
Rrnoi Cacao was 9201 SATURDAY, 14th. April 1945.
ATLANTIC VOICE. Página 11 GERMANY NATIONAL TREASURE AND FABULOUS INTERNATIOFOR SALE. GOLDEN BARGAIN NAL ART COLLECTION IN HANDS OF THE ALLIEDS Any suitable offer will be accepted During the earlier days of ed and preserved across the release, we are now informed Situate in the District of Buffalo on the Zent Line, the present month it was an ages. These had been taken by that the entire lot of the gold 11 Miles from Limon City.
nounced that the Allieds had the Nazis from France, from reserve of the German Reich discovered what is regarded as Belgium, from Luxemburg, bank, as well as another va.
HOUSE WITH FOUR APARTMENTS the oldest and most valuable from the Cathedrals of Colog. laublie collection of works of collection of international Art ne and Aquisgran, as well from art, recently transferred from WITH KITCHEN ATTACHED Treasures hidden away in an the various Mussems of Euro Berlin, were found by forces of old copper mine in Germany pe. Nothing like an estimate of the ninetieth infantry division which had been converted in the value of this fabulous co while making an examination One Poultry House. One Water Tank, approximately a 600 galion container with adjoining bathroom.
Four to on anti air raid shelter. llection can, we are told, be in the interior of a salt mine Dryers. One Sanitary Service.
The collection included, it is ventured untN on inventory in the region of Merkers in Sanitar said, carvings, pointings and has been completed, Germany. The treasure 12 Hectareas of bearing cacao with land for improvement Hectareas of Pasture which can be extended. Bearing other invaluable relics collect. Following on this important located at a depth of 2100 cocoanut and other fruit trees.
feet below the earth surface.
cnd consists of more thar ESTABLISHMENT ANOTHER DWELLING WITH THREE four thousands sacks filled with gdld bars. Each sack ca.
Make your home adornable and add to the family ROOMS AND KITCHEN INSIDE comfort; mes a weight of twenty five pounds and is valued at about two bearing Coconut trees, one breadfruit and one 14. 000 dollars. Several thous.
orange tree.
THE CITY LEADING FURNITURE onds other sacks were located filled with mint coins.
APPLY ON PREMISES TO LEGGERE An ex Director of the Herch: bank has stated that this find Thrd is deposited in another FOR EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE AND NOVELTIES represents two thirds of the mine situate in territory now quirres players occurring be buy direct at DUNCAN the Pioneer and most notional treasure of the Reich, occupied by the North Ame. ore the close of the match, and that the remaining one, rican forces both Captains had agreed popular Furriture Establishment in the City o: Limon, that two substitutes should Beresford Duncan WEEKLY SAILINGSV3 be utilized; regrettingly, ho wever, the technicalities of Meesecovercadeosoooooooooo. 000. 0WILLON VA the rules governing the gaFrom LIMON to CAHUITA OLD HARmes were not sighted until SPECIAL EASTER CELEBRATION AT BAPTIST BOUR COLORADO BAR. PANAMA the tenth wicket for Siquirres had fallen when their CHURCH ACCEPTING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT score was, only three runs For particulars, see or communicate with The yearly custom of por. furnished the five barley loo behind that of the Pathfintraying some sacred drama in ves and two fishes for the ders. The high lights objecBRYAN BARRIENTOS, Agents connection with the season of great miracle of the feeding ted to the inclusion of the ele Eoster was evidenced during of the five thousand, Master Post Office Box 144 or at their office on the lower floor of venth batsman. Feeling that the evening worship in the Manuel Moulton played his Pension Caribe in front of Park Vargas. CONFORTABLE this would be against them, AND RAPID SAILINGS CAN BE RELIED ON Baptist Church in this city lost part with eloquence and so the visitors claimed that the Sunday Pathfinders should not, at lemnity. As Lazarus Me Roy The narrative then present McRae told of the wondrous that late hour, bring to bear ed was based on The light of Jesus whom he had loved and ON THE CRICKET OVAL the leter of the law an dig the Cross. It was really not a worshipped. Mr Alfonso Tay. As was announced in our nore the true spirit of the ciramo; rather o view with alor acted the part of Joseph oftest Saturday issue, the mas Golden and Lewis. for gentlemene, Other than the youths Tho grand old Game a game sublime background to refresh Arimatheo, who secured a new and this, the memory of those who be. tumb and begged the body of players of the Lion Cricket the Siquirres Team did not too, in face of the understan caplieve and glory in the Cross of Jesus. Mary and Martha, the Club of Siquirres arrived in present any first line bats ding betwen the two Christ and to serve as a mea sisters of Bethany at whose this city last Sunday; they men. It was stated that as tains. The contest ended, in sure to conciliate unbelie. hame Jesus had stoved, were heartily welcomed. there was the possibility of onsequence, rather distas ver.
were ably represented by Miss They were to meet, we un a shortage of two of the Si tefully.
Th ecast of characters in Cormen Taylor and Mrs. derstood, the Brooklyn team ciuded Miss Olive Gourzong in McRoe, The Misses Miſcent from Cahuita the same day the personification of Mary Clayton ond Icilda Williams and those of the Pathfinder Magdalene, who, before her represented the women on the Club on Monday, However, conversion, found no favout in tomb with Mary Magdalene met the latter on the sunby mutual agreement, they Lost at the Railway Station, Siquirres, on Tuesday the The teaching of the Son of God a musical dialogue Come and 13th. instant, hand Bag which contained a bottle of micdi day. did not believe in Him, was The Drama was climaxed with ciné of much value, not possessed of a heart of See. The scene was a large The homesters were first Charity and spurned her wroth cross fully draped and fitted with the bat, and scored a Reward of FIFTY COLONES on Nito, the Soothslayer, who with changeable dim and total of fifty nine runs. Stan will be given the party who delivers the Bag and Medicine sclicited alms of the Princess, bright electric lights, harmo ford Barton was top scorer at the Agencia Principal de Policía, Moin.
Magdalene. Miss Vero Gillings nizing with the renditions with twenty two runs. The represented Nita. Miss Iris WiMrs. Pricilla Da Costa, in flo. bowlers for the visitors were toms acted as Rama, a friend wing white robe, signified Muir (Captain. Fer of Mary, whose devotion to Christianity, while Mrs. Beanandez, Barrett and Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos the Babe of Bethlehem and trice McRae, as a weary pil. James. After the rest period, ber entreaties finally held sway grim, aided by the singing of Howard led the trundond enabled Mary seek Je. the hymn. Art thou weery, ſling for the Pathfinders and sus, believe in Him and be art thou languid. laid her secured the first seven wieAddress all your Engineer Para todos sus trabajos de cleansed Harma, the maid of heavy burden at the foot of kets for the very good abe ing Requirements to ingeniería dirífase a the Princess, was effectively the Cross As if along the rage of three runs each.
personified by Miss ido Ba Milky Way. Mr. Alfonso The other city bowlers we ROIG rrick.
Taylor, sang the immortal re Dixon, Marshall BOX 923. TELEFONOS 5319, 3201. or 25 Representing the lad who hymn To the Cross. and Stewart.
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