p. 12


Page 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 14th. April 1945.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN us di Iman nici moc ra mar VICTORIES OF TOIL JAPAN CLOSES AIRCRAFTWOMAN CALL FOR FARMERS THE NAVY LAUNCHES FROM VIENNA SCHOOLS The post war year will 48. INCH SHIP In order to keep the Bri be a testing time for PACKED 5, 000 tish standard of living at its With our industry devoted present lavel, the Ministry ship. 48 inches long, almost entirely to war pro Japanese broadcasts recen PARACHUTES of Agriculture says that a nas been launched in a Cey ruction, with many of our tly announsed that all schominimum of 200, 000 adult volon water tank, with a bo.
buildings in ruins, with a ols, colleges, and universi.
At a bomber station not tunteers will be needed to ttle of wine smashed across great deal of our wealth ties in Japan, with the sole destroyed and our overseas exception of first. grade far from London works a assist in raising and harves her bows by a Rear Admi in restments scattered, we classes in the primary scho girl from Vienna, a natura ing this season crops in ral of the Fleet.
ised British subject. She is England and Wales. Six re.
This solemn christening of cannot hope to recapture our ols, will be closed for one old share of the world mar year, beginning April The LACW Ana who went to gional recruiting stations are the model aircraft darrier, kets immediately the Cea purpose of this closing is to Czechoslovakia when the Na being established. School HMS Mahara, was part of boy and schoolgirl camps the ceremony in which they se Fire sounds.
insure that all students will zis began to exert their inM But there is no ground or be mobilised and organised fluence on her country. Ar will be run again this year, Royal Naval Air Traning Es room for pessimism. na into a new Students Corps Englishwoman brought her and there will be weekend tablishment received its full tion which has withstood to take part in tasks which to England and she joined and clubs and women e commision and, like all Ro.
mergency hand corps. Geryal Navy land establishmen inic more than five years of war ane directly connected with the WAAF in 1941.
Her domain is the parachu also be drawn upon.
prisoners of war will ts, the name of its ship.
Com and as emerged triumph the carrying on of the war.
The Ceylon Establishment antly cannot be dismissed This decision, declared by te section; a pleasant room The London Times)
zor has for some time been trai quiet and spotlessly clean lightly in the post war wor Count Hideo Kodama, Minis poor ning Ceylonese boys as air Id. We have shown courage, ter of Education during a and always kept at an even eraft mechanics. Besides thig initiati de and resolution, plenary session of the Lower temperature. the least tra LACW Anna has been pa work, important for the air and we have still to show House of the Japanese Diet, ce of damp would mean secking parachutes on an ave sea war against the JapaneF that those qualities will tra is one of the most significant conds of delay when the prarage of six a day, making ses in the Pacific, the Esta of vel with us along the hard wartime measures to be re chute had to open in the the remarkable total air. From the ceiling hang 5000. Since she has been on racter training (as in Bri.
blishment aims to give cha.
road ahead.
vealed by the Japanese, two rows of parachutes in this particular bomber sta tish pre service youth or.
No nation has shown grea ter resourcefulness and in Members of the newly for the process of being dried tion, 109 airmen have made ganizations and technical ventive dapacity than our med Students Corps will and uncreased before re safe descents with her para training which will be of walls chutes. Her responsable job practical use in the colony selves. The Spitfire, the Mos participate actively in the packing. Along the quito, the Lancaster and the production of foodstuffs, the parachutes and harness worn in the fight against Hitler post war economice develop York have left the world in production of munitions, air by crews are stored in racks. gives her immense satisfac ment.
qui alte no doubt about our capabi defense, important research Every parachute is inspection.
works lities as inventors and en and other undertated and repacked once a who Pilots and aircrew to kings not all immediately month and its history is kept bale out rarely forget gineers.
The Mulberries, those gi and directly concerned with in a log book by the packers thank the girls who packed SHANGHAI MISE. el gantic tritish built artificial the prosecution of the war. Sixty yards of silk of Nylon their parachutes. Many let den harbours which helped to later broadoast stated goes into each parachute, ters are received by the RABLE PLIGHT Fra make possible the liberation that not only students but and it is divided into ninety WAAF on bombers station of a Continent, have never also teachers would be inclu six panels. this makes the X, some of them from priUnderground reports from ya been surpassed in the vas ded in the order. It is esti material stronger and ena soners of war in Germany. Shanghai tell of an Eva mid tness of their conception.
mated that more than 19, 00 bles a damaged part to be ea These messages are kept in cuation Committee formed 0, 000 stundents will be affecsily repaired.
a book entitled They Live by the Japanese there Dos thousand other trium ted, including children las Parachute packing is a ski Again. My chute opened force one million inhabitante ción phs of British science and young as seven the normal led job and must be done beautifully and owe my engineering are still on the age for second. grades in with the greatest care. The life to your skilful packing. shortage of electricity is be dar to leave the city: An acute den secret list and cannot be dis Japan.
airwomen know that one misthanks to you live to con ing felt owing to the destrud a la cussed until the war is over.
take may cost a life. During tinue the fight. read one of tion of power plants by a dep But then we may rightly be her three years in the WAAF the letters.
proud of British industry llied planes. Trams are run pueb indispensable role in the sal ning only from to 30 dos vation of human freedom. and from to p. te de Not only have we been lled workers have kept the Tanques Lanzacohetes Since February 1st, electr Déla quick to invent and to extem wheels turning with the aid city in houses has been re Со porise. We have been equa of countless women called tricted to three hours petónu lly quick to take effective from their homes to work day, from to 10 toria countermeasures against all of national importance.
The official price of rio duelo the devices of the enemy. His The village smithy has tur is now 44. 800 times that norte weapons, like the ned from shoeing horses to the pre war level. 200 del pu magnetic mine and the fly. making tanks, and the ilttle bag now costs 180, 000 bre la ng bomb were quickly laid gadage to making aircraft puppet currency. Prices tas ve our experts, and components. Farm workers other commodities have sklade steps were taken to mitiga have put every possible inch rocketed similarly. Between tantas te the worst horrors of war of the land under cultivation January 29th and Februar chos as waged by Germany. We The successful outcome of 8th, large issues of 10 La need have little doubt that all these efforts has been a 100 and 500 notes were món, British industry is on top of victory for hard work and printed and on February expres the job and can face compe cooperation which cannot 10th, as inflationary cálido tition with confidence. fade away as the sound of trend soared to greater heil tía al Never in history has a, na battle subsides.
ihts, 1000 notes rolled fion Unido tion been more fully mobi We have shown that we Tanques ejército de los Estados Unidos, provistos the printing presses Japs Oficial lised than the United King can work and we have prode tubos lanzacohetes, ruedan por un camino alemán en nese dollars are not werth la Hon dirección al campo de batalla.
dom in the present war. We ved our skill. With industry Una vez que se dispara toda la provisión de cohetes, se quitan los tubos y los cent and each grain of rid americ have provided millions of our and skill and happy hearts langues hacen uso de su armamento regular: canones y Tis worth 2, has become ción de ablest young men and wo the future need hold no fe. ametralladoras de grueso calibre.
common saying among In der la men for the Forces. Our ski ars for us. people of the occupied aread to secret bare by the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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