureau, so instead of visiting pected from a man who had the city nearby as a stran: been Wondonga, Victoria, persecuted for five Aus craft.
gortprofu ger, the soldier can consult years, and who had trained SURE THEY WERE ESPLITLA TOT them and get information himself to withhold informa which will save him many tion and from force of habit Restos de Vehículos Nazis The Victory of German miles of footslogging. They continued to do so. to DAG arms is not only a German can provide him with details Many students use their Itachi hope, but an historical cer of all shows and route him to spare time to polish up their TO tainty. We han look forward all the places worth seeing languages in the school, prac PC to it with calm confidence, In every bedroom there is a tising with more fluent comconscious of our strength.
map of the city with all pla panions. They are all whoGoebels, March 2, 1944.
ces of interest marked on it. leheartedly keen about the job and none of them un Enormous reserves stand When the fighting man derestimaets its difficulty.
at the disposal of the Ger goes to bed he leaves his man command, and if they boots or shoes outside his once decide not to let them bedroom door to be cleaned. Other entertamments and remain inactive, but to make If he wants, he can leave facilities include dances, use of them on the Eastern his battledress to be valeted NAAFI, and regular visits by front, the balance of power overnight. It will be ready a Pay Corps Cashier to chan will once more be established for him in the morning.
ge money on the spot. Much On the Russian soil. If once Having slept between of the organisation is due to the Reich will decide on this clean sheets, probably for Captain Henry Smith Day, En una aldea del frente occidental soldados de los Estados course she can halt the Sothe first time since he left who before joining the Army Unidos examinan los restos de varios vehículos blindados viet forces whenever sh home, he can have an carly Catering Corps was the madel ejército nazi, destrozados por el fuego de la artillería estadounidense.
wants. Radio Budapest in morning cuy of tea inbed. nager of a London Hotel German, March 6, 1944.
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of ants.


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