
SATURDAY, 14th. April 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE Page 0 S are also were AMONG THE SICK sick for the past THE VOGUE TAILORS e MORE JAPANESE LOSSES IN FAR EASTERN FOOTBAL KEEPING IN MEMORY WARFARE ENCOUNTER PEARLE POYSER Operating from their base in On the mainland of China With a view of maintaining THIRTEEN YEARS AGO o the Philippines, North Ame. the defending forces are of their athletic fitness, the fco. rican bombing plones attacked ciclly, said to have inflicted ters of the Barcelona and Co VIOLET POYSER DE THORBOURNE a Japanese convoy in the Sea serious losses on the enemy riari Clubs were seen in MARCH 7, 1945 of China last Monday night. roops operating in the provin contest during the afterricon They sank an eight thousand ces of Honan and Hupet. Fight of Sunday the 25th. uit no Our darling daughters, sisters and grand daughters are ton transport and a destroyer, ing of. dan intense character The match was dedicated to absent in person, but we know their great spirits live.
several other units we e do proceeds in Hangsbang where don Horacio Laporte of the lo maged.
the Chinese are endeavouring rol Branch of the Bonco No.
Earth has taken two lives we held dear; Pearle first bowed to taste the wave and died; The North Americans are to prevent the Japanese reincional de Seguros.
Then heaven again opened its portals wide said to be increasing their forcing their men, who are And bid Violet welcome, a few weeks ago From a very early stage it Even from the grave their power will charm gains in the various fighting engaged in the zone of Lowos observed that the worch While we cherist them in ever green memory zones of the Philippines. They chokow.
was an unequal one, both reported to have from the viewpoints of stren. Mama, Ruby, Gand, Thorbourne made important advances in Madrid rease says Spaingth and experience. The Ca. and Children their operations on the Island has several diplomatic reloriaris fought bravely, but the of Okinawa tions with Japan.
punches delivered by the Bar celonians staggering The passes by the Cariaris MUL EN. OL were also admirable, but they For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC lacked practical experience and a large amount of elbow The People Tailor NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR grease to place them on o Burris, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
pur with the Barceloniars. The several Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash match terminated with sever days. Both Mr. and Mrs. Es and Dentrifice.
gools against three for the coe are ardent religious and Cariari.
VIIS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND The honouree pre. The esteemed wife of our social workers. We wish her PLEASANT OF TASTE.
sented costly medals to the friend and fellow townsman, a speedy and complete reco players triumphant.
Mr. Ben Escoe, is reported ry, e MA TA RAL ALKALINE TABLETS We mention with feelings e good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, of sorrow the illness of Mrs.
minor colas; neuralgia, etc. Splendid after Leggere of the district of EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS in front of the office of the Electric Light Compary. Buffalo on the Zent Branch TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
Line. Her esteemed husband AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS is also said to be experien REMEMBER: PAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
cing impaired health. We SAN JOSE wish them the earliest possi We make all kinds of men garments. Suits in the latest ble recovery.
styles. Riding Breeches, all designs. Sport Shirts. Dressing Gowns Bath Robes. Military Uniforms.
JUPITERS DEFEAT BARCELONIANS LAST We specialize in the making of Ladies Coats, Suits, Skirts, Slacks, Breeches and Jodhpurs.
SUNDAY The young wife of our much regarded townsman, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL OR WRITE Mr Mathias Nelson of the No special prize was at staken from night extreme, effected Accounting staff of the Liin connection with last Sun, the second shot for his side.
mon Trading Company, has day football contest between But twenty minutes now re. JOHN ROGERS AND SON undergone, we much egret, the Barcelonians and Jupiters. mained for the call of time, a surgical treatment is one The match was presented, we with the possibility of the Bar.
Post Office Box 83 Port Limon. of the sick institutions of understand, as an entertaining celonians securing one more the Capital. recentraport measure.
point to effect a tie score, or The exercise was extraordi of the Jupiters adding anosays she is improving satis factory we are glad. narily hot. in fact, thrillst ther, at least to their two commanded every phase of the cools. The time was, however, PERSONALIA o play. It was red hot sparks for some reason best known to from the respective forges. Ju the Referee, shortened by Numbered among the pa piter led the attack to the wes eight minutes. This created essengers who left last Tues tern portal, and in a dazzling great dedl of disappointment day for San Jose was the suffle, Macho earned the first among the large majority of Hon. Johnston, His Bri Day and Night Services soal. Barcelona mode forceful spectotors who felt it would tannic Majesty Vice Conay and efforts to return the complii. have been much more sotis. sul in this city. He has gone, Completing the Limon most important eating and drinking Circle at 6th Street and 5th Avenue is the Short ment but failed up to the close factory to all concerned if the we understand, on business Orders, Meals, Coffee, Cool Dricks and Pastry up to date spot of the first half time. regulation time had been ob of an official character.
On the resumption, the pla served.
yers of both sides, were ob.
served in an unkept aggres JOSE ACHIONG NG.
bi Well cooked well prepared and sanitary Service is our sion. Barcelona was bent an. Don Fermin Amador, our endeavour. Prices to meet every Pocket.
retaliation, and in a very spec. Comerciante detallista highly regarded Postmaster, tocular attack, Jose Jackson and much esteemed wife, KENTON and WIFE, goined the point. Things were Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale, have also left our city. They PROPRIETORS.
now balanced. The battle in ría, Materiales de Ferrete, answered a hurried call to creased its intensity. Soon Juría y Eléctricos, todo se en the bedside of dona Rafaela la 80.
piter gained an edge on Bar Ucuentra en este y. de Amador, the mother of may answer the Great Call fertvent hope that her life celong and the rapidly, odvon sasi establecimientos hoy don Fermin, whe, welAare ere this issue goes in circus will be spared for some time cing Macho, dribbling the ball. told, tiesi eritically ill and llation. It is, however, our yet.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica. THE SUCCESS SUCCESS


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