
Page ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 7th. April 1945 FOR SALE Limón Trading Company TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON in 10 olga od brazit in PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR in production and with other fruit trees Located at Piuta. One measures, approximately, twelve hectareas and is duly inscribed in the Registry of Properties. The other measures about two hectareas.
For further information consult Ipecac Roof HOL Dried Ipecac Cocoa, Coconuls and Cópra RUBBER ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA in his office opposite the Girls School.
REMEMBED u n HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA G WELCOME TO VISITORS FROM PANAMA CITY th Among the arrivals on the the milder clime, returned aerial transportation from here last Tuesday for a stay ch Sixaola, on Wednesday the of a few more days.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES CO 28th ultimo, were our for As we gather that Mr. mer fellow citizen, Mr. Al and Mrs. Abel are ardenti varado Abel, his wife and fraternalists, we hope to letheir infant son. They travarn more about them in that elled from Panama City to sphere of human endeavour COSTA RICA CURE REPORTED FOR DREADED PANAMA Sixaola where they were joi KANTARO HACE NUEVO SODA WATER ned by Mr. Abel mother hl GOBIERNO FACTORY DISEASE who is also widely known by NUEVA YORK, UP La esh our citizenry. They were all comisión federal de comunicacio Fábrica de Hielo the recipients nes interceptó un radio de Tokio of a hearty Dr. Scarseth Claim refore be regarded with mo cuando cuan anunció al emperador co y Refrescos of having discovered a curere confidence than most of welcome. They left by the cuando anunció que el emperador for the dreaded Panama Di. the other claims of a cure regular passenger train the había citado al presidente del consejo privado almirante baron Kan.
Agencia Cervecería sease of Bananas will, we which have been made from following day for the Cadita o Sussuki al palacio y orden 6Traube tal, and after an enjoyable le organizar gabinetes en reem.
e sure, be read with the time to time.
LIMON greatest interest by planters It is stated that under Dr.
time imder the influence of plazo del gobierno de Koiso que renuncio.
throughout this Republic. Scarseth treatment of the FLORIDA ICE AND Dr. Scarseth the soil che soil for the control of the di. miet for the Standard Fruitsease the soil becomes so FARM CO.
Company claims that a se fertile that the yield and ries of experiments on biolo quality of the fruit are grea.
LIMON CITY gical disinfection of soil conly increased.
LA FLORIDA ducted at La Ciba, HorduNow offers its esteemed patrons: The cure is obtained ras, since 1935, have at last apparently by adding certain Ma deras resulted in finding methodsonstituents to the diseased SUPPER, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, Fábrica de Hielo not only of checking the Pazoi! but whether such treat TEA RICH CAKES nama Disease of Bananas, piment will be found to be suEggs, Sweets, Bread prepared with butter, SE FORMA EL but also of restoring diseaccessful on all affected soils Also all you need for your House Guests sed areas to use and obtaning remains to be seen. Tamales a specialty on Saturdays and Viene de la pág. UNO good production. real cure for Panama Di. fo Sundays APPETISING RICE WITH la siguiente forma: th The fiast public report on sease is of such tremendous CHICKEN AND CHOP SUEY.
Presidente don Abel Robles these successful experiments importance to the future of Troyo, Vice Presidente Mr. is made by the office of o tha industny that planters All these are found in the Cantina of the Hilton Wood, Secretario reign Agricultural Relations will be anxious to learn moJon Enrique Arrazola Posa of the Departament re details ab ut this latest HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA da, Tesorero don Mariano of Agriculture, and can the claim. Zúñiga Odio, Consejero in Your gracious visit will be carefully tern. Ing. don Rogelio Pardo attended to Socks, Fiscales don Raúl Al THE PROPRIETORS varez Alvarado, don Enri.
que Mangel Rossat.
La Directiva tomó algu nos acuerdos de importancia From LIMON to CAHUITA. OLD HARBROWNE ABRAHAMS y la instalación oficial tendra BOUR. COLORADO BAR. PANAMA lugar dentro de algunos días Agentes.
con la asistencia de delega ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT dos de San José y otros luFor particulars, see or communicate with FRENTE UNIDAD SANITARIA gares de la República.
BRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents Ciudad Limón Nuestras felicitaciones par ra la Directiva electa y nues Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of tros deseos porque su labor Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. COMFORTABLR en beneficio de los proble.
AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON mas sociales sea fecunda. WEEKLY SAILINGS VENTA DE MERCADERIAS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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