
245 SATURDAY, 28th. April 1945. ATLANTIC VOICE Page IMPORTANT ENEMY POSITIONS BOMBED IN FAR FAST HOTEL MISPANO AMERICA An announcement by GeLIMON CITY neral MacArthur releases HOP SE RACES HORSE RACES the information that North Now offers its esteemed patrons: American planes, based in the Philippines, have effecon the Excellent Racing Grounds tively attacked enemy posiSUPPER, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, TEA RICH CAKES GUACIMO tions in French Indo China, the Islands of Formosa and Eggs, Sweets, Bread prepared with butter, Sunday, May 29th, 1945.
Dutch East Indies. num Also all you need for your House Guests ber of Japanese cargo boats Tamales a specialty on Saturdays and Special Trains will Operate Between were also said to have been Sundays APPETISING RICE WITH Siquirres ind Guacimo.
sunk, recently, in the port CHICKEN AND CHOP SUEY.
of Saigon, Indochina.
Troops of the North Ameri All these are found in the Cantina of the The Horse Racing Committee of this Atlantic Zone will an Navy have occupied the present a banner Programme composed of the best blood in Islands of Heanza and Kouthe Republic HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA ri off the coast of Okinawa This serves as a medium of invitation to all interested in Further advances are also the Great Sport of Kings to enter their horses in the ap Your gracious visit will be carefully proaching Meet which will close the year Racing Season being inade across the I)attended to land Mindanab, one of DO NOT MISS THIS GALA SPORT.
THE PROPRIETORS the Philippine Group, in the THE RACING COMMITTEE direction of Davao.
GOVERNMENT TO ESTABLISH AGRICULTUNATIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUE SEASON, PERSONALIA RAL PENAL COLONY 1945. 1946, OPENS TOMORROW Our widely known fellow We have been afforded only, because of the splendid the proprietor of the Mo lase by the San Jose Press, citizen, Mr. Jas, McRae, According to a recent reed that the colony be located the very interesting infor qualities demonstrated bydern Drug Store, had unfor it is noted that the Republic in the Province of Alajuela.
mation that the 1945 1946 the MacArthur Boys during tunately, to undergo another Executive authority is giving In keeping with the propoSeason of the National Pase the past Season but be surgical treatment to one of consideration to a proposal for sition, it is stated that on offi bell Peague Championship cause it will be the first his eyes in one of the clit the establishment of a penal cial of the Detective DepartFixtures will become effec occasion on which represent tive tomorrow. The inaugu tative players from the Re nics in the Capital. He is, agricultural colony where all ment has communicated with ral ceremony will take pla public principal We are exceedingly glad to the corrupt characters of the all the Comandantes of Police Atintic ce at the National Baseball and Pacific Gateways Li hear, improving satisfacto country would be interned and throughout the country rerily made to work.
Stadium in San Jose at mon and Puntarenas. will It is suggest. questing their co operation am. and will include a con meet in a contest.
test between the famed Mac It is also expected that the The much esteemed wife Arthur Team materially game will be full of thrills of Mr. Stephen Harris, the list for some days. It is our sition to mention that Miss reinforced, and the Craz from the earliest moment, young and popular emplo sincere hope that Mrs. Ha Ethlyn Booth, daughter of Blanca of Puntarenas. His as it is nown that the playee of the Stores Depart. rris will soon be enjoying our old Limonense Mr. PhiExcelleney the President of yers, who will be reinforcing ment of the Norther Raiher accustomed good health. lip Booth, satisfactorialy rethe Republic, Lic. don Te the MacArthurs, will be of way Company, is, we are covering from her impaired doro Picado, will it is ex the best from this city, sorry to learn, on the sick We are glad to be in a po health.
pected grace the occasion while many of those who with his presence and pitch will participate on the other the opening ball of the side, will be ex Limonenses, match who now reside in the CapiA very unusual amount of tal. Mena, Diplo) Brown enthusiasm is being evinced, and Vinici (Sherrier) are we are assured, in this, the mentioned Pitchers for first game of the Season, noi the Atlantic Team.
For Best Fit. What? Go to Clifford Steele PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR The People Tailor COM el ay be en Limón Trading Company as ht his Cor el to WELL DRESSED MA NOFFERS CHARM HERE IS YOUR MOST UP TO THE MINUTE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT AND CAT DESIGNING AND FURNISHING HOUSE Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER THE WELL KNOWN, WELL ESTABLISHED, WELL EXPERIENCED ALL RELIABLE, EXCELSIOR TAILOR CLIFFORD STEELE REMEMBER Now situated in an improved and convenient building In going to take the train and in coming from the train am in your way COMMERCE AVENUE, NEXT TO THE BRITISH VICE. CONSULATE AND AIRPLANE BOOKING OFFICE.
WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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