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Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 7th. April 194 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN MILLION REASONS use public more room WOUNDED CHEEREDI DRIVE TO RECRUIT 100. 000 GIRLS FOR HELPING ON JOURNEY HOME The National Association The Ministry of Education BOMBED FAMILJES of Training Corps for Girls has assured the Association At a port on the Belgian in Britain (incorporating the of its continued support. During the flying bomb, longer easy to replace. Mor the been Grils Training Corps, coast, a canteen has There are at present about attacks of last Summer 23, than a million houses dama opened by the British Red Women Junior Air Cor 100, 000 ciets throughout 000 houses or flats were de ged means that more than Cross and Order of St John ps, the Girls Naval Training the United Kingdom and stroyed in London, and 1, 104, million homes have, aſ the in what was originally the Corps and the Junior Girls Northern Ireland and it is 000 were damaged.
least, lost some of their cro The Training Corps) is recruihoped to double this num.
lumber buffet of the dock station of houses ckery add glass, and had the Permission to this ting 100, 000 girls between ber by the end of the war. destroyed in the London area ir curtains torn The programme for the from the beginning of the These are the million ang room was given by the Port the ages of 14 and 18.
The general aim is Commandant, and it is ad to next two years (which will war until the erld of the ma. more reasons why the wvg mirably suited for the purtrain girls for service to the be progressively adjusted to jor flying bomb attacks last was organised a Rhoming September is 107, 000.
to Gifts Scheme, which givel puse of proving hot drinks community both as women the needs of peace and the effects of the new Edu 107 000 houses destrofed people in the provinces wh and cigarttes for wounded and as citizens.
cation Act) will include cour means 107, 000 homes without have not suffered loss of men who may have to wait pans, household their household possession there for an hour or two in ses on Health including phy pots and Hansit before going bn cuits. The canteen is sical education. Craftsman goods, all the ordinary nece the opportunity to help tho soon bºard the hospital carrier. overflowing ship, planning and running sities of life which are no se in London and Bom Several Red Cross and St.
Alley areas who have bor Then the second convoy a home (including budgets, ne the full weight of enemy John officers have helped begins to line up on the setting up house, colour attack.
to organise the canteen, as dock and the ship by this and design in the home, re discussion groups and drama The scheme is still only it sisted and encouraged by time is probably alongside. pairs and maintenance in the contests are often organised. its infancy, but the response the Assistant Director of Me As there is no hºme. Courses on Cadets are doing a good from the provinces has beer dical Services of the area within doors, the tea trolley affairs, on drama and lite deal to help in the vocatio war: magnificent. 76 counties and and by the Port Comman, sloes outside, and the Red rature, as well as They provided a number of county bedoughs, including dant The otherwise bleak Cross and St. John girls go hell and technical classes recruits for the Royal ob four districts in Scotland, he room has been transformed down the lines of waiting and domestic classes (inclu server Corps already train ve adopted 52 London boro, into a pleasant and friendly ambulances giving out tea to ding gardening) will be or ed. Some cadets act as mes ughs and wine coastal towns place by tables and chairseach man lying on his stretganised sengers and switchboard o More than 100 pantechnicon decorations of flags and ch inside them Already The training occupies four perators some evenings a have already arrived house.
bunting; with gaily coloured the first arrivals are being hours a week for some for week. Others make toys for hold articles from the areas posters on the walls, and carried on board up the long ty weeks in the year. Girls children hospitals, cultiva which have taken them in piles of papers and magazi gangways, and quickly all and boys of the pre service, te victory plots, work in harder their wing.
nes the whole effect is one casualties are safely embar organisations) work side rest camps, and give part When the guts collected of cheerfulness and welco ked, and the stretcher cases by in cleaning and decora time help in factories and in the provinces reach Lon tu me. That the men are not placed in comfortable cotting their quarters Giris sive day nurseries.
don they are stored in a cen slow to appreciate this is beds with clean sheets. clerical help, run (cantaen, They have produced plays tral depot in each borough, ci evident.
The ship sails as soon as held in the equipment de and formed choirs and their and pointed and issued to The first convoy of am its full complement of woun partment, while the boys of own bands. And at least one rehoused people on a priori. si bulances driven by Red ded is aboard, while behind ten act as instructors for unit has organised a bell ty basis according to the da. Cross, St. John, Canadian the scenes in the canteen se morse, aircraft recognition ringing team which rings mage which their homes ha.
Red Cross, and ANY. dri veral hundred mugs are and other subjects.
the Church bells every Sun ve suffered. In this way it to vers, starts to roll up about speedily washed up.
Concerts, dances, parades; day, is boped that gifts will be hour before the 000. 0000060000 issued on an equitable ba de oooooooo.
docks. Each ambulance de sis and householders will ha de posits its load within fifty La Toma de Colonia ve a choice in selecting the yards of the canteen entran articles they most sequire.
ce before moving off for its second journey, and the stretchers are lifted out and carried in by Belgian civiBALANCE lian bearers. Stretcher cases are laid in rows on the floor The art of seeing things in of the canteen, which is cen their perspective is a virtue tually heated, while walkdifficult enough to practise ing cases sit at the tables.
in pneace time, For many At once cups of tea are careasons the difficulty is en rried round by Red Cross hanced in war.
RO and St. John welfare offiA proper sense of proper cers, an urn on a trolley tation depends on balance, on ble being close at hand, char weighing the pros and cons!
ged and refilled when neand reaching a just decision.
cessary by two Belgian Girl But objeetive reasoning is not Guides, who help in the kiteasy to a people who have chen.
endured suffering and ton The commandant lof the ment.
Red Cross and St. John hos We should remember this tel in the town is always when judging others who hathere to give an extra hand, ve sufered more deeply than RC and in a short time every ourselves. We should remem man has his cup of tea and ber this, too, when tempted 60 Packet of cigarettes and, En una calle de Colonia soldados de los Estados Unidos se lanzan a socorrer al tripulante to false pity of our enemies if the wait is likely to be londe un tanque, arrojado del vehículo cuando éste fué alcanzado por una granada alemana.
Retribution is also an arm of ger than usual, some bis.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica justice.
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