
Page 10 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, 21st. April 1945 Still Freshtin our Memory Four years have passed in the bosom of time since we lost, by the icy hand of death, our beloved Son and Brother Limón Trading Company JOSE ARGUEDAS LEFRANC (APRIL 12 1941)
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR The marching years will never erase the fond memory we cherish for that precious life that has drifted from us. Yes, we dearly loved, cherished and caressed him, but Jesus loved him best and the angel beckoned Jose.
Mother and Sister.
Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Cópra RUBBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES ASSEMBLY IN CAPITAL BY JEHOVAH peak attendance of 135 was lived a sober, Godly THE VOGUE TAILORS ta 104 YEAR OLD JAMAICAN BURIED AT fo COROZAL, pr The folowing is taken from pleted her 105th year thi a recent copy of the STAR coming August TH AND HERALD of Panama. Funeral services war conducted in Coral Cho Isabelle Samuel, 104 year pel by Omphroy, Pa old native of the Island of tor Ogder and REMEMBER Jamaica, Parish of St. Eli Maynard last Tuesdny zabeth, died at the Corozal March 20th. following Hospital March 18th atter which interment took plac a few months confinement Those surviving her are in the institution. She was daughter, Gweudism born in the year 1840 and mue: two grandchitran migrated to the Isinus du nuel Erand C4 th ring the year 1886 She had muel; one great grand. De life, Stanford and two ure the Sunday and was a member of the great grand children Ant 80 WITNESSES night.
Adventist Seventh Day nio Rangel and Louis Ca The assembly was obser Church She would have cem los.
We have been afforded the, was held in the Kingdom ved for the Spanish speak information that, on the 7th. Hall of Jehovah Witnesses ing brethren, the messages PLEASSING SEND OFF RECEPTION and 8th of the month in co located on the Paseo Estu of the President of the Wat urse, a very fine assembly diantes, San pse, when a chtower Society, Mr. On the night of Tuesday, ends and share the good Knorr being delivered thro the 10th. instant, on the eve of the sponsors, were MAP ugh the medium of an inter of the return of Mr. and Carlos Evans and daugh preter Other discourses in Mrs. Alvarado Abel and the Elena; The Misses Carme Durin the official language of the ir mother to the land of Wilson; Florence Graha Easter Republic were contributed their adoption. MM. Co Dora Williams, Carmen Lant, thi by Mr. Franz, a spellins and Miss Moore. lliams; Emily Hag; Luci in front of the office of the Electric Light Company.
provided cial Representative of the proprietors of the Jack Flag Johnson; Messrs.
Brooklyn office of the So Stop Restaurant in this e ly Earle: Splatt: Ston Directre REMEMBER: ciety, Mr. Sienbenlist, were host and hostess to a Charles Flemming: Sydnbor Pu Special Watchtower vepre pleasing send off reception, Holness: Allan Hylton School sentative for Costa Rica, and in honour of the visitors, and Mrs. Adrian Mason: Liverpo We make all kinds of men garments. Suits in the latest Mr. Chas. Palmer at the residence of Mr. Clit Hylton; Alfonso styles. Riding Breeches, all designs. Sport Shirts. Dressing The high light of the two ford Hamblin. Among the Sam Watson of 11 Gowns. Bath Robes. Military Uniforms.
We specialize in the making of Ladius Cats, Suits, Skirts. day convention was evin many who gathered to pay and others whose nalaes Yor these Slacks, Breeches and Jodhpurs.
ced, it has been released, du homage to the departing fri apologize for not being ab Among ring the public address gi deore.
to mention recitatios SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CALL OR WRITE ven in the Capitolio Theatre morning of Monday the 9th Dancing to the delightfoot; during the forenoon of Sun at the airport, when a remarstrains of the music suprDouglas day the 8th by Mr. kable representation of Jeed by the Lebert Broy JOHN Swing Kings terminated ROGERS AND SON Franz to an appreciative au hovah Witnesses extended soloists Ti dice of 467 on the subject. au revoir to Messrs. Knorr the wee hour of two Gran Post Office Box 83. Port Limon. One world. one govern and Franz, who left, via Pan crowning features were ment American Airways, for Mexi address by Mr Collina on, co Very impressive was theco City, to conduct similar another, on request, by Jos Thom:3. Mr. Ab scene, we are told, on the assemblies.
Mess us fittingly respondes. Congit tulations to Mr. Collins We ber to call you rattention to our remark at the back Miss Moore for the demu Nos permitimos Hamar su atención a la nota al dorso of receipt which reads: tration of friendship de su recibo que dice: This bill must be paid at our office before 03. 19 Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th of the month de los primeros 10 días de cada unes.
SALOMON CHIN Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y envitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take LA IBERIA Estrada Jerona Canta Tayloably as Milbers of Redgard Regards Easter anthem were ser From BOU COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON OPERA Precios Económicas Posto Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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