
and Tort Our SATURDAY, 21st. April 1945 ATLANTIC VOICE Page 353 THE BUILDING OF SOLOMON TEMPLE AND THE PASSING OF 402SE RACES HORSE RACES PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT So pathetically intense and bourer task is o er; How most difficult task of directon the Excellent Rucing Grounds Xvidespread were the mani. the battle day is past. Ah, ing the activities of the ar GUACIMO festations of grief by the truly, the stoutest heart must med forces of the United NaSunday, May 20th, 1945.
thousands of human beings, have been moved. Thus has tions in their effort to elimi who gathered from near and a great man left this mun nate those who aimed at the spot far, to render their homage dane sphere. thus has hu destruction of our civilizaSpecial Trains will Operate Between to the mortal remains of the manity suffered an irrepa tion, freedom and personal Siquirres and Guacimo.
lone who had, during the rable loss.
liberty, and of thereafter lengthened period of twelve The unexpected death of establishing a world wide years, directed and guided Franklin Delano Roosevelt and lasting Peace.
The Horse Racing Committee of this Atlantic Zone will the destinies of their coun calls mind the sacred narra The two remaining in the present a banner Programme composed of the best blood in the Republic try with such conspicuoustive connected with the buil present task will, naturally, This serves as a medium of invitation to all interested in efficiency and success, that, ding of the great Temple at be joined by the successor the Great Sport of Kings to enter their horses in the ap press commentators and Jerusalem by King Salomon to the departed President, proaching Meet which will close the year Racing Season others have expressed the of ancient days. Two other but as he will be without LIZE DO NOT MISS THIS GALA SPORT.
impossibility of ever adequa great master are said to have that intimate knowledge of tely describing the mournful been associated with the the factors which have THE RACING COMMITTEE.
ES scenes.
construetion one of whom brought the onerous work How soul stirring must it died prior to the coneltision to its present satisfactory ne lep have been to witness the of the great task. The status, it is sincerely hoped MRS. ADINA MITCHELL SUCCUMBS TO outpourings of sorrow as the late President Roosevelt was it will be possible for LINGERING ILLNESS mortal remains of the engaged in association with him to early adapt himself to late President Franklin De two other outstanding per the work and so render that ex From what is said to have ness, she removed to this lano Roosevelt were convey sonages, Winston Churchill assistance which will give mese ip been a lingering illness Mrs city in order to secure effecfed from the Union Railway the British Prime Minister, humanity all that Franklin ty the Actha Mitchell fell, at the tive medical and other spe Station to the White House and Josef Stalin, Premier of Delano Roosevelt and his ma vouch of the Great Destroscial attention. Mrs. Mitchell along route densely the Soviet Union, in the associates desired for their than ver, on Sunday the 8th ef was esteemed by all who con lined with representatives well being.
mm do he current month. The de taoted her. The funeral ser from the military and mari weased was born in the dis vice was conducted by Mr. ne forces in addition to the the riet of Bufford in the par John Clarke, Deacon of the general civic populace. Then WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS bluntary ish of Westmoreland, Jamaicity Baptist Church later as the funeral ceremu ejorada; and after travelling so by the widower, Mr. Johnny proceeded amid the impos CHARM and ide newhat extensively settled, Mitchell, and a sister, Mrs.
HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING ing surroundings of the Orien inally, in this Republic in Rachael Stewart, both of tal Saloon in the White Hou oners ESTABLISHMENT AND CAP DESIGNING AND he coastal town of Cahui this city. May her soul find FURNISHING HOUSE ser during which it is stated, a. Due to her serious il! peace perpetual.
ARMY five hundred male voices The deceased is surviced chanted the distinguished THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE.
deceased favourite hymn nounced Mother, dear 0, pray for EXCELSIOR TAILOR y Queen me and, lastly, at the place auspices MACHINE SHOP of interment in Hyde Park, TIFTH AVENUE BUILDING 89 when at the close of the ECLIFFORD STEELE Conducts general Repairs, First class workmanshop gunran. piscopal Church prescribed All pri teed. On Hand, at all times Beds, Springs and other Now situated in an improved and convenient building.
rite, the venerable grey Household things.
In going to take the train and in coming from the train bearded Rector recited We am in your way PRICES MODERATE are informed, John Eller THOMPSON, Proprietor.
ton seventy five year old COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITES of gaine sacred poem Now the la VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE.
iscloser. Crops a TALLER MECANICO umy, will might of e said to azing the of being For Best Fit What? Go to Clifford Steele The People Tailor EN Caribbean Packing Co.
AMA CACAO FOR SALE The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao TWO VALUABLE CACAO FARMS AT PIUTA, LIMON TY RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER in production and with other fruit trees Located at Piuta. One measures, approximately, twelve hectareas and is duly inscribed in the Registry of Properties. The other measures about two hectareas.
For further information consult TY We are Agents for PUIPPED THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVI EVELOPMENT ATTORNEY CARLOS SILVA OFFICES: LIMON SAN JOSE in his office opposite the Girls School ttlement Coward the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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