
ATLANTIC VOICE graph of Sergeanth Soneto. Participated in the capfure of SUFFER NOT THAT THEY GO WITHOUT FOOD We bemoan the uncontrollable circumstances which may bring about the closing of the Re Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 tectorio Infantil which has been functioning in YEAR LIMON, APRIL 14th. 1945 No. 462 this city for many years, and taking care of more than one hundred children, many of them orphans and others with parents not, fortunately, favouNAZI RESISTENCE CONTINUES TO CRUMBLE BEFORE ALLIED go without a bit of foods is our urgent pleci We beg Suffer not that these unfortunate little ones PUSH TOWARD BERLIN ko fithout a bit of food is our urgent plea. We beg that all donate a bit of bread, at least, to keep Advices reaching us from fensive with no less than one Sensational advices are mo.
their bodies and souls together. Nothwitstanding the severd! European battle million 900 thousand men over mentarily awaited in connec.
the economic difficulties the Patronato Nacional tion with the final phase of zcnes tell a tale of more and a 300 kilometers frontage greater successes by the between Stettin and Lauben the offensive against Berlin de la Infancia have had to face for quite some ed forces of the Allied nations later report states the General Pattons force wos soid time, the children have been provided for; but if in their push toward the city Elbe was crossed by the 9th to have reached a point only is now declared that unless some help be secured JEZ of Berlin.
ormy shortly after advance 74 kilometers off the city. the institution must be closed there being absolu The stragetically situated troops of the 3rd. had entered The British troops continue tly no funds with which to keep it agoing.
cities of Bremen and Hanover Weimer, others of this array the work of liberation of such Searing in mind the words of Christ In as have been captured, so also are also in control of many parts of Holland os are still in much as you do it unto one of these, my brethen, Koenigsberg, the capital of important places. 50 the hands of the Nazis.
even the least, ye do it unto Me Let us by some Eost Prussia, the cradle of Ger menys militarism, and one of SERVING WITH THE STARS AND STRIPES means or rhe other provide the vitally important ING the most powerfully fortified wherewithal. Charity is withion the scope of all.
TWS133 places in the world. Around It affords a special gratiti, of the import Nozi positions weherewithal. Charity is within the scope of all 50, 000 nazis were taken priscation to present to ou lorge connecting Paris with the Chol ming some humanitarian act there can be oners with the fall of the for. circle of readers the photo. nnel Port of Cherbourg. He none greater than the giving of food to the huntification.
gry Rodach located 95 miles off McGuinness, one of the sons the strotegic bose, and the It is understood that contributions have been the Czhecoslovakian frontier of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pol Pasa a la pág. DIEZ hos been occupied by forces of trick McGuinness, two of Li.
made with the view of keeping the institution, General Patton open, but much more is needed and of a permamon outstanding citizens Parachute troops have des. who arrived from foreign soils nent aracter, we therefore suggest that the Comcended behind the German li during the pioneering days of pełent Authority appoint a number of responsing. nes for the purpose of opening this Zone.
ble and energetic persons to solicit monthly donain a way to the river Elbe, last im Sergeant McGuinness is ser tions fromthe general public. Appropriately wor portant defence for Berlin, for ded tickets with monetary values of say twentythe first North American army Stars and Stripes. the Flog ving with the colours of the under General Hodges.
five and fifty cents and one colon might be printed The other important city of of the great North American and bound in book form of about 500 each. These Bremen has been occupied by Republic, and thereby contri would be given the contributors in acknowledgebuting to the cause of demo ment for their donations. The Atlantic Voice pledThe first and third Norih cracy in which is interwoven ges its wholehearted co operation.
American armies have united civilization, human freedom and are pursuing a grand scale and liberty. He is attached to offensive toward Magdenburg the 90th Division of the Unit HUMANITY MOURNS THE SUDDEN PASSING and Leipzig ed States Army and was num.
The troops of Marsha. Tolbered among the gallant men OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT bukhim are in control of the who invadea Nozi Europe or LIKE bolt from the Blue came the Se center o fthe city of Vienna as Day, June 6th. 1944, GO news of the sudden death, last Thursday afterantidad also the greater parts of its We also learn, and not wi.
rucendo southem and western sections thout a deep feeling of pride noon, of His Excellency Franklyn Delaney Roosetas potea. It is expected that as soon that Sergeant McGuinness velt at Warm Springs, Geafin as the British and North Ame bravely and heroically assisted orgia, as the result of a el valoricans reach the river Elbe the in the operations which cale cerebral attack.
eses o Russians wilt launch their ominated with the occupation John Mc. Guinness The sudden passing of acer a Mr. Roosevelt has not only deprived the Republic of Sonic the United States of AmeSitten rica of one of its most out Change to standing sons and greatBDS est Mandatario and de.
mocracy of one of its staunchest defenders, bui those burdened with the task of directing the activities of the armed forces FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT MA of the United Natio foward a final victory and scientifically Blended the establishment of a lasting peace, among all nations, of his magnetic personality and erudite CIGARETTE counsels. Humanity has truly suffered an irreporable loss You ll Like it!
The ATLANTC VOICE joins in tendering its profoundest condolence to the people and govern ON SALE EVERYWHERE ment of the United States, their official representat tives in Costa Rica and also to the individuals domiciled among us.
British troops.
a eld el Bul UND ad que eta RAMESES BLENDED CIGARETTES RAMESES FAMOSAS STEPHANO BROTHERS neat and the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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