
Página 11 SATURDAY, 7th. April 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE MEMBERS OF ATLANTIC BANANA GROWERS ASSOCIATION HOLD INTERESTING MEETING NOTICE те Lost at the Railway Station, Siguirres, on Tuesday the 13th. instant, a hand Bag which cor. tained a bottle of medi cine of much value.
nes nes Reward of FIFTY COLONES will be given the party who delivers the Bag and Medicine at the Agencia Principal de Policía, Moin.
nes nes meeting of the Atlantic was held in the Hall of the Association on the night of Eenano Growers Association Universal Negro Improvement Tuesday of the current week; it was attended by an appre.
ciative number of its mem.
bers THE SUCCESS solo Mo Stadley Britton, presid ed, and his usual cordiol wel woo Day and Night Services come fand general opening Completing the Limon most important eating and remarks preluded the business drinking Circle at 6th. Street and 5th Avenue is the Short transactions. The most imOrders, Meals, Coffee, Cool Drirks and Pastry up to date spot portant of the items transact.
ed was the adoption, by a unanimous vote, of the Cons.
titution the Society, On Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our the recommendation of Presi endeavour. Prices to meet every Pocket.
dent Britton ways and means the registration of the Asso. KENTON and WIFE, ciation in Keeping with PROPRIETORS.
were effected to proceed with the Laws of the Republic. In line with that particular phase For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele 180 The People Tailor nse SUCCESS Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos NOTICE Address all your Engineer ing Requirements to Para todos sus trabajos de ingenieria dirijase a BIAN ROIG SENSATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCH of business, the Secretary was, OBRO con out it in we gather, directed to com BOX 923 TELEFONOS 5319 3201. or 25 Among these who arrived in which covered a very valuomunicate with the members is er our city by the Excursion train ble bill of Costa Rica curren who were unavoidably onsent.
This of Thursday, the 29th, uitimo, sy stamped in three figures. very keen participation THE VISIT OF MESSRS. KNORR AND FRANZ do that were the Fernandez Football We do not desire, in the was evidenced in the discus.
more players of San Jose, who gave cast, to deny the visitors of Sion which emphasizing the OF BROOKLYN will av. vid demonstration of their their laurels as very efficient fact that the Association will astry strength and intimate know players, but we feel our defeat not fail the growers, provided fervent welcome was ex ment Association was about ledge of the grond exercise. was due to a weak goalkeeper. they be consistent, faithful tended Mr. Knorr, Preverted into an auditorium of They were coufronted by The Management of the Bar and genuinely adhesive to the sident, and Mr. Franz, almost the Barcelonians of our city colonians pad dearly for rules and regulations establis representative of the Wat scenery. In his hour and ten unparalleled local nt in who doringly earned a single entrusting their portal in so hed for their guidance and chtower Society of Brooklyn minutes discourse on the sub 3, but in the first half time against important an exercise, to an benefit e of a nil by the visitors. It was entirely new member of their Two new members were en of Jehovan Witnesses. Mr. Earth Mr. Knorr was deepNew York, by the Limon Coject The Meek inherit the ecline on admirable scene. Shots.
rolled Mr. Walford of Mati.
Barily, and shells were discharged na and Mr. Smith of Be. and Mr. and Mrs. Sun undivided attention of and Mrs. Charles Palmer, ly appreciative and held the his isease from Long Toms, Big Berthas verly. Messrs. Joseph Reid of emm and even Rockets, but our JOSE ACHIONG NG. Hope Creek and Ishmael Modtatives, it is said, of the ners. The lecture was of a bonlist, pioneering represen possibly five hundred listeyears fortress stood firm. However, tray of Matina, our very good Watchtower work in are in the final half, the Josefi Comerciante detallista triends, were visitors to San very comprehensive characthe meeting, Invited by Mr. Bri Jose, were also heartily welter puntuated with many the nos, summoning all their for ces, made a Pie crust of our Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale. tton Mr. Murray extended a comes. Their visit brought quotations from the Holy mural team. The Farriandes pla cia, Materiales de Ferrete. very congratulatory and en together their brethren from Bible. The Hall again held a all the districts and settle capacity audience, at seven of yers registered six gouis, whi.
ría y Eléctricos, todo se encouraging address.
e the local team could only cuentra en este It is expected that prior to ments in our Zone and else o clock in the evening, when Ement obtain two which give them establecimiento. the holding of the next meet where, these were also the Mr. Knorr and also Mr.
ing, slated for May 1st. the recipients of sincere greet Franz once more rose to the The match was held noo. oooood work of the Society Regis, ings.
important moment.
honour of Srta. Mariana Re.
tration will be well under From the arrival of the The Party left on Monyes, the attractive daughter CORTADA LAS RUTAS MARI way.
distinguished Party, onday San Jose passenger nteo of don Felix Reyes of the Gri TIMAS DEL JAPON Thursday the 29th. ultimo, train and were the recipients Ha Pharmacy, and his widely.
they were kept extraordina of a sincere send off by a Tas MANILA, UP. Las fuer csigomed wife. When ail was en zas del general Mac Arthuc ha.
ter rily busy. number of con large number of their bret in readiness, Miss Mariana san conseguido después de hai los Estados Unidos? ferences were held and a hren.
his gracefully kicked the ball, and gos meses de campaña en el Pa service of Baptism effected The Atlantic Voice wisat the close of the match precífico cortar ho ycompl tamen la ruta maritima de abastecimien on Sunday morning, the 1st. bes the distinguished visitors rves septed the Captain of the victos entre Japón y el resto del Im instant. At the afternoon a pleasseant and profitable di. torious team with an envelope perio Comerciante reputado en todo hour of four of the same time in Costa Rica, and el pais, con 27 años de expe day the local Hall of Se the safe return to their Brookriencia en el ramo de tiendas ofrece oportunidad de exhibir Universal Negro Improvelyn headquarters.
Co permanentemente en los Esta ESTABLISHMENT dos Unidos productos de San Jomat sé de Costa Rica y alrededores, of Muy familiariz do con el mane.
Make your home adornable and add to the family io de tiendas al detalle y Excomfort; buenas relaciones con importanca tes compradores y dueños de esCANTINA BATAAN tablecimientos detallistas, the CORNER 5TH. AVENUE AND 5TH. STREET THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE Envíe por correo aéreo desripción de sus productos y pla Here is the Bar where our friends of the Abaca District are. zos en que puede entregar los of oedidos. Sirvase cotizar precios, sure to meet the Socialites of the City and be free to discuss incluyendo transporte y dere.
the important topics of the Day.
chos aduaneros de la mercancía ouesta en el puerto de entrada FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES en Estados Uridos. Especifique The thirst can, meantime, be satisfied with a comisión o correta e que está buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most ispuesto a conceder en las ven.
the purest of foreign and native Drink.
as a las tiendas detallistas de OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS ALSO OF popular Furniture Establishment in the City of Limon, us Estados Unidos THE HIGHEST STANDARD Remember you are cordially invited Beresford Duncan LEONARD CORBET AND WIFE MAX STENZLER Proprietors.
caeaeeseeeetroognoscope sooooooooooordinates: tistas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica cuts o total of three.
ublic dur ayon will a con


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